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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. so where the fuck are we meeeting? do we really need 2 pages of spew and no decission? fuckin' beaver, i like the name.....lot's of mullets, plus the chikas are sleazy enough and have big assess...... beaver, beaver, beaver
  2. somehow i cant post this, but here is the link http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=443&papass=&sort=1&thecat=505 http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=1156&papass=&sort=1&thecat=503 http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=1155&papass=&sort=1&thecat=503 http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=464&papass=&sort=1&thecat=500
  3. hey faceshitter, do you need a tissue?? gregw, i am sure NRA has their stats not manipulated or warped
  4. saw a silverback skullet, fuckin'A streets are just plain scary!!!
  5. how is this for an image? and my ass is really hairy
  6. no traks, just called your bullshit, that's all
  7. Oh yeah, one more thing. I found it is brutally difficult to find real numbers on this elections. I wonder why? i didn't have any problems finding results staring in 1900 up to 1998. now this is thought provoking, isn't it?
  8. trask, why don't you maybe check some real sources then , like http://www.uselectionatlas.org/USPRESIDENT/frametextj.html and maybe you'll notice, that actual vote populus count was in gore's favor? facts bush popular vote numbers:50,459,624 -47.87% gore 51,003,238 makes 48.38% like i said, the statistics you presented in the initial post are a BIG FUCKIG LIE
  9. trask quoted few facts like the real numbers were bush 30, gore 21. based on this i assume that the rest of his initial post is also a complete bullshit
  10. for some real stats go to http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2000/results/. somehow the numbers quite differ from what texans cliam. anyhow, just another fact to prove how stupid they are and how uneducated.
  11. You're misguided and wrong. Let's get together and I'll show you my information. Please cite references for everything you've stated here; it's all bullshit. "Accidental discharge" injuries make up "a lot of gun victims"? Hardly. misguided???? you puppet president decided to go on with the assult weapons ban about a month ago. every police organization in the state of washington in the 2002 elections wanted to limmit gun sales, just friggin' read newspapers! (due to fire arms) (from Washington Cease fire web page) so there, 30 children killed or injured every year by "responsible gun owners"
  12. gregw, so how come every police organization and union wants to limmit gun sales, ban assult weapons. maybe england or other countries have gun related crime on the rise, but the problem is no near the scale faced in the us. and remember that a lot of gun victims in this country are caused by accidental discharge of the firearms owned by "responsible citizens".
  13. dmm sucks!!! they swing like shit. vipers or quarks. and belive it or not you can use them on alpine climbs. quarks dry-tool really well, so do vipers. vipers have a know for andreoids in the shaft, so there...
  14. Fence shitter--where did anyone say one side was better than the other? I re-read this entire thread and am at a loss as to how you came to that conclusion. What branch of service were you in? i bet he's with chuck norris in texas rangers unit#2. sorry it's the number of the psych-ward he's in
  15. I rcv'd. it via email from a friend that lives in Texas. Satisfied now, fukka? texas how many texans does it take.......... did he pulled it out of his ass ?
  16. i think the new bd vipers are really good. I have small hands and using thinner gloves makes them much more user friendly. i use either gardening gloves with rubber palm ( you can buy them for $5 at any hardware store) or verglass with poly liners. i fiound no differance as far as how cold your hands get, since with a thick glove you have to grip so much harder. anyway, vipers rock
  17. did this route in 95. a lot of it goes free, just a few aid sections, pitch 2 (just the start) and double roof pitch. the (getting to the first goes at 10+). we started climbing @ 8 and finished about 10pm. have fun
  18. aaaaa... the weather......i guess stone will have to wait a bit with their glory wank tour. What's pissing me off so much about marketing- all this chicken choking hype before the event....
  19. trojan, trojan, trojan, trojan
  20. Mt Louis-Gmoser to Kain- pretty good. N Face of Stanley would be a good intro. E Ridge of Temple- good rock on Big step, but the Black towers are scary. don't forget Yamnuska!!!! SMC Wall*****, good intro to limestone climbing. also on crappy weather days don't forget about 14 or 15 good crags in the area. for longer rock routes you can also check Ghost, there is some very cool lines there.
  21. mt louis, anything in ramparts, but if you go there spend a week there. n ridge of stephen is ok. n face of athabasca should be a quick tick. odaray mtn., tarrant buttressis supposed to be good.
  22. smokin! fucking clown punching weed smoking crew from the ditch (aka the valley) can suck shit through the tube- Huber roolz!
  23. make the fucking dolt moron owner dance to the tour of automatic weapon fire. or even better- relocate him to texas, it's where the fuck he belongs
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