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Everything posted by sill

  1. Yeah you heard wrong about that chief. I remember him climbnig really hard before his accident and I see him climbing really hard now.
  2. Yeah, what does that Steve House guy know anyway
  3. In some areas you see it more than others. In the PNW I rarely saw people free soloing, athough in Icicle Creek Canyon you see it more than other areas. A lot depends on the rock quality and things such as the availability of a walk off. In places like Lumpy Ridge in Colorado it's common to get passed by a soloist if you're climbing a route under 5.10. You're probably just trying to troll but to think it's where climbing is headed is rediculous
  4. Thanks for the help, keep the suggestions coming. I've got a couple of months to get this figured out, but it's nice to start a bit early. And Matt Alford, just remember, I'll be giving a toast at your wedding, with a questionable sobriety level.
  5. Bump. Come on. theres gotta be some folks who can point me in the right direction
  6. You fucks! don't hijack this thread, i gotta find a place to live and shit. I cant study in the back of my truck in the middle of the fucking winter. I'm really a reputable citizen, really. Just remember, you guys will have a place to stay, except layton. He only gets the front lawn.
  7. I am looking for a room to rent in Bozeman starting in July or Aug and going throughout the school year. Something close to downtown and MSU are prefferable. Would rather live with climbers/skiers if possible so I thought I'd look here to see if any of the Montana folks could point me in the right direction. I don't really know to many folks yet in bozeman so any help is much appreciated. I'm pretty open on rent but i'd like to keep it fairly reasonable. Leave me a message here or PM me. Thanks J. J. Sill
  8. Thanks, I was just asking cause I already knew of the concept but I hadn't heard that terminilogy before.
  9. uh, ok. what do ya mean?
  10. Could someone post more info or links to more specific info when it is appropriate. Thanks
  11. Missoura. Yes, that is the way it is pronounced
  12. I agree, it's not all that great, but in combination with a couple days in Squamish or somthing like Slesse it makes a worthy alpine cragging day. If you do it, climb Yak-Check as others have probably mentioned, the rock is a bit better that way.
  13. Not quite that glamorous, entertainment rigging. I'm about to quit in the next few weeks so you can have my spot if you get your chiropractors license revoked for stalking children.
  14. Yeah, Cartwright Corner is kinda a shit pile- so is the route next to it, I think it's called chocolate flakes or corner. Not suprised to hear people have gotten banged up on either one of those routes. I wish I would have known you guys were around, I'm stuck in work purgatory here in Vegas for a little while longer.
  15. Maybe you couldn't find it 'cause there isn't granite in the Bow Valley. Lots of good cragging around Canmore as well.
  16. Wow, Marcus, that looks like some real life alpine climben. Looks pretty fun. Nice photos as well.
  17. This has been an impressive effort by the folks directly and indirectly involved with the appeal. Everyone should be aplauded for their efforts. Its seem like things might be going in the right direction now. At least there is now some sort of discourse established between the SMCC and the FS
  18. I can't recomend going with plastics enough. Yes, they are an expensive addition to trip costs, but in the long run they are well worth the money and you will definately get use out of them after your trip. I have had a couple of good friends fall victim to frostbite and it is nothing to fuck around with. If there is any question about whether you should be wearing plastic boots for a particular route, it means you should probably go with plastics. You will be shocked at how cold it gets the closer you get to 6000 meters, especially on the south faces. With plasics your feet will stay drier and warmer than with leathers and overboots.
  19. My vote goes to the U-district, the closer you can get to all the frat houses the better. It's really great there. Endless noise until the wee hours of the mourning, burning couches in the street, high police presence, and just maybe you can get all of your shit stolen by some worthless crackhead.
  20. I wasn't aware that the FS had made any decisions after the apeal was filed and meeting held in February, except to meet again at a later date. I havn't seen anything updated on the MontanaIce website in a while. It appears that this could get dragged out for quite some time considering the legal avenues that the appellants have.
  21. I would say that it is unlikely. They just don't have the resources to enforce it. Maybe I'm wrong but even if they did have a way to enforece it you would be able to grease the wheels with a few american dollars.
  22. Kids skis (about 145 or 150 cm) with silvertta 500s and an old pair of skins that I trimmed down to fit them. I think I found the skis at a ski swap but you can find cheap ones at sporting goods stores or at thrift shops depending on where you live.
  23. Depends on a lot of factors, but, two differennt people I climbed with in Peru used leathers with overboots and ended up getting cold toes up high on routes. I used plastics it was never an issue. On the shady aspects and at night, the temps get very cold. Plastics may seem like over kill, but they really arn't. Just my two cents
  24. Toxic Shock? Then why is buddy SO fucking pumped? Years of Tantric Mastrabation have sculpted my physique. Matt, just explain to them that you will smash their skulls with your bare hands if they keep talking shit.
  25. Arizona hot springs might still be out of commision after some flash flooding in the last few months. They are super cool, but it sucks to hike into them and find them non existant- ask someone before you head down there. Most of the classic routes people have mentioned are pretty good. If you are climbing one of them on a weekend, expect a crowd-you just kind of have to grin and bear it. The weather is perfect right now-as usual.
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