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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Ivans got it. I don't know what you thought you read that brought that tirade off but I was pointing that specifically at Kev who will NEVER get a flu shot. Do the research and what we believe was huge death toll from the horror of WW1 was quietly equlipsed in a shorter time by teh Flu pandemic. Again, it's a simpleton explanation, which doesn't take into consideration a huge number of factors. Like for one- general hygiene, second - nutrition. I was born near the area where the front line was stationed for 2 years. My grandfather remembered the fighting, he actually participated a couple of years later in (completely unknown here, in the US) war between Poland and Soviet Union in 1919/20. During that time hunger and malnutrition were rampart. Add bad sanitation and you have a perfect storm for pandemic. Would it be possible without the war? Probably not- so, it was related to war and general lack of knowledge.
  2. How many people died during WW1 due to simple bacterial infections, because surgical instruments were not sterilized? How many died due to shock, because there was no anesthetic procedures? Your question is completely moronic and more importantly irrelevant. I think our knowledge about microbiology have advanced in the last 100 years, don't you think. At the time of WW1 people were also dying from typhoid. All we had to do to stop that was to wash our hands after taking a shit. Gee, get a clue...
  3. Again, the ignorance is palpable in the attempt to tie the two issues. You keep just saying about ignorance on my part, yet somehow this is where your argument ends. I asked you directly- what are the health risks for a healthy adult associated with contracting flu, and what are the chances of developing long term complications from this illness by a healthy adult? Please be specific. My point is that we do not know long term effects on things like mutations of these strands. The same way as antibiotics helped to create necrotizing cellulitis, necrotizing faciatis and a whole slew of other fun infections. Are the antibiotics bad? I am not saying that. What is bad was overprescription for mostly viral infections. And for the ending argument- ignorance is having 70% of adults overweight or obese and not doing anything about it. It's not a flu that kills millions a year, it's a cardiovascular disease that kills millions a year. Somehow it's OK, let's panic about the flu.
  4. Joseph, you can't vaccinate your way out of this. If overprescription of antibiotics in the 70's and 80's, this brings the "don't fuck with nature" to a whole different level.
  5. Ask your doctor. Ask someone at whatever place administers the flu vaccine nearest to you. wrong, pharmacists know more about medications and vaccinations then MD's. So actually, if you want some answers talk to people who know.
  6. It's hard to overstate just how profoundly ignorant that statement is. Name long term effects in healthy people, if you are so enlighten. I can name a few from obesity. N1H1 had about 300 fatalities, about 1500 had long term complications. Now, there are about 2 million 500 thousand deaths related to obesity every year. Any questions. Profit or non-profit, the vaccines themselves have little to nothing to do with the problems of which we've created in the industry. Throwing them under your bus is less than helpful. The problem is that science is not behind flu vaccines. Contrary to what you are saying I am listening to the science. The results clearly shows, that on average the flu vaccines do not prevent transmissions of infections, neither they prevent the illness itself. So what the industry is selling is essentially a snake oil, financed by tax payers in a form of 9 billion a year. If there are vaccines preventing flu, I will be the first one to get it. So what is tossed under the bus is science, and what is fueling this is profit. BTW, I have more skin in the game, compared with 95% of posters here, since I treat people hands on in a closed room.
  7. It's hard to overstate just how profoundly ignorant that statement is. Name long term effects in healthy people, if you are so enlighten. I can name a few from obesity. N1H1 had about 300 fatalities, about 1500 had long term complications. Now, there are about 2 million 500 thousand deaths related to obesity every year. Any questions.
  8. Gun owner should be required to keep liability insurance, so the tax payers are not constantly stiffed with bills for gun violence. The same as car owners are required for driving cars.
  9. what does freedom of speech has to do with guns? In your case, we can narrow it down to one word- moron.
  10. red herring anti-guns people repeatedly claim that use of a gun in defense very rarely happens and if it is tried, it is very risky and likely to fail. GGK: bugger off, you are on permanent ignore because it rarely does. These are usually isolated incidents. In 32 000 gun related deaths per year, how many are "self defense" ?
  11. NRA is better then soviets with their propaganda. I am sure this is a vast majority scenario in all 32K deaths per year. What a horseshit.
  12. Yes, no wonder how shitty our profit oriented healthcare is. We are spending 9 billion $$$ per year on stupid vaccinations, for something that for 99.9% of population has zero long term effects. Yippee, we are #16 in the world, pretty much behind every developed country. #16
  13. I am sure, when he will start paying russian mob "protection money" it will not be much cheaper, then living in Paris.
  14. You and TTK were finally successful in driving him away. are you sad, you can't shpunk a shellac syrup load into his gob?
  15. As typical republifuck brainwashed buttfuck you can only point out the least important? Having 2 live televised wars waged by your beloved conservatives and seeing people blown up to pieces live on TV is of course an American thing to do and has nothing to do with the problem.
  16. with pretty much 95% of people in this country living above their means, paying more and spending less is wise thing to do.
  17. Dru morphed, but where is Trask?
  18. I am from Montana. Come down and debate with the locals. Don't come unarmed. Now that I'm off Banination for my poo-poo mouth: My favorite post! Come armed to the debate about gun control because the people with the guns will kill you with their guns! Awesome! I guess the people from Montana are "psycho-puke-fuckheaded retard". I'll let the ranchers and farmers who hunt with guns and ammunition locked in safes know how you feel. They don'e want psycho-puke-fuckheaded retards to change the way they use guns responsibly. Responsibly shooting road signs.
  19. The problem is the blood supply to the back of the heel area- which is minimal. Second, when you have Calcaneus slamming into Talus, nobody can really tell you how much the surfaces covered with cartilage suffered. Judging by your description- a lot. You know I have worked in rehab for the past 14 years and it still makes me lough, when people say: "Oh, I don't have time for this". I would advise not to do any weight bearing exercises till the pain is completely gone. You can probably do some swimming and stationary bike. However I would recommend making plans to deal with arthritic changes as soon as possible. Subtalar fusion works like a charm, when done right. I think you should focus on maybe adding some high doses of glucosamine. As far as recovery time you are looking at 6-12 months.
  20. Yes, this is what is happening if you don't have a functioning government. So all the teabag party bullshit will lead to Somalia at the end. Doesn't sound like fucking american dream to me, more like a nightmare.
  21. In the wake of the shooting- NRA American Dream- cop on every street corner and in every school. Sounds like total freedom to me.
  22. These fractures usually get fused. Slamming Talus like that will cause the subtallar joint to go arthritic. It's just a matter of time.
  23. kids should be required to buy a kevlar backpacks, and teachers should carry assault rifles in the classroom.
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