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Posts posted by billcoe

  1. I was trying to upload a vid of Adam Winslow leading Jimmies Favorite at Jimmy Cliff, the new place Tim is going to out in his new book. I downloaded some free software to turn the thing 90 degrees, and can watch it normally on my computer, but the darned thing uploads sideways anyway. Anyone help out with this? I'm too cheap to buy expensive video software if that is a suggestion:-)




    That doesn't look right either. http://vimeo.com/33349102 Well, I have real work to go do, here's the link anyway.



  2. In real life he's a good fella, he takes a lot of mean spirited abuse from you rude dudes with tudes in a pretty kindly way in case you didn't notice.... :ass:




    I feel uplifted already... Fly! Be free!



    Ethics Debate Question: Why is Kevbone such a dolt?





  3. Kitty said:

    "Alf is a climbing legend and I am a worthless weekender that has spent my summer growing vegetables, volunteering and climbing. I teach Special Education to kids that have been abused so horribly that they have severe emotional distress; throw things, hit, spit and more.


    I am sorry if I don't have the time to bum around the Creek and eat everyone's food and take all their gear to climb some nasty off-width. Oh wait, no I'm not. I try to live a life examined as well. I know lots of dirtbags and guys and gals making it work without making me work. So great for you guys that think he is awesome. Please leave notes to where you are so that I can direct him in your direction next time."

    :lmao: Seems like she needs to learn that it takes all kinds to make the world spin in an interesting way. Good on this comment though

    I try to live a life examined as well
    I like the sound of that.


    Anyone else hear that story of Todd Skinner and Paul Pianna making pancakes for all comers in Yosemite once? Malcolm Daly told it, seems they were at it for hours.

  4. Speaking of reading slowly....?


    Read this VERY slowly.


    A white woman comes forward to accuse a black man running for political office of sexual misconduct, and, without any analysis of the white woman's past, background, or, most importantly, connection to other candidates for the contested political office, the left and right are both happy to state "That black guy is unfit for office?"

    I read it slow:-) But I thought I explained it up thread. The wannabe President black guy doing white women or not doesn't affect fitness for office. We are so use to seeing politicians having affairs that it's really just one more. Since all the others Pols claimed innocence but were guilty, should we now go "Oh, all these women with these sex charges must be lying bitches despite the last 15 times we saw this near exact thing with white politicians it was true"? No, we just roll our eyes and say "Oh, one more". It's just more grist for the media mill. Like Gary Hart or Bill Clinton's campaigns. Notice that most folks figure the voluminous charges against Clinton were true and they voted for him anyway.


    Here's one for you all, why does the black guy who is the President get a free pass on gay sex charges? http://www.larrysinclair.org/about/


    Why is the media all over Cain and not Obama?

  5. Slow readers like yourself should have also caught that Burr took his sweet time aiming, and as he was a good shot, clearly meant to kill Hamilton.


    Hamilton had earlier confessed to an affair, proving himself no better: or worse, than Cain in that regard.


    Here's another one you c...a...n... R...e...a...d.... S...L....O...W...L...Y... (talking slow so that some of the underachieving artists around here can follow the bouncing ball). Andrew Jackson, who had killed a man in a questionable duel for insulting his wife (as she was technically still married to another when they wed- Jackson, it was claimed, had been having an affair with a married woman) still got elected President afterwards.


    Hope that was slow enough for some.

  6. You may certainly hold opinions that differ from mine, but when one says that another's opinion is wrong, then there can be no further meaningful discussion.

    The death knell of spray has thusly just rung....

  7. I don't know about that, I wasn't there. Do you think that maybe Jefferson lost to John Adams because there was a whispering campaign (which was of course not published in the newz at the time) about this taboo subject? Then, later, realizing they'd been "Swiftboated" and long after the John Adams audacity of hope sthick had gotten old, no one cared and they voted for Jefferson anyway? He was a nice guy ya know.



  8. So none of you guys figure Cain is getting swiftboated by the other Repubs? all of these women are legit, none are character assassins hired/prepared/bankrolled by another Repub?


    Wouldn't matter either way to most of us. Does it change the way he would be as President as it relates to getting the job done? Anyway, I think we all are in acceptance mode after the parade of Clinton accusers. But so what? If you go back the last century (or perhaps all the way back, this isn't a recent phenomenon) and look at Presidents who had extramarital affairs and tossed out the ones who did, who would be left to run the country? At the end of the day you want to know if the guy could do the job, not do the aid or the maid. Hell, they'll probably all be doing the aid and the maid.


    "Sally who?"


  9. If you did not sign for them, then how do you know they were delivered?


    They just toss them up there and mark it delivered if you don't answer your door. They do that to me if stuff goes to my house, so I have stuff sent to my work where we have someone here all the time.


    You might knock on your neighbors doors and see if anyone noticed anything Scott. Put it on the Lost and Found thread too as if someone sees some for sale a few months from now they might check there but not here. Wow. :shock: Can you give a heads up on the type (colors of the cams) and how many cams?


    You probably know everyone who currently owns totem basics in this area.

  10. I'll take tomorrow: he'll drop from the race by close of business Wednesday 11/30/11.


    I can't bet on it, too much like sitting on the porch watching a dog walk past a fire hydrant. Will he go piss on it or not? No way to know. I suspect he's a good guy, but not Presidential material in a Ross Perot kind of way. Newt is, Obama is. We'll have to wait for the book to come out to detail the full story as he and Sarah Palin travel the US on that bus of her's. I understand they have the cover worked out.


  11. Sucks to get old. Don't know where it is. Full rack of Totem cams #1-5, some small aliens -probably the Green, yellow and red, lots of skinny trad draws with Red Wild country Heliums on one end and the tiny gold Camp Nanos on the other. On an adjustable Chouinard gear sling blue, that has my name in black felt time on it. The cams had blue on yellow paint, as well as my name in felt time on the slings.


    It might have walked off, over a month ago, but I suspect I sat it down and walked off ....


    I had it on Climbalicious in this pic Timetraveler took:




    Pretty sure I had it for a lap up Young Warriors at Beacon in early Oct. We split up after the climb cause Ujahn had to work, I went off exploring...I know I took it and put it in the car as we split and thought I drug it home with me late that night.

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