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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Then again, hell might freeze over too... I am not sure how many times hell has frozen over but it has happened enough times on the rock to make a glacier. Slab and off-hands and offwidths with no hand holds and bad weather are great equalizers for starters. Start with Pipeline free solo, go to Unfunished Symphony, then to left side of Split Pillar, then the locals can give more suggestions. Squamish can represent. what represents Squamish is Cobra Crack and climbs of the new generation done by Stanhope and crew. your list is for an average upper end weekend climber.
  2. There was also a study showing 100% link to obesity and autism. I don't have time to look at this now, but there was a study as well showing omega3 deficiency and autism. I think it will be a complex issue related to diet, physical health of the mother, genes and environment, combined. It's the same as they are looking at autoimmune issues now as a complex problem compounding multiple aspects, no silver bullet solution. Hence one less reason to dish out pretty much ineffective and potentially harmful injections for flu.
  3. you don't have to search far- case and point: vioxx. "The study, an analysis of a database of 1.4 million Kaiser Permanente members, found that those who took Vioxx were more likely to suffer a heart attack or sudden cardiac death than those who took Celebrex, Vioxx's main rival. Based on their findings, Graham and his collaborators linked Vioxx to more than 27,000 heart attacks or sudden cardiac deaths nationwide from the time it came on the market in 1999 through 2003." Mekr knew this even during the trials, but were hiding these facts during the approval process.
  4. you crack me up look at the statistics: (from 2010 census) Hispanic population in the US- 50.5 million (http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-04.pdf'>http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-04.pdf) Projected population in 2050: 132.8 million (http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/2010_census/cb11-cn146.html) 43% increase in hispanic population between 2000 and 2010. http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-04.pdf "The number of non-Hispanic white women of child-bearing age has dropped 6% since 2000, and they're not having having enough children to keep that population from dropping eventually. Fertility has declined among blacks, too, resulting in a 2.3% drop in black children during the same period. A recent Census survey shows that white women are more likely to be childless than other groups and that black women are more likely to be childless than Hispanics." (from here
  5. The last four years I declined getting vaccinated despite significant pressure from the organization to get it; they can't legally force you to do it as far as I'm aware. You are correct- legally they can't force you, however in practical terms they will make your job impossible to perform in a lot of cases. They do it by requiring a mask.
  6. Prole, I think demographics is shifting, that is a fact. Now we can argue how it effects elections, but the fact remains that baby boomers are getting older and vast majority of births are in latino households.
  7. There is science and there is a pseudo-science, and if you look in medical field there is plenty of the later and less of the first. And how scientifically can you explain the need for anti-influenza mass vaccination? Science shows no effect on frequency of infections and on mortality rates.
  8. I think people who are sane in GOP are a MINORITY! I predict both chambers having democratic majority after mid-terms due to stupidity of GOP, not some greatness on the part of democrats.
  9. 3 years ago I went 3 times to my physician, about feeling tired and having cyclical abdominal pain. He suggested I have elevated blood sugar levels, and wanted to prescribe statins and anti-depressants! It turned out at the end I was suffering from chronic appendicitis (for which his meds would do fuck all, except give me muscle cramps and muscle pain)! Fuck, if he just listened to what I was saying I could have taken 2 weeks of antibiotics instead of having emergency appendectomy with a price tag of 20K. Guess what- also my blood sugar returned to normal as well. No I take their advice, but I make decisions myself. In vast majority of cases of injuries I see daily, I would say physicians are about 25% right. In 75% they provide a bad advice.
  10. Every medication has side effects. In some cases simply the benefits outweigh the risks, but even NSAID's (which includes iso-butyl-propanoic-phenolic acid) contains serious risks with use.
  11. Contrary to your statement, this is no longer the case, even in B.C. Every hospital or clinic in WA and B.C requires you to get vaccinated agains influenza, or wear a mask. That includes staff, that doesn't have any contact with my patient (like my wife, who works as a UC). Mask makes it impractical for contacts with patients and is next to impossible to be used in conjunction with a phone receiver. So in reality people in these facilities have no choice, but get vaccinated. Your statement does not reflect the reality on the ground.
