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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Not true at all: Michael Reardon is also recent casualty. I can also think Jimmy Jewel (GB) off the top of my head. Oh, how about Lafaille as far as alpine goes?
  2. glassgowkiss


    mods, pls move this to spray.
  3. "More than three years ago, Congress rewarded Wall Street with the biggest taxpayer bailout in the history of the world. Simultaneously but unknown to the American people at the time, the Federal Reserve provided an even larger bailout. The details of what the Fed did were kept secret until a provision in the Dodd-Frank Act that I sponsored required the Government Accountability Office to audit the Fed's lending programs during the financial crisis. As a result of this audit, the American people have learned that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in low-interest loans to every major financial institution in this country, huge foreign banks, multi-national corporations, and some of the wealthiest people in the world. In other words, when Wall Street was on the verge of collapse, the federal government acted boldly, aggressively, and with a fierce sense of urgency to save our financial system from collapse with no strings attached." Source
  4. "More than three years ago, Congress rewarded Wall Street with the biggest taxpayer bailout in the history of the world. Simultaneously but unknown to the American people at the time, the Federal Reserve provided an even larger bailout. The details of what the Fed did were kept secret until a provision in the Dodd-Frank Act that I sponsored required the Government Accountability Office to audit the Fed's lending programs during the financial crisis. As a result of this audit, the American people have learned that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in low-interest loans to every major financial institution in this country, huge foreign banks, multi-national corporations, and some of the wealthiest people in the world. In other words, when Wall Street was on the verge of collapse, the federal government acted boldly, aggressively, and with a fierce sense of urgency to save our financial system from collapse with no strings attached."
  5. response Yes and the right way (according to you and other tea bagging ass clowns) to get out of this jam, is to cut education. Let's particularly cut college and community college funding, so people can't afford to get decent education. BTW US is leading in one category- post college debt per student. What is soft is congress, which lost any vision of problem solving.
  6. Cantor The detachment from the reality is quite obvious. it's going to be a tad harder sucking corporate cock Mr Cantor? yes, you see- instead of smoking corporate pole and have your eyes shut by a big corporate jizz shpunk you should have been reading some history books. You see, when people have nothing to lose they become desperate and unpredictable.
  7. That's what you call republifuck "originality"- just another dumbfuck behind the keyboard. Don't you have some shitters to clean?
  8. now where did I advocate contingent care and unequal benefits? Can you point exactly to my suggestion? My point is that insurance companies and teabaggers like yourself were against, were against single payer and spread lies about rationing of the healthcare. While fix it all free marker was supposed to guarantee the utopia of this perfect healthcare system for ever. No sooner then 2 years after, you can't get some life saving medications, because they don't provide high enough profit margins. Sounds like rationing to me. But you are just too plain fucking dumb to put the two and two together. You might pretend like you are someone else, but you are just anther dumb califuckingfornian lacking logic and ability to think. now get rad and stoked bro-bra.
  9. No, let's have heroin dealers selling the baggies on a street corner- and if people want to eat "whatever they want" then they should be prepared to pay for their health to the extend "whatever it takes". But please exclude me from this circle jerk. And btw why should it be up to the public vote- it's obvious that with 70% overweight and 40% morbid obesity vast majority of people don't know squat how to feed themselves.
  10. yes, particularly soft are the pansy-ass ass-clowns crying about raising taxes on millionaires and corporations.
  11. And this another issue. I don't think any healthcare system will ever work here, unless you start regulating food industry with a heavy hand: that includes use of hormones, gm foods and school lunches. in 2004 Group Health study showed that an average teen in the US consumed 1200 calories in the form of soft drink a day. The most served food in a cafeteria is a pizza and french fries. No wonder kids of age 9 or 10 have cholesterol above 250. And the answer of AMA is to start prescribing Lipitor.
  12. Well, the mechanics are pretty simple, a lot of the generics and older drugs have lower pricing, making them less profitable. So assholes at the top of Phizer decide to ditch less profitable production and increase production of viagra or other shit like that, as they can charge a top dollar for a boner. But this was the argument against single payer- it will lead to rationing of services and pharmaceuticals. OK, some get saved, some don't. And your example is very true and accurate. But even you have to admit something like diabetes is an easily treatable condition and such person should not have an infected wound in the first place, don't you think? So yes, at the tail end patient X get the same care as insured patient Y, but the over all quality of care is not the same as a whole. And insured patient would be much less likely to end up in the ER. He/she would not be treated by hospitalist, infectious disease specialist, vascular surgeon, and nephrologist in the first place. And like Frank said "this is the crux of the biscuit".
  13. glassgowkiss

    Soccer fans

    Like you can take anyone seriously on this forum? I think we should pay real close attention to assclowns like KKK or Shitfeather!
  14. Not entire true: "Researchers from Harvard Medical School say the lack of coverage can be tied to about 45,000 deaths a year in the United States ". Source here: Full text To put it into the perspective it is a larger number then yearly death toll from mva's (about 42K/year). Can I ask you also- to what capacity are you working in the hospital and which hospital are you working in? The topic of this was drug rationing due to lack of production. Fear of rationing was the fear argument used by republifucks and opponents of a single payer system. However is is a current reality, and not caused by financial shortages, but greed of pharmaceutical corporations.
  15. The point is that you are a clueless fuck, that talks about a subject you have zero knowledge of.
  16. If youy don't have the means to pay, a hospital has the right to refuse the admission. I think you are indeed very confused on how healthcare works and how it is structured. ER will not turn down a patient, but they also do emergency care only. So say you are uninsured and diagnosed with cancer (or any long term illness)- you are fucked. In case they will agree to taking you- you ill have to guarantee the re-payment of the bill- in writing. It is possible in this case the mother of the mentioned guy was the guarantor of the bill see above, but it's obvious to me you don't even have a clue how things work in a hospital or healthcare in general.
  17. speed's bad, the even worse.
  18. Please elaborate. r u THAT stupid or u just pretend to be? You call me stupid (why the personal attacks?) and you write like you are texting..... If you need me to spell it out. Please post the quote you are referring too. "I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my Number One consideration;" "....As it turns out, Paul was not speaking purely in hypotheticals. Back in 2008, Kent Snyder — Paul's former campaign chairman — died of complications from pneumonia. Like the man in Blitzer's example, the 49-year-old Snyder...was relatively young and seemingly healthy when the illness struck. He was also uninsured. [The Kansas City Star quoted his sister at the time as saying that a "a pre-existing condition made the premiums too expensive."] When he died on June 26, 2008, two weeks after Paul withdrew his first bid for the presidency, his hospital costs amounted to $400,000. The bill was handed to Snyder's surviving mother (pictured, left), who was incapable of paying. Friends launched a website to solicit donations. full text
  19. Please elaborate. r u THAT stupid or u just pretend to be?
  20. Yeah, you are right. BTW I would like to see ethics investigation into Ron Paul statement. The best thing would be, is to strip him off his medical license for ethics violation.
  21. this is what happens when healthcare is for profit.
  22. "Remember when teachers, Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of 401K's, took trillions in taxpayer funded bailouts, spilled oil in the Golf of Mexico, gave themselves billions in bonuses and payed no taxes? Yeah, me neither."
  23. would be funny if it wasn't sad- like 50% of this country you are too dumb to put 2 and 2 together.
  24. I am glad, I am not the only one with such opinion. The funny thing is how many people who supported deregulation were dry-tooled in the process (I mean not even spit for extra friction) and still keep repeating the same old drivel. Just the same unproven drivel, that lower taxes create jobs. No they don't- they destroy jobs.
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