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Everything posted by NYC007

  1. did the approach from snow lakes, bring a chainshaw for ALL the downed trees... no tools needed but pons can be handy depending on your comfort level. I hiked in w/0 slowshoes
  2. NYC007

    new bike

    why not just an urban/commuter bike?.. which is essenitally a road bike with 700 X 28-32 tires and straight handle bars which allow you to sit up more up right. I would say a cyclcross may be over kill and a lil more cash. but if the cross you want, get a used road bike which can be converted. some will with only the need of tires and some need forks and possibly rear derailer. I know the evil empire carrys an assortment of these,,rei..
  3. about 4 hrs from CDA, ticks were all over the place. There is info on rockclimbing.com and in the guide book, the route goes at about mid 5.10. THere is a slightly runout 5.6 but other than that seems to be mainly 5.9 and above, but I dont have the up to date book. http://www.rockclimbing.com/routes/North_America/United_States/Montana/South_West/Blodgett_Canyon/Nez_Perce/Southwest_Buttress_52039.html
  4. sounds good Eric. All is well. Bring some IPA's for library ledge on outerspace!
  5. nice climb peoples.
  6. if you park in the street outside the SCW parking lot you wont need the pass, if you will have other uses for on get a yearly or at sportmans wearhouse is the valley you can get a day pass too.correct castle rock you wont need one. Its a NW forest pass. Have fun Eric.
  7. Trip: Blodgett Caynon / Nez Perce Spire - SW Buttress Date: 5/11/2007 Trip Report: After debating on either Leavenworth or Blodgett, we made right decison and drove to Montana for a few days of climbing. So we filled up my purple rollerskate and heading into the hills. After a mellow hike in we were at the base of the SW buttress ib Nez Perce: The first three pitches mainly took small cams and microstoppers, twas techy thin climbing. But unforunately at the top of pitch 4, one of us suffered from a busted nut sack: Joe on pitch 5, the first of the crux pitches: The climbing on pitches 4 on where fun crack and face climbing with the 6th pitch being the crux of the route, but per some locals sound like we made it a lil harder on ourselves and went a little to the left, but climbing was still get, very physical though! Great route very varied climbing which in a plus and no crowds, & free camping. The next day we did some cragging after deciding against the Timebinder, first pitch looks sccarrry View of Shoshone and Flathead(which is suppose to have the best rock in the canyon!) Gear Notes: alot of smaller gear but doubles to #3 camalot. Approach Notes: follow well beaten trail then cross river when possible on down trees. Head up talus to base of spire. No raps on descent.
  8. some homemade carob & nut bars then some recoverite.
  9. maybe he is refering to the east buttress on the Captain
  10. wow, john-coffee=DT's
  11. pause for a moment of silence ..
  12. any offers? money of course..
  13. thanks WC.. it should be open no later than may 11. but a lil chance of opening a few days early. I asked them to get a jump on it for the weekend.......
  14. anyone know if that washout is fixed and we can ralley to the TH yet?
  15. thats less than whsl, 113.
  16. thanks heading down with the g/f, but looking to fill in her rest days with other climbers..
  17. anyone going be in the valley at the same time and want to climb some, should be there about 10-14 days.
  18. thanks steve, I have done that and sometimes it works but not all climbers are welcoming. Spotly I am not looking to get out and lead all hard stuff, I just prefer to lead it if in my ability over TRing. feel free to PM me when ever, unless I have a test I am always willing to climb sport/trad.
  19. c'mon spokane where ya at?
  20. say a tip of a screw pricks it... or a sharp piece of limestone in a belay cave
  21. its my email, I will PM ya
  22. I will cover the cost of shipping!
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