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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx


    i thought that was cj and his girlfriend?
  2. minx


    no, now i'm bored and apathetic. i've got to go train the chimp now
  3. minx


    oly--i've been saying for years that a moderately trained chimp could do my job. you can take this job and shove it. now i'm bitter and hostile.
  4. minx


    iaXX is definitely a wanker. marylou--we should be so lucky! only one wanker....
  5. minx


    i'm confused about lots of things but definitely NOT the fact that Cxxxa Commander is a wanker
  6. minx


    Cxxxa Commander I'm sure that you prefer the wrist action shaker.
  7. minx


    Their TA's.
  8. or you and and alpinfox for that matter
  9. Sometimes, but not usually. OMFG--shutup. you sound like you're in the second grade.
  10. minx

    I'm Ken4ord Dammit

    good grief! how much longer before they just induce the kid to come out and face the world????
  11. got spanked in the icicle. went for a little mosey on sunday morning, then cruised some e38 choss, drank beer. mmmmm...tasty
  12. minx

    I need a beer.

    not only do i need one after today. i'm going to have one. maybe i'll climb too.
  13. Excellent! we can fix up muffy and pandora.
  14. i've seen several bears this year. running up a trail in North Bend, came around a corner and there was a pretty good sized one. i ran rather briskly back home one dashed out right in front of my car a few weeks back .
  15. i think that archenemy, muffy and myself will be busy with our threesome that evening. we'll be skipping the special olympics.
  16. there seems to be a fair number of sitings in the North Bend area. I've seen 2 in the past couple of years. One was at the barn in the early morning. It was more interested in the chickens than me. Regardless, I moved slowly back into the barn and shut the door. The second time I saw one on the trail near snoqualmie. Fortunately I was riding my horse at the time. That one paused and gave us a good long look.
  17. you guys need to knock this shit off...this is the newbies forum not spray
  18. no just a windshirt
  19. DH you're probably right but this clearly isn't about what he wants. h/e despite this reality, i still am not going to be stepping up as mistress of make-out for this event. i'll be focusing on honing my finely honed skills and of course also focusing on not kissing mythosgrl. i will kiss muffy if she shows up though.
  20. EXCELLENT! i will be there to provide a black cloud of gloom over the event. i will ONLY be making out with my husband and maybe fern if she's interested but definitely not mythosgrl. oly you can lick my shirt but only on the sleeve. my ability to mosey down a trail is unsurpassed by anyone. i am going to kick some serious ass in the cc.com special olympic 50 meter mosey. i'm sorry but i'm out for the 1500m mosey...endurance event require too much effort.
  21. Not if you're reserving the site... Ouch! sobo- i've abdicated all responsibility for any and all tasks associated with rope-up. i may or may not attend depending on the dates selected for rope-up and smiffyfest. my presence will certainly detract from the atmosphere and the event will undoubtedly be be better off if i am unable to attend. however, i still hope to crush the festive mood of everyone involved by making an appearance. i want a date!...for the rope-up.
  22. in case anyone was still wondering, mythosgrl has a boyfriend. don't forget that. no matter what. she's not going kiss anyone else and oly isn't allowed to kiss her or her boyfriend. now moving along...do i see an official rope up date yet.
  23. minx


    and hell you didn't even bother to call me! sheeeit. it's not like i don't enjoy a beer or two.
  24. minx


    pasty white
  25. great--just friggin great....there's the law again, just sucking all the fun out of things as usual.
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