that's OK -- we used to think men under 30 were cool. then we realized how much work it is to train them *where's the whip cracking icon when i need it*
Since I've only 1 other old alias and I don't even know the password for it anymore I can keep perfect track of my one login. Unlike you nerds with multiple aliai.
just another example of a man not knowing how much he has.
on the upside, at least iaXX is underestimating. that's a refreshing change
Just because you pussed out and exited off the highway to the danjazone is no reason to trash this cinematic masterpiece.
ooo look at iaXX trying to lay on the smackdown. it's ok. you're just feeling insecure b/c in the 80s you thought those aviator glasses would make you look cool. they didn't and they still don't
the new "assistant" doesn't start until tomorrow. my boss didn't make me do anything. it was self imposed. i was just sucking up and wanted to finish off an experiment so i could write the report today. jokes on me. i have to re-run a couple of samples