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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. hey tlg, what's you body fat ratio?
  2. tlg you have too much time on your hands. do you also check your shit for fiber daily?
  3. D. Rumsfeld:" there is many unknowns in iraq- even those unknowns we don't know about" best picture- sign in fron of the church- "church of big wood", Big Wood OR. I want to be a priest there and only 19- 21 chicks can go for sunday worship
  4. it's quite clear to me people in this country don't have understanding of usage of word "cunt". it was used by sex pistols in public in 1977, during a tv interview. check a documentary "the filth and the furry".
  5. all i can say to this: FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING CUNT just for once put yourself into their shoes. first of all we are talking about migrant workers. they don't live in this country. they work their balls off 12 to 18 hours a day. try to sit in the classroom after a day like that and see how much english can you learn before you fall asleep. majority of latinos who live in the us speak english and quite well. why don't you start complaining about non-english signs in chinatown in sf? what about italian stores in nj and ny? on this token fuck us soldiers and their families in germany- german only. fuck all- ban all the ball caps in europe. and fat american asrseholes. actually this post pissed me off so much i'll add some more venom spew. why don't we kick all the fucking mcdonalds, bugar-fucking kings, starbucks back to the us out of europe. why don't european countries stop buying hormon staurated gm food produced in the us? why don't we bring visas back? and charge $100 wether you're granted en entry or not (so called processing fee). people in this country are so "worldly" that in WA state 90% did't know who the president of Mexico is. 75% didn't know who prime minister of canada is!!!!in the same survey 60% said toronto was the capitol of canada! so suomi, how many counties did you actually live in? i don't mean visit, i mean live. now you're on my shitlist
  6. hey sphinks, you're right. same with italians or irish in NY. same with Poles in Chicago. same with russians. that's very natural - you tend to stick to what's familiar (even if it's shitty). It's kind of strange to me when people in this country tend to think they are the center of the universe
  7. Iran - No, I don't support religious states. NK - No, don't like communism or Kim Il Jong. Looks like i've made enemies.. Bugger. don't take it personal- i am just pointing facts. i am also sad to say that this country IS changing into religious state- under Mr. shrub- and his buddy asscraft. this wasp mentality of christian right- if you're not with us you're against us is just down right scary. so it's pissing me off when people take on this redneck like attitude. yeah, in the ideal situation these people would be able to learn english. in they ideal situation they wouldn't have to go to another country and shove shit for living, because their own goverment is too fucked up to make things right. In this statement i am not blaming us goverment for directly creating the situation. these people are not overriding this country, they are not forcing their views onto others. they simply are trying to get by. so the redneck from wall mart should be bitch slaped a couple of times for a good measure.
  8. I understand that, but it don't like what it represents. (More govt docs will be bilingual) That's why I included that 'damn capitalists' comment. Call me xenolinguaphobic. I'm a language nut (want to be quadralingual), but I want to perserve English in the States. Unless we're being taken over by Spanish speakers militarily, I don't want to see an outsider's language taking over. WTF????!!!! you're getting on my nerves too. so here is the situation - majority of these people don't live in this country. they are migrant workers. theu stay here from 3 to 6 months out of the year. they send every penny to their famillies. they usually work between 12 and 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. they usually work on a farm, away from english speaking people. how the fuck are they supposed to learn english you dolt? they work hard so you can enjoy your 1.99/lbs of strawbarries. what it represents is simple- there is a large group of folks, who can speak limmited english. so some people figure out, that if they have a spanish button, they can cservice that group better, hence make more money. so if you don't want social change fucking move to iran or north korea- i am sure you'll enjoy your political and social stability. othe wise shut your gob you fucking cunt
  9. didn't you make a connection between the language-ethnicity and cuture? the language is a part of the culture. Language IS a way of thinking. so where is the problem? wallmart is a private enterprise. if they want make it easier for their customers to purchase products- more power to them. most atm in Poland had polish, german and engish as choices of english. if you go to vancouver bc a lot of places will have spanish or cantoneese? simply they are trying to bring more customers.
  10. 8th of July. need a ride from bellingham to seattle after the 4th of july weekend. don't want to leave my car in seattle for 2 months. any takers?
  11. i think i am moving to vegas to hunt for some milf. this town sucks.....
