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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    looking for someone

    i'm trying to locate someone with whom i haven't spoken in a while. any of you net wizards know of any good (free) sites that might help?
  2. minx

    blocking pm's

    i asked timmy about this a while ago. i don't want to block PMs from everyone but there are several people whose PMs i could do w/o. just voicing my support for the idea.
  3. minx

    What're Ya reading?

    the power of one (thanks for the recommendations) colter-cool book about a dog 2-D proteomics
  4. neutrinos...guess having small hands is good thing. i never have probs w/the gates on those. picked up a couple of the DMM w/the twisted gates. don't really like them that well. maybe i'm just not used to them but that twist sorta feels funny to me.
  5. wild at heart i'm minx b/c that's what my best bud calls me...so there! ~jane doe-smith
  6. is there good pms?
  7. doesn't that make layton the sheep fucker?
  8. minx


    and your kilt?
  9. minx


    i am SO there!!! just got the word that i can go
  10. yes but only when using an avatar to post. i'm not like this in real life
  11. i think that's true for many of my family members but i'm the black sheep. Jane DoeS-Smith
  12. yup hi my name is jane smith And here the whole time i thought i had you pegged as Jane Doe... Doe is my maiden name. maybe i should hyphenate Jane Doe-Smith
  13. yup hi my name is jane smith
  14. Say what you will about the nanny state and such, but it's hard to argue with state-sponsored climbing. Shit, let the people who want to work go ahead and work. Those who would prefer to climb and live on a relative pittance and eat canned cheese? Let 'em send! Unfortunately those who choose to work, end up paying for the canned cheese eating slack-offs to climb. anybody have some recipes for canned cheese?
  15. true...it does take some strength to grab and hold onto a sheep like he does....
  16. Sips, they were sips... That stuff is my favorite. Hey Paco, we need to see the photos! yeah paco! come on...we all saw you get roped by that little cowgirl
  17. anyone want to go climb some rock? i'm open but thinking index?
  18. i'm glad someone documented that. i'd hate to have such a good time go unrecorded
  19. i don't know about ehmmic but i know i drank way too much. somehow i ended up w/malibu rum in my hair and my shirt unbuttoned in public, sitting on someone's lap and had just about too much fun ehmmic's bday was the only good day i had all week. fun times, thanks everyone
  20. would you guys quit picking on trask! he was with me sending flamable pajama's at X38. sheesh!
  21. sorry to hear about you foot! if it doesn't hurt what's the prob?
  22. minx

    the snow is sticking!

    In my backyard The man made snow as falling yesterday up on MTB. i think i'll be skiing in a couple days up there at work mine too and it ain't fake snow
  23. does it occur to anyone but me that this might be exactly what this guy wanted?
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