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Everything posted by gapertimmy
Why you should have your business plan on your website
gapertimmy replied to Lowell_Skoog's topic in Climber's Board
we figured .com is just easier to remember... hmmm I've never really though of a hobby being a business plan, I just remember writing a business plan back at the U and it wasn't a real enjoyable experience, maybe we'll just make a mission statement or something fancy like that. thanks again for your interest -T -
Why you should have your business plan on your website
gapertimmy replied to Lowell_Skoog's topic in Climber's Board
Lowell- We really don't have a business plan. Jon and I both work full time and maintain the site strictly as a hobby. I suppose in a perfect world, I could run this site as a part time job, and climb all day long, but we have yet to recieve an invitation to join the Quokka Sports Immersion. Honestly though, we built this site because we love to climb, and we felt there was a need for a place for NW climbers to gather on the web. We like this site so much that Jon and I sacrifice approximately 8.5 pitchers of Winterhook each month in order to pay for the hosting fees. But we're fine with this because Keystone Light tastes just as good. We're hoping that people that use the site often will 'give back' to the site by submitting pictures from trips, posting trip reports or even writing articles to share with the rest of us. Thats the cool thing about the site, everyone who posts current reports/conditions is helping make the site an extremely valuable resource for all NW climbers! But if you can't post any trip reports, feel free to send us 1/2 racks of Keystone for our long nights of web programing fun, all donations of frosty-ones are tax-deductible! If anyone else has any questions about why we made the site, or our plans for it in the future, drop us an email at climb@cascadeclimbers.com. -t -
thanks for the offer mike, but I promise to only use your skills in emergency situations only.
freshiesnoun When one lays down fresh tracks on untouched virgin powder. Often heard by riders exclaiming "dude, check the major freshies".sorry, i guess its an inside joke, just me trying to be funny. very true on skiing interupting winter climbing, but hey, you gotta do what you enjoy, and right now its freshies on my mind!
howdy folks- jon and i are looking to really get our route database up and running during the winter months and we need your help. if you have any experience developing with MySQL, or web dev experience (ASP, cold fusion, perl/cgi) you could help build the new route reporting db!! exciting eh? also if you have any suggestions for the db, let us know by replying to this post. we could really use as much help as we can get on this one, your skills/ideas will be appreciated by all NW climbers for years to come! Thanks tim
spiderman the first person to free-solo the Sears tower in Chicago and cascadeclimbers.com forum user (well, not really, but just wanted to add a hometown feel to this story) got nabbed while climbing the 910 foot Over Seas Bank Tower in Singapore read the full story here.
I dream of Freshies by- Tim Freshies dance in my head Freshies dance around my bed Have you seen the Freshies, he said? We ain't go no Freshies, replied ED. ... to be continued please excuse my very sensless post, but I really wish it would snow. Also, I'd like to see if there are folks like me who fell for the shameless "BIG S PASS" marketing scam this year and bought an expanded and will want to carpool sometimes. the freshies will fall eventually, yes, they will! -Tim
Well after reading this wonderful thread over the past week, I have realized a few things: People work about as much as I do (not much that is) and most NW climbers agree that vertical limit will be the apex of all films made in the year 2000. Each time I see the trailer on TV it sends shivers up my spine, and I find myself wishing I was as cool as Chirs O'Donnel when he jumps across a deep dark void with only ice tools in hand.... So it is with this deep desire to be as dope as the folks in VL that we must unite and act upon MikeA's idea for the opening night of VL. Grab your gear, and your 40 oz, and UNITE. Show your support and love for our sacred bretheren of climbers and come to the movie, and laugh, cry, spill your malted beverage... ohh yes, it will be a memorable evening. So if you are in, let me know... Tim PS- a little know fact about VL is that my fellow mountaindude Jon is actually the stunt double for Mr. O'donnel in VL. He doesn't like to brag about it so go easy on him. Jon along with MikeA will also be staring in an epic high altitude-retro thriller due out in early 2001, stay tuned to the forums for more details.
