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Posts posted by billcoe

  1. So tell me Bill, does free speech extend to hundreds of death threats a day?

    No. The supreme court has already indicated that even yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater is not protected speech under the 1st amendment. If this is a reference to my panties being twisted because the President ordered the death, with no judicial review wanted, needed or allowed, of an American citizen in Yemen. If the politicians in office can start whacking us cause we are yelling douchebag things about our politicians, then I'd expect spray to start thinning out as they reach their tentacles down to us low life's. As far as what is salacious political talk that should get you executed immediately with no judicial recourse, I don't believe they have ruled on that ...yet.


    I don't know what your question is in direct reference to Drew, but perhaps that question is related to something else like the Ben Stein story I linked above? Or...hmmm, hey - must have been drinkin' again?




    Is this you?


  2. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/12/idUS265209529320120112


    By Kurt Orzeck at TheWrap Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:01pm EST


    Ben Stein claims he's a victim of political discrimination. The conservative pundit and actor -- and former Nixon speechwriter -- alleges that his position on climate change had him kicked off a $300,000 acting gig, only to be replaced by a lookalike. Stein filed a discrimination suit against Japanese company Kyocera Corporation and New York ad agency Seiter & Miller Advertising, in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday.


    He is claiming breach of contract, wrongful discharge and emotional distress, among other charges. In the suit, which was obtained by TheWrap, Stein says Kyocera reneged on the deal and replaced him after the company found out that he isn't sure humans are responsible for climate change.

    Probably should have just closed his eyes, nodded his head, gone along, and kept cashing those oversized paychecks.

  3. Mods must have deleted it Pat's Smith trip report. Had some interesting stuff on it. Amongst other stuff like some pretty schweet pictures (Collen jugging in space with the bags was rad!) it had one of the best free climbers in this state show up and was posting pics and explanations on a couple ways on how to make a stick clip.


    Too damned bad it's gone. :anger: I was looking for it to say to Pat that Timetravelr is a great guy to hang with, and you'd be fortunate to tie in with him.


    So I'll say it here.




    Auferdersehin bitches. :ass:



  4. Dave, you're a good person and all, but take the high road here. Trash has stopped drinking and is trying mostly trying to not be a nasty mean spirited assed prick to about everyone all the time. I don't think he's a bad person underneath that exterior and we should help him if we can.


    High road sir, high road.


    Regards to all




    KK and JayB: if you guys are interested shoot me an email or a PM.

    Put me on that list too if you don't mind John.



    HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A University of Connecticut researcher known for his work on red wine's benefits to cardiovascular health falsified his data in more than 100 instances, university officials said Wednesday.


    UConn officials said nearly a dozen scientific journals are being warned of the potential problems after publishing his studies in recent years.


    The researcher, Dr. Dipak Das, did some studies of resveratrol, an ingredient in red wine that has shown potential for promoting health.


    But Dr. Nir Barzilai, whose research team conducts resveratrol research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, told The Associated Press that Das is not a major figure in the field. The new allegations will not make a material difference to resveratrol research, which is being conducted extensively around the world with encouraging results from many labs, Barzilai said.


    Enthusiasm in the potential health benefits from red wine grew after a widely reported study in 2006 in which obese mice lived longer, healthier lives after getting resveratrol. Das was not involved in that research.


    UConn officials said their internal review found 145 instances over seven years in which Das fabricated, falsified and manipulated data, and the U.S. Office of Research Integrity has launched an independent investigation of his work.

  6. I'm with Matt on this. Probably neither of us really wants Paul yet we both might vote for him. Ivan just brought up Chinese emperors on another thread (the republican thread), and it reminded me that the absolute power of life and death over their subjects was and hall mark of Chinese emperors power.


    This is the mantle we have seen the President pick up with the recent US military strike on Al-Awawaki, a US citizen, who's crime was supposedly to have spoken ill of our country. Thought crime, speaking his mind. Saying it out loud. That is what was "claimed" by the President in the news media. So he needed to be killed for publicly speaking his mind, no court case needed. That they also killed another American in the car, the innocent 16 year old son of the man, surprisingly seems not to trouble or bother but a few of my countrymen. I'd suppose I'd be more fine with the outright murder of the man-which is just what happened, murder by the state in violation of all our laws and traditions, had he been indicted by a court before hand. Yet even the court case that his father brought to try and save his son, the same son who had earlier claimed via the media that the Presidents media reports were overblown and not true, was thrown out.


    I think there are few issues anywhere near to being as large as this addressed by any candidate other than Paul. The right of our leader to kill any of us based on evidence given in a backroom and published in the media as being irrevocably true.


    Rob wants the EPA. Me too. But big fucking deal if they can deprive you of your very fucking life with out a trial. Paul is the only person discussing this.


    I hope that the Paul campaign, with all it's baggage, can shape and frame the real debate we should be having right now with some bedrock serious and important core issues.


  7. chinese emperors back in the day had so many bitches they had to build a whole special city to hold them all, and made certain any man entering the city had his ballz chopped off before he could go in.


    Meh, having an overlord with the power of life and death over you is overrated. It is making a comeback under the Obama administration however. A vote for Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi is a vote for for victory over democracy.



    Yippy yai-kioh Partner.

  8. I didn't realize that was what this board was for... :crosseye:

    Well lately this board is great for one thing at least: racking up posts. I'm up over 820!


    Going skiing now, later all! :wave:

    Well, you can forget all about skiing if you are serious about racking up posts. No way you'll ever catch up with Trash, Sobo or me with that kind of a "go get me some freshies" attitude.... :)

  9. Thanks for that heads up John. I didn't know some of that. More info here along that line: http://www.uhs.uga.edu/aod/athletic-performance.html




    The other side of the coin for middle age women: http://www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/1681-grow-old-gracefully-tips.html


    "For middle-age women, having one alcoholic drink a day may improve health and pave the way to a long life, a new study shows.


