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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    I am such a loser!

    apparently we're a hopeful nation
  2. minx

    I am such a loser!

    i don't think that makes you a loser. you'll have to find the "i suck" thread and post there.
  3. minx

    I am such a loser!

    Last night not only did I watch the state of the union, the democratic response, some of the "pundits" talk BUT then i watched part of it again. is it my imagination or did Shrub actually wink at someone during the speech? that and i'm wearing my overpriced softshell around town today. damn i suck
  4. Oly's fine. i'm sure he's just sleeping off his recent spray hangover in some stall in enumclaw. going for months with that level of spray is eventually going to catch up with a person. even dru takes a break once in a while.
  5. anybody??? i know it's the superbowl sunday and all but come on somebody has to want to get some BC turns in. my silly husband thinks he should go to work that day and everyone else seems want to watch the game instead. i'm hoping for good conditions on Sunday. anybody want to join me?
  6. smelly old rock shoes
  7. yeah---what dirty harry and chuck said. if this book won't apply to you ... don't buy it, don't use it. this seems pretty simple. OTOH--there are plenty of climbers out there who don't regularly get on harder stuff. nothing wrong with there being a guidebook aimed at them. (me) haven't seen the book yet but i'll be checking it out and a likely customer for mr. whitelaw there are plenty of reasons to insult a guidebook, bad topos, poor route descriptions, bad approach directions etc. target audience isn't one of them. sometimes folks are such unbelievable wankers
  8. we skiied near crystal on saturday. super deep. we were very glad to find a trail already broken for us. thanks to whomever put in the trail towards Norse peak. Lots of good turns up higher
  9. i'd sort of disagree with this. i'm relatively new to my touring gear. and i'm certainly no great shakes in-bounds. my first couple of times skiing in the spring were miserable, discouraging, heavy snow slush fests. i hate skiing moguls in-bounds why on earth would i want to go practice it on my AT gear? i don't run into to many of them in the BC. the hyak recommendation is a good one. there's plenty of places with moderate slopes and not too many trees. these are high on my list of places to go since i still seem to have some sort of strange gravitational pull towards trees.
  10. minx

    Spray is Boring Today

    Every time you post that, God kills a rubber bondage ducky. Please, think of the rubber bondage duckies! ummm...sure thing. but apparently you're thinking about bondage enough for the both us.
  11. minx

    Spray is Boring Today

    neither is DFA
  12. minx

    Unfortunate Names

    what thread drift? vagina would be an unfortunate name.
  13. minx

    Unfortunate Names

    gawd get your mind out of the gutter! nothing sexy about career talk. geesh!
  14. minx

    Unfortunate Names

    as long as you've got something straight, it doesn't matter to me who fluffs whom
  15. minx

    Unfortunate Names

    i didn't know you two worked together
  16. minx

    Unfortunate Names

    Sound like porn names. In fact, so does Dr. Flash Amazing. I think you're in porn. Midget porn, actually. i don't think Dr. doneina"flash" amazing would be a very good porn star.
  17. neither was Doctor Falsh Amazing
  18. don't make me think about that
  19. minx

    lame post of the day

    once you have one ardvark, why would you want another?
  20. what's going on with avatar names: Mxxxx goes from a real name to Kitergal and NOlSe goes from anonymous to John Frieh is it better to be anonymous or known?
  21. minx

    Unfortunate Names

    that belongs in the "things you used to think were cool" thread
  22. minx

    Unfortunate Names

    Dick Pound
  23. Clearly, you've taken a fashion grounder on this one. Like the Rolex watch, the Rolls Royce, and the Donald, Dr. Flash Amazing never goes out of style. Over-the-hill ball-gaggers, however... unlike a Chanel, Aston Martin, or French wine, DFA is not a timeless classic
  24. minx

    Unfortunate Names

    i once knew a second grade teacher named April Showers. two sisters that i once met, sparkle and glitter....that's just wrong
  25. Dr. Flash Amazing
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