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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    Trimming Posts

    wow- i just read this whole thing. i have a few things to say my dick is this 8===============================D big whether some of you like it or not this is a "community" with jon and timmy as supreme dictators. whether i agree with it or not some moderation helps this "community" continue to exist. in case some of you don't realize it, if we didn't at least try and come up w/some veneer of a teeny tiny tad bit of civility, then most of these people would go away. you might think you'd like it but probably not...even in spray. if the community becomes offensive to too many people we'll lose a lot of valuable content both in and out of spray. admit it some of you hardcore sprayers are pretty extreme. while you think that's fine (and mostly i do too) a lot of people don't. just b/c it's "spray" doesn't mean some good, non climbing topics aren't/couldn't be discussed here. if the atmosphere is too extreme here in spray will lose participants in those discussions too. spray needs very little moderation but some, on rare occasions as for alex's trimming of the fatality thread. it wasn't a spray thread and thus is and should be moderated more closely. good for alex
  2. minx

    Trimming Posts

    trask i didn't take it that they were. i'm just trying to make a point. even if they're picking on me personally i don't take any of this seriously enough to take it personally it just seems to be a lot of hot air over nothing new. i feel like i should start a bolting debate just to distract people
  3. minx

    Trimming Posts

    allison...it's just that it's the same old thing every single time someone gets their knickers in a knot about being moderated. the whole thing gets totally overblown. i think there are better ways to handle it than create yet another thread on it. sorry you don't like the way i'm presenting feedback
  4. minx

    Trimming Posts

    trask you know that only spray mods can moderate you in spray. anyone of us can ban you though
  5. minx

    Trimming Posts

    you guys quit fucking whining. if you have an issue with how a specific post has been edited PM someone about it. i personally don't edit/modify posts. i delete or it stays as is. you're all acting like the dreaded c word i personally am not going to waste my time editing spray. the other forums perhaps deserve more close moderation and perhaps editing instead of deleting. if you feel the meaning of your post has been significantly altered repost or delete all together. these whine fests just add one more thread to moderate.
  6. Post deleted by minx
  7. yes...environmentalist oppose climbing, breathing, and frankly the fact that humans exist i think it depends on which group you're refering to. and yes, it makes it difficult to call yourself an environmentalists when the whole concept is characterized by extremists. same reason more women don't call themselves femminists
  8. you should be banned on principle for not responding to that line this seems like a perfectly reasonable request to me
  10. i have the distinct impression that i should ban you or at least delete this post. however it's written in such convoluted fashion that i can't even begin to work up the energy to decipher it trask you're a goat lover. go tend your herd instead of posting this drivel
  11. climb some rock climb some ice climb some mountains finish some unfinished business start some unfinished business have some fun
  12. i'm with iaxx on this. i realize this doesn't apply to US citizens. it feels as though it's the start of a bad precedent.
  13. i think the searchers deserve major kudos for getting out there. it's got to be emotionally draining after a couple days not finding the guy. good job to the helicopter teams who spotted the tracks and the team leader for keeping it going an extra day or two. thumbs up to this dude too. even though he got himself in trouble, he obviously had enough brains and knowledge to keep himself alive for 4 days in frigid weather. happy new years to this guy and his family!
  14. you can't really park too much of anywhere besides the alpental parking lots on that side of the freeway. as for the no dogs/no sledding signs, i don't see what your problem is. i've almost hit morons sledding and sliding right into the road in front of me. they clog the road and make it almost impossible to get through there. the dogs are a problem b/c they tend to dart in front of cars. there is a leash rule in the neighborhoods there. there's usually plenty of parking at alpental. the access question is related to the upper lot. park in the lower lot.
  15. me too!
  16. minx

    i hate all of you

    trask, what did you say?
  17. minx

    i hate all of you

    They'll be even lower after the end of the year... i hopes so
  18. i think the parking lot is on FS land which is LEASED by the ski area. i believe this lease gives them final say so over the use of that lot.
  19. minx

    i hate all of you

    cc.com has ruined my life. now that i moderate this damn forum, i feel obligated to check in on it at times when i'd never look otherwise. sunday evening after skiing, lunchtime on my day off, before work if i didn't check the night before. All of this just to make sure no one's feelings are hurt, none of you have exceeded my decidely low standards for obscenity, or are just generally being too obnoxious. sheesh! thanks for the entertainment i'm going to go skiing now please behave yourselve while i'm gone
  20. until they go totally ballistic and shred your face with their razor sharp talons of death mwahaha. no worries, birds of feather..... can i have 2? i like to have back ups of all my cams.
  21. come on, it's obvious. she even responds to her other avatar.
  22. or just pick one avatar and stick w/it.
  23. we have been turned lsebian for alltime... there is no BI about it well muffy...except for that one guy...you know...but other than that...
  24. hmmm...and here i was thinking "gawd that was awful. i'm soooooooo glad i left. even w/o all the "equipment" Muffy can satisfy me in ways trask never could"
  25. i was talking to muffy when we got up for breakfast this morning and she thinks it's time i tell trask the truth. lummox, tell trask that being with him ruined men for me. there's no hope of reconciling.
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