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Everything posted by kitten

  1. Do ya really want to???
  2. Blah blah blah... You have full control over your life. I don't want to listen to you bitch about a woman you don't even WANT to be with. Maybe she is good in bed - but so are many others - you should know Get over yourself & move on - your three months is up with this one.
  3. kitten


    Nasty Boys Where's all the love and purple dinos Dru that would be your cue
  4. kitten

    fat chicks . . .

    Hey baby - you headin' my way
  5. kitten

    fat chicks . . .

    could be, but in a cupple of years all of the bippy tarts will take up some other trendy activity and leave the climbers to their climbing Does that mean you will be leavin'?
  6. kitten

    fat chicks . . .

    oUCH That could hurt the wrong person. What is the funniest is when you see the little skinny man with the large big woman. And they both have a mollet
  7. I believe this is a normal feeling! It is work to keep a marriage together, stable, strong, and comfortable. It takes both parties and sometimes it is great and other times it is 'splitzville'. Josh - best of luck to you! My advice - take it or leave it! 1. Try to understand her even when she is being psycho - there is something underneath that she probably doesn't know how to explain. 2. Going through marriage counseling BEFORE the wedding is a great idea. I wish I would have done it - it would have been worth the time and money. If you are in the Seattle area - try gottman.com. 3. Don't listen to the single bastards on this thread. When you love someone - you will compromise, understand, accept, and LOVE them completely. It ain't easy or always fun - but very rewarding. CHEERS TO YOU MAN!!!
  8. kitten

    fat chicks . . .

    It probably depends on your personal definition of 'large woman'
  9. kitten

    fat chicks . . .

    OK - I admit I am already grossed out. Until you work in medicine - you don't know what FAT is.
  10. kitten

    fat chicks . . .

    It's all good as long as you can 'tuck and roll'
  11. kitten

    fat chicks . . .

    By the looks of thangs' - you ain't afraid of anything BIG
  12. kitten

    latest books read

    I may get bastardized for this - has anyone read the new "Harry Potter"???
  13. kitten


    you can get your dick shaped like a miata?!?! no way! I wouldn't be surprised if you could. There are many new biological advances - for the right amount - I would even help
  14. wow babe! retract them claws! Gotttchhaaa
  15. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. DO you EVER shut up?????
  16. kitten


    Looks like another penis enlargement
  17. EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW You just need stop right there man.
  18. That is just nasty! The fact that you would know
  19. Maybe you need to climb back into your cave and watch some Barney the big purple 'thing' might make you think on a more positive note.
  20. Dammit. I was wondering what happened to my D-Cell batteries in the drawer. 'chu got some expanin' todo'. Where's the love man! I was needn' em' last night.
  21. kitten

    latest books read

    How do you like "Tao of Pooh"? I thought it was funny and very interesting when applied to those around you
  22. kitten

    Blow me

    NO thanks - I am not a dirtbag or ho - just like attention
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