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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    climbing girls

    Actually it's because they are all midgets. I bet the average height on this page is like 5'7" is this why Marie won't go out with any of them?
  2. minx

    climbing girls

    well i think this about sums up why there's so many single cc.com posters
  3. minx

    climbing girls

    Does your better half agree? who says he's the better half? i hope so, at least that's what he tells me
  4. don't say things like that. as long as it's good for the weekend, it can invert all it wants on m/t
  5. minx

    climbing girls

    PP-- There's a difference between settling and "settling down" (*gag*--i hate that euphamism)
  6. minx

    climbing girls

    [quote Totally untrue. I know quite a few women climbers who are single and have been single for a while. i believe these would be "gary's ex-girlfriends"
  7. minx

    climbing girls

    PP-- i don't get it, did your friend feel that his buddies had settled? or did he feel like his pals were cheating on him? i just wonder how many of these guys whining about wanting all this time to go climbing w/o bitching from their g/f a) actually want a g/f or would be just as happy w/ a fuck buddy (not passing judgement here, nothing wrong w/either answer) b) would be as patient if their g/f had an activity/hobby other than climbing that took her away from home/the relationship for extended time periods.
  8. minx

    climbing girls

    as usual, fern cuts straight throught the crap to the real issue
  9. minx

    climbing girls

    this is the funniest shit posted in ages. now would one of you boys teach me how to use a gri gri so i can drink beer while i belay?
  10. minx

    Spray is Boring Today

    sorry, i've got to go back to work. you can dissect me later. now somebody do something about this boring spray while i'm gone!
  11. yeah that's just great advice b/c we all spend all of our time skiing inbounds runs. nice attitude. i'm sorry for the family's loss. this sucks
  12. minx

    Spray is Boring Today

    nice to see ya chaps, ol' pal. should've guessed that you'd know quite a bit about class 3 pathogens.
  13. minx

    Spray is Boring Today

    yes--what would you like to know? it's scary, don't do it? which pathogen?
  14. and i have nothing to contribute
  15. oly, i thought you were on to something when i read the first part of the post. if Oleg logs him onto spray, the kid is likely to run screaming from the house. some folks might not see this as the kind of activity they want for their kid but at least he'd be off the couch and expressing himself.
  16. Holy Shit!!! What a coincidence. My sports / activities are self funded as well. What a concept. Wild. Do I get to call myself "semi-pro" too? only if you perform for an audience
  17. sign him up for the guitar lessons and insist he goes and practices a minimal amount of time. tell him if he doesn't like that activity to pick a new one.
  18. my parents had one simple rule when almost all of my life. i had to have an afterschool activity year round. it didn't matter what it was, if it changed season to season. i just had to have a regular activity. there could be more than one but at least one. didn't matter if it was playing an instrument, swimming, chess, school sport, art class, etc. some of those may not sound very exciting to you but they'll get him out of the house. they're not all going to get him fit and athletic but maybe he's more of a creative sort. any organized activity will provide structure and new friends. this way, you've set some boundaries but you're giving him a choice. you're also opening the door to trying more new things.
  19. bfiles--not trying to be argumentitive but maybe your location of eastern oregon is what makes your recreation degree worthless? or perhaps you haven't found the right work experience? plenty of people find their way in the recreation field. some do better than others but i wouldn't blame the degree for that. i'd say that's more planning, talent and timing than education. admittedly it's not overall as lucrative as more technical fields but there's decent money to be made.
  20. admit it...only b/c they have thorns. such a dirty girl geez selkirk! get your mind out of the gutter... i just meant that roses are thorny sort of like archenemy...she always seems a tad on the thorny side.
  21. admit it...only b/c they have thorns.
  22. yes and they blame you for all of it.
  23. Don't be wankers. Check the site out before you burn the guy.
  24. Are those denial tablets perscription or OTC? How much for a dozen? just drinking more but i was attributing that to the non-stop rain. seriously, it didn't take a career change, it took a new environment and working for someplace with a better focus than my last job. maybe people shouldn't expect to be satisfied with the same job for decades?
  25. i for one, would like to thank you computer types for keeping me in newer, faster, fancier, more complex programs to make my job easier. i hated my job, really hated it. i found a new job in the same industry that has meaning and i'm much happier but i didn't have to change careers... although i might some day.
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