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Posts posted by billcoe

  1. Wow, 2 more sub $100 ropes at REI. $99.93 for either. One dry, one non-dry.


    Edelrid Boa 9.8mm x 60m non-dry climbing rope, 9.8mm diameter keeps the weight down to 61g per meter.



    New England Equinox 10.2mm x 60m Dry Rope




    and a 70meter: $139.93 Mammut Climax 9.6mm x 70m Non-Dry Rope

  2. What is beginning to unravel?


    You are Kevboning very well.

    I love this. :tup: It's about time we added a new verb to the English language.

    I think the last one to be adopted in mainstream use was "to Google", and that's been a while...


    Kev.bone [kev-bohn] noun, verb, Kev.boned, Kev.boning, {NE, 2011}


    1. to behave in the manner of Kevboning.



    2. to habitually and continuously "answer" any question directed towards oneself with another, unrelated, question to the original enquirer.


    LOL, put it in wiki and remember that it started here. Thanks Drew.

  3. You 3 guys should move to spray and keep the negativity there on off of this thread. It's bullshit to pee in a guys cornflakes like that in public. He posted some climbing photos and you come in with short one liners denigrating the lad.


    My thoughts.

  4. Haven't seen the ads you discuss. Mormons are good folks. Not just because they let everyone climb on their land in lower Cottonwood canyon too. Historic stuff, they quarried for the Tabernacle in there, and you can feel the history when you are there.


    Good stuff.

  5. Clearly we are witnessing two forces of repulsion that are repelling each other, proving the math theroim that although a negative and negative is not a positive, multiplying two negatives gives a positive. However, it seems to be a bunch of negative shit positively stated in this case. Hmmm...


    Move over, I'm getting some popcorn and sitting back to watch the fur fly once the engineers show up to explain this stuff to everyone. Probably involves "dual negative innernut assclown clownpunching disagreement hysteria" syndrome.....




    Warm regards to all: :wave:

  6. You guys see this Polish protestor who got his own copter to film the action? "Spy on the police" so to speak. Good stuff.




    This thread is gettin' "spicy" up in here isn't it? JB and Trash, 2 negative posters acting like 2 negative electrons that touch and demolish each other.

  7. Like what the dog said when he wiped his ass with sandpaper.




    You know what, fuckwad? I grew up watching coverage of the Vietnam war. I watched it pretty closely...my 2nd grade classmate's brother died there, and me pops was there for 2 years. The news didn't pull any punches in telling it like it was. Reporters risked and lost their lives telling it like it was. If your lilly-livered, I've-done-fuck-all-but-whine post modern ego requires denigration of that kind sacrifice, that's cool. And you also need to fuck off, you pusillanimous little fucking insect.


    Clear enough, or would you like another 'anecdotal' opinion?




  8. The invisible hand says that only bail out for banks, tax cuts for the wealthy and benefit cuts for the peons would keep US rates low. I wonder what the catfood commission II is going to do.

    Catfood commission. LOL! :lmao: They'll have to do something other than the current Clusterfrikkagegridlok©. Hopefully they balance cuts and tax increases and come out soon with something the rest of the congress can choke down. We've been spending like drunken sailors, and it the Iran war sparks up we're in deep yogurt. The bus is almost heading off the cliff and these folks seem to arguing over the radio station that's playing.




    No country




    NO country


    ROCK!!!! COUNTRY!!!!

  9. Of course you can always invest thousands in some cultish "seminar" like John Frieh and still be only able to climb 5.8 in the mountains.


    Nope. I see John and Marcus doing Crossfit and suspect that's one of the reasons they are both badasses.


    That John, who works in an office, can show up on a weekend and do a first ascent of a long multipitch granite Grade 4 5.11 in a remote location in Idaho, or turn around, jump on a plane and bag the First ascent of a peak in Alaska that has been eyeballed and tried by other strong climbers pretty much validates that thought. I think Marcus is even more of that than John, he's been eyed off in the distance free soloing some pretty hardassed ice which you can't easily train for around here as the ice forms so rarely.


    I don't know anyone else doing it, and I suspect that it is due to cost.

  10. Nope. Sorry, no vote for you. However, you may not be surprised to learn that campaign contributions have risen to those super committee members (democrat and republican) as they deliberate these weighty matters. Probably takes the urgency off coming to closure, and takes the sting out of failure. For them anyway. Someone will pay a price.


    Bi-partisan super-gridlock-clusterfuckage is clearly forming.




    Substitute the date below for today's update as the Bell prepares to Toll.




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