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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. like all the other secret shit every administration, republican or democrat, is doing in our name, we only occasionally catch wind of it - our relationship w/ iran is so deeply poisoned, and plenty through our own foolishness, i've not the first clue how to go about fixing it... It's a pity 'cos I think Iran would be a way cool place to visit. Maybe someone could just off Ahmanutajob? Yes, things would be different if people here had a fucking clue about that part of the world in the first place. Like people there don't like to be called iranians, but Persians, they don't speak arabic, but Farsi. Now you see what stupidity leads to, that is why Romney was a wrong person for international affairs. but hey wtf do you know, you are from california...
  2. I need to learn spanish quick. every day there are 50K hispanics turning 18! Any ideas?
  3. mormon undies I am sure if elected, we would have been forced to wear them.
  4. See, this is a problem. I don't care what these people believe. We need only look at the very recent past to see that deregulation, privatization, austerity, demonizing pubic works, programs, and workers (all Libertarian initiatives) have and continue to be a disaster. How can this possibly be news to anyone? At the core of the issue are the dreams of making it big. while joe the plumber was making 23K a year and had his house in a foreclosure, he was worrying what's going to happen, when he earns 250K. Stupid fuck doesn't even see, he has no chance in hell to make that additional 172K.
  5. BTW, blaming executive branch for debit is like blaming your bank for credit card debt.
  6. With his mood, you'd think Romney won and the R's got a supermajority in the senate. Then again, some people just seem to revel in negativity and unhappiness. I think presidential election was not as important as house and senate races.
  7. tvash, you are too quick with your keyboard, like I stated, the comment was to KKK.
  8. sorry, my comment was to KKK
  9. yes, you predicted, two things- jack and shit ( and jack left town). The point is that Virginia changed and now it is an extended suburb of DC. Plus it is one of the fastest growing latino population. Which means that state was never even a contest. With your anti-immigrant banter you republicans are fucking yourself up the ass without vaseline and don't even know it. There is 50K latinos turning 18 every day, by far this is the single fastest growing population. Do you think you'll even have a chance in 5-8 years?
  10. Oh my, you were so right fucking on- as usual.
  11. glassgowkiss


    rumors, not rumors, but Romney is a mexican drug lord, financing his campaign through drug from chinese/iranian offshore accounts. And on the top of that he has 3 wives.
  12. Good one Matt. However the new crop of routes in Squamish have pretty stiff ratings (like The White Feather, or other routes on North side)
  13. [video:youtube]hcQIOFq8JXY
  14. all these polls are wrong! the main issue is that latinos are very poorly sampled and they will decide the outcome of this election. That is why republidumbs fucked themselves in the ass, by running on anti-immigration platform.
  15. WTF is this nostalgia bullshit? Reagan was a good guy, now even Bush Junior was not so bad. I even heard some deepshit spewing, how Bush "had a plan", when he took office. An asshole is an asshole, regardless how long ago they did their deeds. Sorry, eat less butter. WTF, now everyone has a common amnesia? Even some republican puke was saying how great Bill Clinton was as a president. Bullshit I'd say, since your party tried to oust him because of a blow job?
  16. So the headlines state all over Ondra did two 9a (14d) routes in RRG. In the meantime the mentioned ascensions downrated them to 8c+ (one soft, one hard) 14c. So why are the media still writing 9a OS, since they look like overrated ? BTW- friggin amazing regardless of the grade question.
  17. I am sure you pretty much described yourself, with the rest of 95% of retards. Thanks for making the job easy.
  18. glassgowkiss


    Now that's some funny shit! no -your mom is some funny shit! you, on another hand, are just another wanker.
  19. glassgowkiss


    No, this is you, who has hard time with reality. but what's new?
  20. glassgowkiss


    Hacking into accounts is a real issue. It's an issue about desperation and creating perception of support, while there is none. The whole campaign is just one continues lie, like Ryan running a marathon sub 3 hours. Like going to a factory, which receives stimulus money, hired workers with it and saying flat out, that there was benefit to the stimulus. It's the same lie, used to criticize administration for security laps in Bengazi, while voting to gut the funding for security improvements in consulates.
  21. glassgowkiss


    Pretty big balls to accuse a former president of AAC of lying. whatever wanker.... Nobody said anything about lying, dipshit. Yes, you did. You are disputing factuality of Steve's statement, so you are de facto accusing him of lying.
  22. glassgowkiss


    Pretty big balls to accuse a former president of AAC of lying. whatever wanker....
  23. glassgowkiss


    No, not out my ass. Swenson have been traveling in Europe and India- he didn't even log in to his FB account for almost 5 weeks. Somehow it shows last week he "likes" Mitt Romney- the only activity in the past 5 weeks! The same happened to Ian Yurdin a few weeks earlier. And yes, I am not showing content of my personal email exchange with neither, but these are 2 confirmed and named sources of my info, so as usual KKK YOU are full of shit. BTW, if you have read the whole motherjones link you'd find this: "Bill Pennington, an internet security expert, suggested the phantom likes could be the result of "clickjacking," in this case hiding a Romney ad behind an unrelated ad, which would result in a Romney like."
  24. glassgowkiss


    Why does it bother you so much? They said the same shit about Obama in 2008 and he won anyways. Why would it work 4 years later when it failed previously? It will not. do you think it's over? wtf- are you THIS stupid? the campaign is so desperate, they hack into FB accounts, so "like" Mitt Romney shows up everywhere. Like they did with a pretty high profile climber- Steve Swenson- name rings the bell?
  25. glassgowkiss


    so many sheep, so little time.....
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