    Research this month from the Harvard School of Public Health included a look at the Nurses' Health Study, which has been ongoing since 1976 and involves 121,700 women nurses. Researchers examined the health status of the 13,984 women in the study who lived to be 70 or older.


    The results showed that women who had an occasional drink, up to one per day, of any alcoholic beverage during middle age had better overall health when they grew older than women who did not drink at all, those who consumed more than two drinks a day, and those who had four drinks or more at one time.


    The researchers defined good overall health as having no major chronic diseases such as heart disease or diabetes and no major cognitive and physical impairment or mental health limitations. The study authors said such health leads to "successful aging."


    Which may be tied to an earlier tip in the article on maintaining an optimistic outlook...

  10. I was just wondering what is a good beginner harness, that's affordable and safe. I dont have tons of extra cash to throw into a harness. And yes i realize i could ask a salesperson at a retail store, but id rather hear it from a community of climbers.

    Thanks :)


    Just read Genespires stuff, that's what I was gonna say. Go to your local store and hang in it. They're all safe. Comfort is what you want. Do some stretching and make sure it doesn't impede your movement too. Generally lighter harnesses are better for long easy backcountry routes or for hard asses trying to shave a gram for a hard send, while heavy wide harnesses are better for hanging aid routes. That said, I think the best all around harness I've encountered for what I do, if I had to just pick ONE, is the Misty Mountain Cadillac. Yet I have 3 Metolius harness's as well, 2 of the bigassed Waldos, for hanging in. The Waldos are more comfortable for hanging in while doing new routes.


    No use for Black Diamond harnesses for me either. I learned that at my local climbing store by hanging in the BD harness's. Last week I just gave my son a Yates Shield I picked up online without hanging in it first. Bad idea. Yates has a great rep an make top notch stuff, but I think my package must be much larger than than the kids, as he found it comfortable and I hated on it.


    Go thee to your local store, not one named REI. As far as the price thing goes, if you are going to be in the game any amount of time, get the one that's the best for you. WORST damn thing you can do is get some uncomfortable POS BUT ya save a few bucks. Every time you are in pain waiting for a slow assed partner to come up and you are hanging in space on a cliff, you will remember these words. LOL.


    Welcome !

  11. Let's say you're a relatively new climber, female type (less than 12 summits...successful, even), and had a gift certificate for $500.00 for some gear. You have the basics and want to do more Alpine this summer including some solo treks in the Cascades/Canada.


    What kind of upgrades would you make to your gear bins...anything. Ropes, shells, pants, picks, protection (not Trojan), shoes/boots?


    Just curious.


    Snide, smart-ass comments always appreciated.

    (OK, so I was a super nice girl this year, and Santa is gonna be good to me.)


    As you don't seem to be the "frigid" type (heh heh), and there is some good advice upthread but I'd make doubly sure that you have something to withstand a cold, cold rain. (It would be great if you only face cold fluffy snow) That means you'd have either (or both) a Eddie Bauer/First Ascent Rainjacket or a kick assed PrimaLoft® One coat. Gear doesn't mean shit when you're hypothermic, and if you are solo, a sudden wet cold squall can do you in and put you down quick. As you've done 12 summits, and have the basics, you may already have this stuff.....if so, just hire Sobo there to be your dirtbag hauling bitch:-) Hint, pay him in cheap wine, you can pick up a bottle of Mouton Rothschild, (an empty one) and fill it full of Gallo - he doesn't know the diff anyway, and put the extra $ in the bank. Once he gets good and slobbering drunk, play mountain jeopardy with him and film it, put the film on the internet and make all your money back and even retire from the millions of hits and thousands of dollars google will pay for stupid shit. (Pat posted one of a monkey firing an AK47, I can see this easily surpassing that)


    Have fun and be safe. Uhhh, that kind too. :blush:


  12. in addition to screaming while belaying, i also chain-smoke, read, consume dangerous drugs, muse outloud on my philosophies of condiments and civilizations, as well as sing off-key, absurd irish ballads - i find this generally prevents my leaders from falling and generally gets them the hell up the route and out of ear-shot much faster than the usual white-bread belayer

    Even more remarkable, there is a low quality music player blaring endless loud shit music while this circus is happening and yet it still is interesting and enjoyable. Explain that somehow. You'd never hear the screamer over the music anyway.





  13. From: http://bisserjeta.hsara.com/2012/01/100-year-old-prostitute-still-going-strong/

    click link for full story.


    "100 year old prostitute still going strong


    ...Doris admits that due to her advanced age, the market she caters for is somewhat niche. “For men who are almost into necrophilia but not quite” say her ads on Maltapark. “Oh yes, I’m very web savvy,” she says. “One of my last clients, bless him, was a shy computer programmer, and he set up a Facebook page for me, which really helps to set up appointments since I can only cover about 30 metres of pavement in a day nowadays, and that’s with my Zimmer frame.


    She says advanced age has several advantages. “Losing all my teeth has been a Godsend, I can tell you. And if someone has a foot fetish, but also likes breasts, in my case they’re in the same general area.”


    Being more than a century old certainly hasn’t diminished her creativity either. “I can do more things with a tire-swing and a rolling pin than you could ever possibly imagine.”


    Despite the fact that her more glamourous days are arguably behind her, Doris has no intentions of retiring any time soon. “No matter how old I get I won’t stop bending over backwards to make sure my clients are satisfied.”"


    LOL :lmao:

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