  12. i will not sit idly by while you talk to my little brother like that, you, you... polish person. polish some taint......
  13. Max, we also have 180K/year dying because of prescription drug related complications. Also remember, that some of the post-op infections are due to mutations caused by overprescription of anti-biotics. Things are not that simple as you state. In discussed case of influenza vaccines, there are other issues at hand. Like almost all hospitals and clinics require their staff to get them, or wear a mask. If you looked at the articles provided earlier, there is absolutely zero evidence in decreased risk of transmissions or decreased risks of mortality provided by this type of "preventive method". So why are people forced to subject themselves to potentially harmful and useless treatments? The answer is simple- just N1H1 vaccination cost public health 9 billion dollars. So it is big business, and we are not talking cancer therapies. As the matter of fact, there are shortages of some older cancer medication, anti-seizure meds, crap- even propofol is in short supply!- something EVERY Er and ICU uses several times a day. Why? it's not like they are not needed, but because margins are better when you produce Viagra or other designer drugs. So on one hand we have loonies like Rob, but also on the other hand we have a serious issue, which you seem not really grasp as well.
  14. If you are done sucking each other off in the public, let's return to our regularly scheduled program of bashing pharmaceuticals.
  15. OK, one more reason tom avoid injections like that are trace amounts of mercury due to storage process. That reason alone should give people time to pause and think twice about side effects, particularly when it deals with children. Once introduced, mercury can't be removed out of the system.
  16. Also interesting in this article is the effect of vitamin D and solar radiation effect. Just taking vitamin D decreased rate of infection among the participants, which just proves my earlier point. Flu shots is a business driven industry, essentially snake oil sold under pretend of "public health". And we are talking "public health" the rate of deaths related to influenza is insignificant to the number of deaths caused by obesity related issues (CVA and MI).
  17. I took the time to translate some the above through a few different languages and then back into English. I makes just as much sense: "It started operations in all of our products, Ivan, I woke up in a box wizard. It happened again. Dizziness, (but as usual, he did not do), and beating Ivan him around the stem to feel better, I feel that I have. Burning Heart, full of energy, it is not a little heart! Immediately he called his beloved against the will of Mormon. According to Ivan million years or power more dirt (more or less) is as before. Debris was unique. Sometimes a little bit, but he was charismatic ... Insensitive. Ivan called for more urgent matters. Garbage Collection Ivan was very nervous. Indonesian garbage calm him before mating cats that Satan trembles, but the squirrels usually after mating explosives * sigh transmitted diseases. What kind of people do not realize is Ivan selling property only. Why try to divert waste Ivan? Since there were only 11 days before Ivan, he survived an ax-like. It was a little difficult with the ice pick ... How could I resist? The Ivan almost certain that it was long after the return. Leave. Relunctantly garbage called him, and he'll be sure to find an ax. Swing Ivan grabbed him and he was gone. I had a problem hanging up in the garbage. Safe place to cover the pit. Ivan painted in a fresh and sweet Pimp "Luck, the next Ivan will take at least seven minutes. Hiking boots: How you get abnormally bent the garbage." Now this is some funny shit.
  18. On the contrary, usually health care workers and teachers have better immune systems, because they are exposed to all sorts of pathogens. As the matter of fact something like 85% of healthcare workers will test positive for MRSA, however the cases of developing symptoms among them are rare. So on contrary to the bullshit you and pharmaceutical companies are spreading, good sleep, stress management, proper nutrition, and frequent washing hands is your best defense against pathogens.
  19. If someone wanted to fuck you for free, would you also say- why not? It really blows my mind how many people let medical establishment experiment on them without one question.
  20. I just did FA/FWA WI7, M15, plus two 5.14d pitch route up on fiscal cliff.
  21. Influenza virus mutates faster then the vaccine can be created.
  22. Sounds like a job for climbers. As a climber I would like to see it up close. IMO a great way just to reset the economic clock to the 90's, when things were more sustainable.
  23. unless the system collapses, which usually happens when it gets too top heavy.
  24. i think one big part of the problem is the two party winner take all system we have. I think the problem is 2 party system- I feel like nobody represents my needs. I think with over 300 million people here, and such diverse culture it's silly we only have to main stream choices.
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