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Everything posted by Rocksanyone

  1. Thursday, January 4, 2007 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. REI 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. Reception 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Dan Mazur – The thrill and complexity of scaling mountains in high altitudes. Video of amazing peaks as backdrop. 6:30 – 6:50 p.m. Shannon, CJ, Jane, Theresa talks about Christine. for each person to share uplifting memories of Chris and her spirit and friendship. 6:50 – 7:05 p.m. Dave & Mark to address group about the search and recovery effort – news clips, need for funds and where the funds go, coordination efforts between countries, etc. 7:05 – 7:10 p.m. Video thank you from Chris’ family and from Charlie’s family 7:10 – 7:15 p.m. Final ask for funds and importance of raising funds to continue the Recovery effort to bring Chris home 7:15 – 7:30 p.m. Wrap up and thank you – run videos if any, of Chris (I believe there is a Travel Channel piece.
  2. They will be missed. Christine was an amazing person that I'm fortunate to have known. Charlie was the quiet mountain man that I met a few times and left an impact with me. Both left us too early and I'll carry fond memories for the rest of my life. Craig Mountain Madness will be hosting an open to the public event to celebrate the life of Christine Boskoff and raise funds to help cover the costs incurred for the search and recovery efforts to find her in China. Below is a rough outline of the event schedule. I will be speaking at this event. I hope you may be able to join us and taking a brief moment to celebrate Christine’s life and accomplishments. Sincerely, CJ Favour Thursday, January 4, 2007 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. REI 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. Reception 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Dan Mazur – The thrill and complexity of scaling mountains in high altitudes. Video of amazing peaks as backdrop. 6:30 – 6:50 p.m. Shannon, CJ, Jane, Theresa talks about Christine. for each person to share uplifting memories of Chris and her spirit and friendship. 6:50 – 7:05 p.m. Dave & Mark to address group about the search and recovery effort – news clips, need for funds and where the funds go, coordination efforts between countries, etc. 7:05 – 7:10 p.m. Video thank you from Chris’ family and from Charlie’s family 7:10 – 7:15 p.m. Final ask for funds and importance of raising funds to continue the Recovery effort to bring Chris home 7:15 – 7:30 p.m. Wrap up and thank you – run videos if any, of Chris (I believe there is a Travel Channel piece.
  3. I second that!!! I just need directions....
  4. Wirl, if I recall correctly from a couple years back, that didn't stop you from slogging up in the snow in your shorts to climb!
  5. Looks like Vantage has all the nice weather today..Anybody want to climb???? 10% chance of precip. 5-10mph wind... 48-50*
  6. See ya'll there! It'll be good to see some of your ol' faces again...
  7. If the weather holds for sun I'll be there with my girlfriend. Around 5-5:30...
  8. And never ever forget to bring your own TP!!!!
  9. Looking for a camping-climbing partner for a two/three day weekend. Don't care where, who's driving, male/female, trad or sport. Just need to get up on the rock and climb! Mostly moderates from 7s to low 10s until I find my form again. I'm light on the trad gear though.....
  10. I might be in for the ride! Been missing for a while, it would be great to see everybody again! Especially Muffy
  11. I'm going to be at Rockfest this weekend but next weekend I'm free!
  12. I'll let you know. weekend or day trips?
  13. I gotta get out to the rock! The forcast, at least right now, looks fantastic! I know the crowds will be out, but so what. It's all about the place and people your climbing with. I prefer trad but since it's early in my season nothing too challenging, at least not the first day So what say you!!!
  14. Friends, BBq, and lots of greatly effected my progress in the morning.
  15. foraker, I'm going up solo, wanna split the cost and I'll go canary with ya. PM me.
  16. I'll be there too! 9am! I just hope some of ya will take it easy on an injured guy
  17. So where is everybody going to stay? 8mi? Bridge creek?
  18. Sat night at the post office featuring Alpine Foxxx and Fern singing a duet!
  19. I'm up to go though I have a broken toe
  20. Climbed it last year for the first time and had a blast! The traverse was a bit awkword but once through it it was not as bad as I thought. One of the best times on rock! Oh, and wear your helmet on the trail down!
  21. Ohh yess Me too!!!
  22. I'll bring home the bacon!! Hope to be there early Fri evening!!
  23. Dave, I couldn't get mine either. Let me know what you have in mind!
  24. I'll be there this afternoon or in the am with or without a partner! So as of right now I have an empty seat! PMs are encouraged
  25. SB, let me know when you go to Marymoor. I'll join ya with my two monsters.
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