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Posts posted by billcoe

  1. todays news:




    A new study is raising questions about the age-old belief that a calorie is a calorie.


    Research from a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health finds that dieters were more successful maintaining weight on a low-carb diet than they were on a low-fat diet.


    Arthur Mullen


    Research from a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health finds that dieters were more successful maintaining weight on a low-carb diet than they were on a low-fat diet.




    Arthur Mullen


    Research from a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health finds that dieters were more successful maintaining weight on a low-carb diet than they were on a low-fat diet.

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    The research finds that dieters who were trying to maintain their weight loss burned significantly more calories eating a low-carb diet than they did eating a low-fat diet.


    But some experts say these findings are very preliminary.


    The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, was designed to see if changing the type of diet people consumed helped with weight maintenance because dieters often regain lost weight.


    So scientists had 21 obese participants, ages 18 to 40, lose 10% to 15% of their initial body weight (about 30 pounds). After their weight had stabilized, each participant followed one of three different diets for four weeks. Participants were fed food that was prepared for them by diet experts. The dieters were admitted to the hospital four times for medical and metabolic testing.


    The diets had the same number of calories, but the fat, protein and carbohydrate content varied. Those diets:


    •A low-fat diet which was about 20% of calories from fat and emphasized whole-grain products and fruits and vegetables.


    •A low-carb diet, similar to the Atkins diet, with only 10% of calories from carbohydrates. It emphasized fish, chicken, beef, eggs, cheese, some vegetables and fruits while eliminating foods such as breads, pasta, potatoes and starchy vegetables.


    •A low-glycemic index diet, similar to a Mediterranean diet, made up of vegetables, fruit, beans, healthy fats (olive oil, nuts) and mostly healthy grains (old-fashioned oats, brown rice). These foods digest more slowly, helping to keep blood sugar and hormones stable after the meal.


    Findings, published in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association: Participants burned about 300 calories more a day on a low-carb diet than they did on a low-fat diet. "That's the amount you'd burn off in an hour of moderate intensity physical activity without lifting a finger," says senior author David Ludwig, director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital.


    "Participants burned 150 calories more on the low-glycemic index diet than the low-fat diet. That's about an hour of light physical activity," he says.


    The reason for the low-carb advantage is unclear, he says.


    "We think the low-carb and low-glycemic index diets, by not causing the surge and crash in blood sugar, don't trigger the starvation response. When the body thinks it's starving, it turns down metabolism to conserve energy," he says.


    The authors note a downside to the low-carb diet: It appears to raise some risk factors for heart disease.


    Ludwig says that restricting carbohydrates over the long term may be hard for many people. If you're trying to lose weight, "you can get a jump start with a low-carb diet, but over the long term, a low-glycemic index diet may be better than severely restricting carbohydrates."


    "The low-glycemic index diet seems to be the happy medium," says Cara Ebbeling, associate director of the Obesity Prevention Center. "It didn't slow metabolism as much as the low-fat diet, and it didn't seem to have some of the negative effects on cardiovascular disease risk."


    On a low-glycemic index diet, you would avoid highly processed carbs such as white bread, white rice, many snack foods, prepared breakfast cereals, sugary desserts and sugary beverages, she says.


    Experts had different responses to the findings.


    George Bray, an obesity researcher at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge who has also studied this topic and who wrote the accompanying editorial in JAMA, says that other studies "show that you can do well on any diet as long as you stick to it. Adherence is the major key for weight loss and maintenance. There is no magic in any diet."


    Eric Westman, a Duke University researcher who has conducted several studies on the low-carb diet and is co-author of The New Atkins for a New You, says this study documents that the "lower the carbohydrates, the better the metabolic effects. People burn more calories if they eat fewer carbohydrates."


    Marion Nestle, a nutrition professor at New York University, says longer studies conducted among people in their own environments, not with such controlled meals, have shown "little difference in weight loss and maintenance between one kind of diet and another." More research is needed to show that interesting results like these are applicable in real life, she says.


    "In the meantime, if you want to lose weight, eat less."





    Here’s a look at the three types of diets used in the new study:


    A low-fat diet, which is about 20% of calories from fat, 60% from carbohydrates, 20% from protein. It emphasizes whole-grain products and fruits and vegetables and cuts way back on oils, nuts, fatty meats and other high-fat foods.


    A low-carb diet, similar to the Atkins diet, with only 10% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein, 60% from fat. This diet emphasizes beef, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese, some vegetables and fruits while slashing the consumption of breads, pasta, potatoes, rice, cakes, cookies and starchy vegetables.


    A low-glycemic index diet, similar to a Mediterranean diet, is made up of vegetables, fruit, beans, healthy fats (olive oil, nuts) and mostly healthy grains (old-fashioned oats, brown rice). It gets about 40% of daily calories from carbohydrates, 40% from fat and 20% from protein.


    Source: Journal of the American Medical Association



  2. Jimmy steps up and lays the riff down:




    Jimmy Carter Accuses U.S. of 'Widespread Abuse of Human Rights'



    A former U.S. president is accusing the current president of sanctioning the "widespread abuse of human rights" by authorizing drone strikes to kill suspected terrorists.


    Jimmy Carter, America's 39 th president, denounced the Obama administration for "clearly violating" 10 of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, writing in a New York Times op-ed on Monday that the "United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights."


    "Instead of making the world safer, America's violation of international human rights abets our enemies and alienates our friends," Carter wrote.


    While the total number of attacks from unmanned aircraft, or drones, and the resulting casualties are murky, the New America Foundation estimates that in Pakistan alone 265 drone strikes have been executed since January 2009 . Those strikes have killed at least 1,488 people, at least 1,343 of them considered militants, the foundation estimates based on news reports and other sources.