  12. Wrong! Tolerance my ass! If I was moving to Poland, I better damn well learn Polish to survive. I'm not gonna expect everything to be in English as well as Polish just to appease me. Gives me no incentive or need to learn the native language if everything's fuckin bilingual. That's the issue. I don't expect them to come to America speaking perfect English, but they should make an effort to learn the established language (like every other immigrant that came before them). It's different now. Back in the old days, you had to learn English or be fucked to live in the US. Now, we have all this bilingual shit. Who here still speaks German and Irish? I was at the INS and I swear to God, everything was in Spanish! You had to search for English. This is a fuckin govt building! hey kiwi fuck stick. i was in poland and slovakia in october. wake up and smell the roses. you can spot americans miles away in these countries- because you're always lost. luckly people will go out of their way to help strangers- the only reason you can get by, since the knowlege of other languages on this side of the pond is close to zilch. did your little wasp brain ever noticed that spanish is actually spoken in whole south/central america, spain phillipines and few other places. that leaves us/canada in the minority. and maybe if you haven't red recent census results in california blacks/spanics and asians are the MAJORITY. yeas, whites are under 50%. and maybe if you'd read some history you'd know that california used to be in mexico. so take your crying punkass biatch attitude and shove it up your ass white boy.
  13. the masin topic of the conversation was MILF and hummers. we need more of them
  14. in search of a MILF with a hummer- any ideas?
  15. http://www.yosemitenews.net/weather.html
  16. fuck dustin don't do it!!!! get yourself a pair of scarpa alpha and fit them with intuition liners. boots are lighter then leather, warmer then arctis expedition and climb way, way better. plus you can ski really easy with short skis and AT setup. oh yea- you have to lace them only once- quite nice on cold mornings! if you go really high get them sportiva with overboots, but they are rather heavy and cost more then a pound of heroin brown.
  17. one of the best shorter routes i have climbed there is "Milk Run". you can A0 through the 2 bolt face traverse ( 11d) and then the rest is 10c. I would say as good as Split Pillar without the crowds
  18. saw Leighton seting up his mad-max wheel chair he'll be at "Da Beaver" on wed. I think he needs large dose of alcohol to speed up his recovery. I am walking straight from werk aboot 20:30. so all of u hosers be there, e? (for all non-canadians it translates show up about 8:30 pm!)
  19. as of now Krzysztof Liszewski did not return from his summit attempt on Everest (no oxygen). Krzysztof was last seen on the summit ridge going towards the top on May 22. The weather was foggy and windy. He was climbing with Adrian Nature, an american-romanian climber. The note did not specify the fate of Adrian. Liszewski (55) was from Lodz, Poland. He was a very acomplished climber and it was his third attempt on Everest. Piotr Pustelnik summited on Manaslu. It was his 13th 8000meater peak (GII twice). Two mountains left to finish the list of 14 peaks are Broad Peak and Annapurna. He was acompanied by Krzysztof Tarasewicz- it was his third 8000-er. Pustelnik suffered from frostbite (his fingers). Looks like Everest is kind of unlucky for polish climbers. In 1999 Tadeusz Kundelski was lost on the South side route. 10 years earlier a group of 4 (Chrobak, Heinrich, Dasal and Gardzielewski) were killed by an avalanche in that area. Yet another little note: in the most recent National Geografic there is a lot of information on Everest. This was inspired by the 50th anniversary of the first ascent. In the "comprehensive" review of the "firsts" NG somehow "overlooked" the fact of the first winter ascent. There is a mention on the first without oxygen, first ski descent, first ascent by a blind man and so on. I find it rather fucking frustrating. This review will be used in the future for any historical reseach by millions of people. This "omission" shows complete disrespect to Polish climbing community by NG.
  20. i think italian alps kick ass. aosta valley has a bunch of longer rock (granite) routes. Grand Capucin, Fou, Agille de Blatier- some killer rock routes. West face of Dru- Dirrecte Americane (go all the way instead only to the Bloque). Stick rather to rock in the summer- you'll live longer. With a recent warming trends some of the classic mixed/ snow/ ice routes in the middle of the summer might be hazardous to your health. Courmayer is much cooler hang then Chamonix. For less traveled areas i would recommend Pitz Badille on the border of Italy and Switzerland. For Chaminix area the guide to use is one by Piola. Consider going to the Dolomites. Free camping on the meadows below the towers, good wine and A LOT of good rock climbing. on the weather days go craging. hope it helps
  21. as a good canadian you should ask yourself: what would brian boytano do? place this
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