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Everything posted by Ducknut

  1. We learned in 2000 what happens when you vote for Nader, the Supreme Court puts in their candidate.....Second time hopefully the American public won't make the mistake twice
  2. Ducknut

    favorite lies

    Sure, I'll respect you in the morning
  3. I can just imagine how Trask would have altered this quote. Some days I think we all miss that beotch.
  4. YOUR SPOUSE COULD BE A SPACE ALIEN How well do you really know your mate? The old saying about men and women being from different planets isn't always a joke: You may really be married to someone from outer space! "As many as 5 million aliens are living in the United States after taking on human form," says Dr. James Kune, a physicist and former government UFO expert. "They're evenly split between male and female, and most of them are married though childless. "My research has determined that the average person has a 50-50 chance of being married to one." Dr. Kune says he has researched human-alien marriages for the past 10 years and uncovered at least 1,000 cases of aliens passing themselves off as humans -- so convincingly, few spouses have the slightest clue. "Their motives for coming here remain unclear," he says. "World conquest, the desire to live on a strange planet, overcrowding on their home world -- take your pick. We will know the answer eventually." Dr. Kune says aliens mate with us for both practical and emotional reasons. "In the early years of alien visitation, many E.T.s were looking only for cover -- marrying a human man or woman took suspicion off them as outsiders. Eventually they realized that not all humans marry, that they could just as easily pass as 'confirmed bachelors' or 'old maids.' " But most aliens actually did end up marrying. "For most other species, it's unnatural NOT to pair off with someone. The longer they stayed here, the lonelier and more eager for companionship they became. And so they began developing actual loving relationships with humans. "One of the most surprising findings in my research is that these alien-human relationships are among Earth's strongest marriages. While the overall divorce rate for U.S. marriages is hovering around 50 percent, almost 90 percent of alien-human marriages last well beyond the so-called 'seven-year itch' that often marks the end of human-to-human marriage. "I can only theorize that the aliens are working harder to make their relationships succeed, probably to protect their true identities. Or maybe they just like being married -- which," he says with a smile, "really should be our first clue that they're not human." Getting serious again, Dr. Kune has several signs that point to your spouse being out of this world. Alien husbands: Love to fix things around the house -- and actually repair what's broken instead of making it worse. "This is obviously a function of their highly developed mechanical and scientific skills," Dr. Kune says. "They usually have every high-tech power tool they can get their hands on, and keep it all compulsively organized." Do not use the TV remote to "surf" at lightning speed through channels, but stop at each program to absorb the information before moving on. Are energized and stimulated by physical contact with their wife. They often initiate long conversations after a lovemaking session, in order to better understand the experience. Will ask for directions when they're lost -- sometimes. "A significant number are just as stubborn about it as human men," Dr. Kune says. "I suspect that a lot of aliens are on this planet only because they couldn't find their way to their planned destination." Alien wives: Are fascinated by sporting events, especially those on TV. They become very quiet during a game and do not question their husband about it, preferring to focus on the game and tune in telepathically to the coaches and players. Approach housework and meal preparation as research into human labor, which they prefer to conduct on their own. "When their husbands offer to help them with these duties, several alien wives reported feeling hurt and insulted," Dr. Kune says. Work hard at being fit and attractive by getting regular exercise and practicing good nutrition. "I have not found a single instance of an alien wife asking her husband if she looks fat," Dr. Kune says. Are analytical and logical in arguments with their husband, "although we are beginning to see the early development of the skill of weeping," Dr. Kune says, "as alien women become more assimilated into our civilization." WHat about ????????????
  5. Ducknut

    Funky Mellow

    depending on how mellow you wanna get: Clarence Clemens Peacemaker (good 3 am, get down with the lady tunes).
  6. I thought she had toothpicks holding her eyes open or she was having too much fun
  7. whatever
  8. Ducknut


    I had some funky stuff going on too. Then I cleaned out the cookies on my computer and it solved the problem when I logged in the next time. So fix it yourself!!!!
  9. Ducknut

    Muffy says,

    Badvoodoo wins Trask looses again
  10. Ducknut

    Lunch of the Day

    Nope it was about 60 degrees today and sunny. Not a cloud in the sky. I don't mind I saw enough snow and ice last week in PDX. The Front Range looks like it is below normal snowpack. But I hear the high country has lots o' powpow.
  11. Ducknut

    Lunch of the Day

    2 doppel munich's and a Mt. Richtofen rueben at the Cooper Street Brew Pub in Fort Collins Jealous?
  12. Ducknut


    Hey I'm getting old fast enough, stop this train I want to get off.....
  13. Ducknut


    whoa Dude my head is spinning now.
  14. Ducknut


    we wouldn't troll you, but here is the compartive planetary statistics. and a pagetop
  15. Ducknut


    Think about it, dude. Mars is the fourth planet, while the earth is the third. Longer orbit, longer year. Catbird...think about that for a second. Who says the planets travel at the same velocity? Ok, I'll be forced to do a web search like Dru.ok, the Martian day is 24.6 hours and the martian year is 1.8 earth years. Here is your link Look at the average temp, think the astronauts would use 800 power down or Polargard 3D?
  16. Ducknut


    There you Ian, lets put Bush on the Mars mission, he can see if there are any WMD on Mars. Maybe a regimme change is needed there!!
  17. Ducknut


    Also if memory serves me the martian year is like 325 earth days. I think what whirlwind was trying to say that if the traveled near the speed of light the astronauts would age at a different rate than friends and family at home on earth. Hypothetically maybe, but they'll have to travel at conventional speeds unless we steal the hyperdrive from the Millienum Falcon.
  18. Ducknut


    His proposal is election year posturing. This is politics Bush style. His old man proposed a return to the moon during his administration. Hey they need something positive to campaign on this year. This is his vision thingy. He'll forget about it right after the election.
  19. i am getting of tired of seeing reporters standing on i-84 in Troutdale getting pelted by wind blown snow. New forecast freezing rain through tomorrow
  20. I was thinking of putting the crampons just to walk the dogs. got falling doug fir branches raining down around my house
  21. Well, thats another thing I have in common with him.
  22. Actually G.W. declared the federal employee pay raise of only 2% by executive order (1.5% cost of living increase and .5% locality pay). Congress has a 4.1% increase for federal employees in the huge omnibus apropriations bill. If they ever pass it and get it to W's desk the federal employees will get the pay raise most likely retroactively to January 1.
  23. Shut up you beotchs, I'm still sitting waiting out my ACL surgery, 2 1/2 weeks down 4 months to go A great snow year and I'm sitting in my barcolounger
  24. Ducknut

    New Year Award

    trask, bend over 99% of the cc.com members would love to give you the statuette, but you don't get any KY.
  25. Ducknut

    Happy New Year!

    ursa you are in luck, looks like it'll be cold and snowy thru most of next week. back in ny or mass?
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