NW Avalanche Center, Fall 2000 benefit programs
gapertimmy replied to Lowell_Skoog's topic in Climber's Board
I was up at snow lake on Thursday of last week and the snow on the northern side of the ridge was really interesting. The top layer had these huge, almost inch-long crystals, and underneath was rocky mountain-esque powder here is a pic of the crystals on the top layer of the snow: doesn't look like a very stable layer. As someone else said though, since this original snow fall was so small, there is still quite a bit of land-feature anchors for the next fall to cling to. -
hey all- I removed 'dumbass'es original post becuase, frankly I didn't like the name used in his post, and thought that people might agree with me. I hope that we can all write considerate posts to the board, and not attack other people's skills/views, this is an open forum for everyone to chat about pretty much anything. Keeping that in mind, I have allowed unregistered members to post to the board, but if people abuse this privledge by posting negative or offensive material we might have to change that. Please keep the posts clean, and just enjoy this forum with the people that share a common love with you for climbing. Again, I'm sorry if me removing a post caused confusion, but I just want to keep the conversation clean up here! Thanks Tim
you're crackin me up mike! jon and i are thinking of producing our own climbing movie inspired by VL, would you like to audition for one of the leading roles. damn, ol e forty's sure sound good mmmmmmmmm
NW Avalanche Center, Fall 2000 benefit programs
gapertimmy replied to Lowell_Skoog's topic in Climber's Board
I think Alex is on the money with his post. I'm no expert either, but reading his analysis gave me some shivers! Speaking of shivers, it looks like this cold patern is holding for some time, so these conditions might get even worse -
I know they weigh a ton, and are in no way a replacement for full AT ski package, but has anyone used a pair of these things before? I'd love to hear your thoughts...... thanks
If you haven't heard, Hollywood is going to take another stab at making a climbing movie. Picking up where Cliffhanger left off, Sony is going to release Vertical Limit in December. Story goes, a guide is hired to lead some clients up K2 and everything that can go wrong, does. A very creative story line if you ask me. Anyhow, enough of my trailer review, check out the website when you have a chance: http://www.spe.sony.com/movies/verticallimit/ You can do this virtual guided climb of K2 up on the website, a choose your own adventure sort of thing. I personally have yet to reach the top, I always get toasted by an avalanche or somebody gets toasted and I have to go back to basecamp. Bummer. Hopefully, I will be able to make a successful summit bid during my lunch break. enjoy! check out the sweeeeeet pic for the flick: [This message has been edited by tim (edited 11-08-2000).]
Howdy! I sent out the first issue of ClimbMail tonight. If you haven't signed up yet, you can do so via our main page. I have decided to post this first version so you can see what you missed. Please let me know if you have any other ideas on what to put in ClimbMail. I will hopefully be adding sale dates for local climbing shops, slide shows, and other climbing realted events as they pop up! cheg it out----> Tim *_*_*_*_*_*_**_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ ClimbMail Volume One, Issue 1 cascadeclimbers.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hello All, and welcome to the first issue of cascadeclimbers.com ClimbMail. I just wanted to start off by saying thanks to all of you for visiting the site, and signing up. You helped make the site a success, and we appreciate it! On to the news.... PIERCE COUNTY EXAMINER ISSUES PERMIT FOR MT RAINIER RESORT As posted on the cascadeclimbers forum, Pierce County officials granted a private company a permit to build a large resort just outside of the Paradise entrance to Mt. Rainier. Please take time to write your State Representatives and Senators to help stop this before it happens. For more information and the complete story view the following thread: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000014.html NEED HELP WITH OFF-SEASON TRAINING IDEAS? How should climbers maintain their summer level of fitness to prevent having to start all over again in the spring? This compilation is the first of a series of Body Results newsletter articles that will provide you with some varied, challenging, and effective off-season workouts. Check out Part I at the following location: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/fitness/fitness.htm PROTECT THE FRENCHMAN COULEE (FC) Over the past few years, the FC has become a popular climbing area for much of the Pacific Northwest, due to dry and stable weather, easy access, and to the publication of several guidebooks. The area has a very active first ascent community; many new routes are still being developed and hundreds of new routes are possible. The potential for adverse impacts to the area has increased due to the popularity of the FC by both climbers and other users, and due to the continued development of new routes. Learn about the Frenchman Coulee Climbers Association, and how you can help preserve this NW climbing gem at: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/access/access.htm