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Everything posted by minx

  1. i'm sorry 'bow down to washington' don't say that kinda thing! goat boy summed it up nicely. You'll find that you're a short roadtrip from lots of great climbing. In the southern parts of ID as well.
  2. no it certainly doesn't we all have a firm grasp of the obvious morning trask
  3. i doubt you guys scared here a way. she's doing her defense for he committee next week. i think there's other things more important than cc.com. but yeah...quit scaring the girls away!
  4. tuck and roll...tuck and roll in my younger years i used to ride horses and my instructor made us practice falling off. the phrase tuck and roll goes through my head now whenever i fall from anything!
  5. minx

    Which 4WD SUV?

    so now you're blaming others for your inaction?
  6. unforutanately, the slow down in time is never quite enough it's that split second when you think "oh shit!" then start to get the thought in your head of what do next but can't quite finish it before the impending disaster actualy happens.
  7. minx

    Which 4WD SUV?

    too bad i think the pope's a joke and that you're indignance is most likely about the most hypocritical thing that i'll encounter today
  8. besides, i think that's a rumor Dave started himself. This week there is not a chance that i'll be there
  9. minx

    Which 4WD SUV?

    saint jgowans?
  10. i had no idea dollar bills had any sexual orientation
  11. minx

    stupid topic

  12. minx

    stupid topic

    wow Fejas, you have such a harsh view! I can't imagine that she'd be that vengeful! I don't like my ISO belaying me b/c he's got the attention span of a gnat but that's a whole different issue. I could care less if an SO climbs w/persons of the opposite sex. Like someone else said, if i'm worried about that the relationship has bigger issues. i just sorta like my space so i'm not sure having an SO that climbs is a good thing. yeah that whole darkside thing...what are ya gonna do right?
  13. minx

    stupid topic

    kinda brought up by robs post to my friend in climbing partners and some drunken discussion this w/e. a) how many married folks are allowed to climb w/partners of the opposite sex? b) better or worse to be involved w/another climber? c) what do you do if you find out your SO is a sport climber?
  14. Not that any of you will believe me but this girl is not a troll. I suggested she post here. I will be climbing with her some later in the summer but until then, i thought maybe she could find some people to climb with here! Male or female! EEEEESH! Climbing does not equal dating!
  15. oh well. you're right, should've seen that coming
  16. relieved that human cloning won't be so easy? http://apnews.myway.com//article/20030411/D7QB5TH01.html
  17. Apparently i really can't speLL the simplest words let alone that name
  18. i second all of this! A little practice and a wide mouth nalgene works great! I thought i was the only one who had attempted the ziploc bag thing!
  19. hey now! i'm only uptight over the important shit and i sure the heck am not hooking up w/little punk w/a name i can't spe who can't take an obvious joke about gearheads not getting . (besides my ISO might not appreciate if i did )
  20. No, we are just a bunch of gear geeks more interested in the details of the latest gear than girls. that might explain why so many of you are desperate to get laid Sj?????? ( i can't spell) ...cripes boy, take a joke would ya?
  21. they can't help it....they are desperate
  22. Bosnia, Afghanistan
  23. the climber's guide to the olympics has a little blurb. It's well worth the time! We did this a couple of years ago. I truly enjoyed it. you can make some nice variations of it. The climbing wasn't particularly difficult but the whole trip was great! What do you want to know in particular?
  24. omfg---another real girl on cc.com...could it be??!!?? Yeah, we're everywhere... go figure, with women making up >50% of the population and all. dryad...you've seen enough of this board now that you should know not to expect too much
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