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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    Palin on FOX

    Palin is just another white trash loud mouth, maybe dressed a bit better.
  2. because they both are duchebags. these two fucks can speak, but don't differ from animals. I wish them slow and painful death.
  3. glassgowkiss


    New strategies, techniques, and tools are one thing, but in general all I usually ever ask for is at least a shred of 'take-off-the-blinders' honesty around there being nothing either arbitrary nor subjective about millions of bolts in stone. i think most people are completely honest about their efforts...i for one, have always expressed how long and hard i got beat down on a particular project before i managed it with no falls...shoot, alot of times, i couldn't even do all the moves... Likewise, its a well known fact that sharma will literally try one of his cutting edge projects over many many seasons... I don't think that's pope and dwayner's point...in fact, i don't much understand their point...they seem to not want people to do something that those people enjoy for some stupid reason... The point about honesty is about the 'advancement' of climbing didn't come at no cost, it involved the installation of millions of bolts which attracted hundreds of thousands of people to the sport out of which a very small pool of folks 'advanced' the sport. It's definitely a non-issue if you have no problem with the proliferation of bolts and climbers. what kind of elitist prick attitude is that. maybe because i climbed harder then you means you should not go to the areas i climb in? There is plenty of areas without bolts, just a bit of walking and imagination will guarantee your desired adventure.
  4. glassgowkiss


    just like your mom. no ike the rest of the fucking polocks and euros lurking out there what is polock? i thought english was my second language. if you are going to insult someone at least learn to spell it right. Go USA! [img:center]http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/large/moran-7512.jpg[/img]
  5. glassgowkiss


    wtf? what is almost flash? So you fell off, doged your way to the top (i assume you didn't lower leaving gear), went back and did it RP. so why are you dissing sportos, since you have done the exact same in the past? man, you are weak and tool at the same time. Actually what happened is....there's a nice stance where the crack gets a little wide. I placed a nut and weighted it slightly so that I could strip off some clothing. There was no falling or dogging, but it my mind it didn't quite count. you bet it did not count! . btw i remember you saying (on this bb) you did ROTS on-sight, but it turns out you were just (as usual)talking out of your ass.
  6. glassgowkiss


    just like your mom.
  7. glassgowkiss


    wtf? what is almost flash? So you fell off, doged your way to the top (i assume you didn't lower leaving gear), went back and did it RP. so why are you dissing sportos, since you have done the exact same in the past? man, you are weak and tool at the same time. and yes, the time have changed- people warm up on 11's. so you were and still are weak, pathetic wanker
  8. glassgowkiss


    " You have to worry about protection" Use trojan!
  9. glassgowkiss


    Hello friend. Your boy seems like a good sport, and a splendid climber. While you're living vicariously through his accomplishments, remember to keep a helmet on him. And please don't teach him to talk like a rap artist (like his dad). I don't think 5.13 is special unless you're climbing it in very good style. I suspect you've done a couple of these, but I doubt you do them any faster or in any better style than the next mediocre athlete (like I) could do. I've never done one, but I flashed Equinox on a top-rope, so I assume I could add a couple ofletter grades by adopting your strategies. Maybe I'm wrong. But I'm not really interested in knowing either. The point is, the traditional approach to mountaineering (rock, ice, whatever) requires everything the sport climber is doing and more. You have to worry about protection, about safety, about leading out on moves when the pro below you may be questionable and you don't know whether any good pro exists above. You have to worry about possibly getting a bolt in on lead, or maybe you just back off. One way or the other, the demands are higher, the adventure greater, the mess you leave is far smaller. Sport climbing? Virtually every requirement described in the previous paragraph is bypassed. You can spend days or weeks working one pitch, you can hang, yard, top-rope, whatever you want. I think Dwayner's point is accurate, which is that 5.13 isn't really that great a leap above hard 5.11 or 5.12, when so many of the requirements of traditional climbing are removed. It doesn't matter whether you've done one, or I've done one, or Dwayner's done one. If sport climbing tactics are employed, it's no greater accomplishment than climbing a 5.12 in good style. talking shit from a couch is easy. if 5.11 or 5.12 are in the same league as 5.13 why don't you get off your ass and try it for change. Rudy and I have tried it in the past and our experiences are quite different. Maybe you should eat a big "shut the fuck up sandwich", just a reminder T-A=0
  10. I am using Final Cut. I hate PCs, used them for years, but once bought my first Mac i never touched a PC. Final Cut Express is the best bang for a buck on a market. p.s. i am computer stupid (just ask my wife), but i can operate Mac. also the nice thing is if you buy it you'll have iMovie, basic- but might have you going.
  11. you could try Canon Vixia HF100 or such, much cheaper (also look into Panasonic HDC-TM300, which has a lot manual controls). I am also using a little p/s Lumix LX3, which shoots 720/24p. The only drawback is it doesn't have an external mic jack. BTW a new Panasonic AG-HMC40 costs about 1900 and also takes really good images. Also I like 720/60p setting, partially why the images look so crisp on the video. imo 24 makes things look choppy and I don't like the motion blurs.
  12. no, real lighting. beauty of short days, sun low on a horizon and desert dust. I used JVC GY-HM100 camera, filmed in XDCAM 35mb/sec
  13. some 11d. combined age of the climbers is 155 years.
  14. No need for rifle, just some warm weather. I witnessed a collapse a couple of years ago, there was a stalactite about 50-60ft in length- took out entire slope. There were 2 bigger left hanging and we saw a party going to the set up a toprope- we left in a hurry not to witness mangling of the bodies.
  15. Climb at your own risk- I think Guy would agree. There is no reason to blame anyone, being in the mountains is risky. Just a case of wrong place at the wrong time. BTW there was usually one or two fatalities during Paris Dakar rally- just know what you are getting into. Of course it hurts and sucks to see your friend die, but Guy knew the risks.
  16. Was in and relatively dry. Better Mouse Trap was also in, although a bit thin in places. Looked like a lot of ice around Hope, even with rain it should be OK there tomorrow. It was below freezing all day. There are 2 ablakov's for 70m raps on Mouse Trap bottom ice.
  17. 25-MERGE-926571-MERGE- Merged with similar topic in the Ice Climbing Forum
  18. Looks like a small slide took him down and tossed him over some cliffs.
  19. Will Gadd: Guy Lacelle died in an avalanche today in Bozeman. He was a good man. We were going to Japan together this winter, I'm really sorry we won't get to do that trip 'cause it would have been fun. So many Guy memories, but most of all he was a good human I was proud to know and climb with.
  20. I saw Pan Dome a week ago and it was in climbable, but with no pro. A lot of what you see is some thin ice over the snow.
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