ROUTE REPORT CONTEST Log your summer climb reports today, and have a brand spankin new Whisperlite stove tomorrow! Our route report contest is still under way! All you have to do is write up your trip reports from the summer in our Route Report Forums, and you may walk away with a free Whisperlite stove. For more details visit: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/news/news.htm CALLING WRITERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS, AND HELPERS We're looking for some climbing enthusiasts to help write for our site. If you have a good story about a climb, a tasty back country recipe, or a strong opinion about a climbing-related matter, we'd love to hear it! This is YOUR website, so write an article today! We are especially looking for submissions on Winter Mountaineering right now. So if you have some great backcountry skiing or snowshoeing articles or pictures to contribute please let us know! Jon and I maintain cascadeclimbers.com in our free time and any help at all would be greatly appreciated! SPREAD THE WORD In closing, I would like to thank all of you again for making the site happen! Please forward this newsletter on to your climbing friends and help spread the word. If you have any news you would like to post in the next version of ClimbMail, just email us at climb@cascadeclimbers.com! See you in the mountains- Tim climb@cascadclimbers.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- HOME: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com FORUMS: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimate.cgi ------------------ skippy@cascadeclimbers.com
Pacific Northwest Climnbing Resource
gapertimmy replied to Alex's topic in Personal Climbing Web Pages
testing[This message has been edited by tim (edited 11-03-2000).] -
Wilderness Sports 14340 NE 20th St. Bellevue, WA 98007 425-746-0500 map wildernesssportsinc@msn.com web page
Marmot Mountain Works 827 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue, WA 98004 425.453.1515 800.CLIMBIN (254.6246) Fax: 425.453.3176 map mail@marmotmounain.com webpage
Outdoor and More 510 Westlake Ave N Seattle, WA 98109 800-460-5939 map outmore.com info@outmore.com
Court- Do you need some tech support? Just click HERE to register so Jon and I can make you the moderator of the forum. Sorry the old one doesn't work -Tim
I'm with Snow on this one. I do what Court reccomends... fill my pack with 3-4 gallon jugs of water, some rain gear and head for the trails. Once you get to the top you can pour out your load and jog down the trails. Here are some of my favorite training hikes near Seattle- Mt Si- Go hike with 100 of your closest friends. Best on a weekday, or very early start on the weekends. Lots of elevation gain, and even a good view Tiger Mtn, cable trail- This trail cuts right up the side of the hill and can be done in about 45 - 1hour. Great quick workout and very close to seattle. Year round McClellan Butte- Tinkham road exit. Hiked this one a few weekends ago and it was starting to get snow at the top, but this one is a tad bit steeper than Si, about 4.5 mi to the top and around 4000' gain Others: Mailbox, Granite, and Bandera but these will be snowed in sooner than later so bring some snowshoes. Its free, and like snow said, your outdoors, what more can you ask for? -tim
Pro Mountain Sports 5625 University Way NE Seattle, WA (206) 522-1627 Directions Web Site promountainsports@earthlink.net Hours Open 10-6 Tues, Wed, & Sat Open 11-8 Thurs & Fri Closed Sun & Mon Description "Every climber goes through a learning process in deciding what is too much and what is not enough. My advice is to experiment, leave a few things out, dare to be a little cold (you may surprise yourself, and learn some new tricks), consider every single item. The rewards of packing light are greater comfort and safety. — Jim Nelson, Pro Mountain Sports Owner " taken from www.promountainsports.com [This message has been edited by tim (edited 10-30-2000).]
I've added in rating functionality to this forum so if you are thinking about purchasing a piece of gear, post it up here and see what the crew has to say about it. To rate a piece of gear, find the 'Rating' menu at the bottom of the thread VVVV and rate the piece of gear on 1(worst) to 5(best) Let me know if you have questions! -Tim ------------------ skippy@cascadeclimbers.com
Web Site / Bulletin Board Requests and News
gapertimmy replied to cascadeclimbers's topic in Climber's Board
Hey all- Little off the picture subject, buy anyhow... I have added Yahoo Instant Messenger functionality to the BB. If you have a Yahoo account and want to let people IM you, just edit your profile here on the BB and add your Yahoo ID. After you do this, a cool little icon will show up next to your name on each post (see mine ^^^) telling folks wether or not you are online. I'm going to add Aol IM, and eventually MSN IM also so folks who use the different programs won't feel left out . Again, if you don't like letting people access you via email or Instant Messaging, you can use the Personal Message functionality on the board. To send a personal message to someone, just click on the little icon next to their name in a post and write up your message. -Tim ------------------ skippy@cascadeclimbers.com -
I went to the garage sale today, and it just sucked. I don't like REI