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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. i am sure if you go to the mountains right now we will hear about it i the form of news of another search and rescue. look at avi forecast. as far as lillooet, maybe marble could be ok, if you like climbing in the rain. temps in clinton were much colder, so i don't think ice would be that bad. or go to the rockies son. South Coast Date Issued: 1/19/2005 12:00:00 AM Valid Until: 1/21/2005 12:00:00 AM Forecast of Avalanche Danger: Wednesday Thursday Friday Alpine High High Considerable Treeline High High Considerable Below Treeline High Considerable Considerable Travel Advisory: The saying “unusual weather brings unusual avalanches” best describes the evolving situation over the next few days. Unprecedented amounts of rain since Monday has saturated the snowpack with water causing it to become unstable and avalanche. There is a great deal of uncertainty in the integrity of the snow at treeline and below. Most experienced people do not feel confident predicting where and when avalanches will occur. But we are all assuming that these slides may initiate in or run into unexpected locations. We recommend that people continue to stay well away from avalanche terrain. Typical routes through the forest may also not be safe due to unstable slopes high above in the alpine. Avalanche Activity: Natural avalanches to Size 3.0, which are powerful enough to destroy a car or easily bury you, have occurred on a variety aspects initiating at treeline and above. Larger avalanches may have occurred but observers cannot see them yet. We expect that the bulk of avalanche activity has passed, but more avalanches are likely. Some of these slides may occur from unexpected locations at treeline and below. Snow Pack: Heavy rain has saturated the snowpack causing it to become very wet and weak. New snow above 1900m is being transported into windslabs primarily on north and east aspects. These slabs are unstable and will likely slide if you ride on them. Weather: Heavy rain will continue Wednesday and early Thursday below about 1900 m and snow at higher elevations. Expect to see a brief break in precipitation late Thursday through Friday before another strong storm hits the region. The wind on Wednesday and Thursday is expected to be strong from the southwest. Issued By: GJohnson
  2. yeah, but they have good weather for this weekend
  3. there is an article on climbing in turkish rivera on www.8a.nu there is a link to the map to Antalya area: http://www.adiyamanli.org/MapofTurkey/turk_map.htm there is a link tio the climbing part: http://www.8a.nu/site2/ anyway, there is also bouldering and longer routes on limestone, but the info is limmited. I am sure once you are at that campground you'll be able to find a lot of first hand info. realtivley cheap (with current shape of $$ no country is cheap) and very nice country to visit. learn some basic turkish, you can get by with german, but not too many people speak english. as far as skiing, i would not bother. there are peaks up to 4000m (14 000ft), but they are by the border with iraq Cilo Dagh (pronaun Silo Da) is the mountain range. Gelyasin, Keskin Tepe, Karatepe have walls up to 3000 ft. Another range is Sat Dagh with 600m N Face of Kizilyar.
  4. yeah, there is nothing like smell of fresh blood first thing in the morning.... sounds like bad scene.
  5. slab in the gym? so bunch of you overweight fat fucks can get up on something without being loughed at? sorry dr flash, but gym is for picking up chicks not for betting strong.
  6. we did not get on nw passage at all. my pussy started to ache when looking at it. proud line though! instead we went around the corner and did as seen on tv. very nice climb with a lot of character.
  7. that was jia condon and partner. i talked to him last afternoon and he said he did white blotter 2 times and he thinks it's wi6. looks like a nice line, i'd like to get on it at some point. as far as disapointment on sun, i wasn't that keen on it, since we climbed fairly hard on sat, so i was a bit tired. last pitch of plum is awsome and i always wanted to do this climb. i don't think any of them will last through this warm/wet spell, so get them while you can next time.
  8. i know. and that's the day i am talking about. this info is from coley.
  9. yeah, but i liked this 1h 40 min drives to the climbs. leave b-ham at 6, climb some steep ice and back to town just in time for a happy hour.
  10. picked up my copy just in time to watch the ice melt away. anyway nice to see it. the only comment i'd have is that too many pics makes it a bit hard too read at first. but that's just my opinion.
  11. now that info might not be correct since i have heard Dave Leahy climbed on Summalo Bluff (Buszowski route) on sat.
  12. kit couldn't climb out of you mama's bed if he wanted to. the guy needs a hand cart to wheel his gut around.
  13. now let's talk proper shep shagging technique: 1 put thir hind legs into you high boots- hence they can't buck 2 use you vecro glover for better grip 3put them at the edge of the cliff, harder you push- harder they push back
  14. dale, i thikn it's the matter of what you get used to. i love my darts, i think it's the best ice crampon. very light. i also like sabertooth. i think they are the best all around crampon out there. and Don, once you get used to it sidelock is not any harder then any other rapid fix system.
  15. to whoever wrote this piece of shit all i can say: get off them drugs. i know nothing, but it fucks up you brain.
  16. just don't go on trips with people you don't know. specially from this web site. and even someone can climb your personalities will not match which can make for a very long trip. for me the best partners are people who can climb hard and have the same sick sense of humor.
  17. as soon as it gets good for ice climbing around here it turns warm! after climbing in sw bc last 2 weekends i must say if it stayed cold long enough we would be ice climbing mecca (sw bc and western wa). did some quality ice, one could compare to the best routes in the rockies. this rain shit sucks though. and it's going to last long enough it will melt it all to shit. btw i can't believe how sore i am after climbing 9 pitches of ice over the weekend, i guess i am getiing old
  18. yeah, tagged another car at the Plum parking lot (sheep shag). btw i don't envy these mofo's on the pc valentine. we saw their headlamps waaay high at 6:30 pm
  19. plum had to see a lot of traffic last week. it also had less ice on the last pitch compared to the pic from your trip. also a gaping hole spewing water at the base of the steep part. last night climb was turning to slurpie..... fuck!
  20. no, nothing like that. just read your pm
  21. nothing really to talk about, just took our packs for a walk.
  22. well, so far for cold weather. but i am fucking tired after last weekend. some quality climbing.
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