    In addition to the drone strikes, Carter criticized the current president for keeping the Guantanamo Bay detention center open, where prisoners "have been tortured by waterboarding more than 100 times or intimidated with semiautomatic weapons, power drills or threats to sexually assault their mothers."


    The former president blasted the government for allowing "unprecedented violations of our rights to privacy through warrantless wiretapping and government mining of our electronic communications."


    He also condemned recent legislation that gives the president the power to detain suspected terrorists indefinitely, although a federal judge blocked the law from taking effect for any suspects not affiliated with the September 11 terrorist attacks.


    "This law violates the right to freedom of expression and to be presumed innocent until proved guilty, two other rights enshrined in the declaration," Carter said.


    While Carter never mentioned Obama by name, he called out "our government" and "the highest authorities in Washington," and urged "concerned citizens" to "persuade Washington to reverse course and regain moral leadership."


    See there, that's what one old dude thinks of those regressive republican Bush/Obama politics. Anyone else see that we have been able to keep the amount of innocents murdered by drones to a low number by counting all men as "insurgents" and as "terrorists". Just need to work to expand that definition to include the little 3 year old girl terrorists and then we can keep murdering people with impunity and keep the count of non-terrorists to just a few newborn infants.

  3. This pic came across my FB wall because I'm friends with one of the guys who made the climb with Mark's family to spread his ashes. I don't know if the photos are public or if I can see them because of my friend was tagged, but so worth a look. The shots from the entire album are great.

    Not popping up for me Melisa. I called Ujahn yesterday just to touch base and he was on the way back to town after summiting. Said on the way to the top he and Jesse passed Marks daughter kicked back at the lunchcounter area waiting for the rest of the group to come down after they had spread Marks ashes on top. Being unconnected, he hadn't heard of the accident the first time. They didn't know who she was but had stopped to make sure she was OK, and she told them the story. There was an accident later after they were probably in the car....I was hoping it wasn't any of that group when I read that story. It fortunately wasn't and the guy will recover. Been a rough couple weeks in the cascades.....

  4. Why Seattleites should be happy their name isn't attached to that team:





    Although "Clap" could have been a word connected to the Sonics when Shawn Kemp was a playaaah for the Sonics I suppose. Kids and baby mamas in every NBA city? 33 in a mine?




    "33 of Shawn Kemp's Kids Found in Chilean Mine

    By Captain Meatball, October 14, 2010 at 1:01 am


    OUTSIDE SANTIAGO- 33 of former basketball star Shawn Kemp's illegitimate children were found alive, last night, in a small town outside of Santiago, Chile.


    The children, with ages ranging from 2 to 20, were without food or water.


    "We heard that when child support payments were not being made, Kemp flew the kids to Chile to work as underground miners to help pay off his debts," stated Carabineros de Chile Captain Miguel Enterada............"





  5. In addition to wasting time on the pass itself as Josephs says above, the thing is 100% regressive. Bill Gates pays the same as a poor widow with 4 kids. Someone may be able to pass on buying 11 morning lattes and afford the pass instead, but should a person who cannot afford a latte pass on buying a pair of shoes for a child so that they can afford the pass, or should she just buy the shoes and stay the hell out of the rich mans forest? Those people do exist, even if you people never see them in YOUR world. Furthermore, everytime a new fee or tax is added, a new little bureaucracy sprouts up to manage it. It's wasteful and wrong.

  6. what I really want to know is, who is the hottie

    You go overseas and a few scant weeks later this is hot? Sobo, she's OK, but buddy, it's gonna be a looooonnnngggggg tour. :shock:



  7. For posterity, but why would you think it's fishy?


    Up for grabs is my huge stash of gear. Rock to ice. One piece or package deal. 562-8550

    New North Face Darkstar 3D synthetic bag -20 or better. $100

    Charlet Moser Crampons $50

    Grivel Mt Black Ice axe $50

    BD GTX curved finger gloves $50

    Climbing skins, 2 pair $50

    Goretex Gaitors, 3 pair, $50

    Petzl ascenders $50

    Brake Rack, rescue and personal, 1 each, $50

    Forged lost arrow pitons

    BD piton hammer

    Mamba quick draws (7 ea)

    Set of cams (9)

    Chocks (many!)

    ice screws

    4 sit harnesses

    1 chest harness

    2 big wall gear slings

    1 over the shoulder gear sling

    2 chalk bags

    petzl/rock exotica rescue pulleys and wall hauler

    lightweight helmets 2 ea


    belay device(s)

    and more. Most of this .50 on the dollar and ranges from new, like new, to barely used.

    Probably left some out, so email with needs. Prefer to sell as a package and will make best deal that way. Cash only.




  8. Nice solo effort. Takes stones to head up to that place alone and get off the ground, especially on a new line. Anyway, it's too early for everyone to start bitching so I wouldn't worry over that just yet. Alternatively, you could wait till it warms up or stops raining too. It would be more fun.


    Going to wet up there this weekend. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=45.11230010229608&lon=-122.21026618033648&site=pqr&smap=1&unit=0&lg=en&FcstType=text

  9. Octomom vs Dolphin






    A scientist who studies dolphins off western Greece last week captured an incredible sequence of images -- perhaps the first of their kind -- showing a leaping bottlenose dolphin with a large octopus clinging to its belly."




    Hmmmm, any bets if jb turns this into a republican vs democrat thing......or a regressive shill taxpayer vs welfare sucker...nahhh. LOL

  10. I've tried for years to understand the idea behind posing with your kill. I've always wondered the purpose. If it is to showcase the animal, a shot of it live would work better I think as well as requiring more hunting skill. Posed photos are less creepy than taxidermied trophies on your wall, but still... can someone please explain this to me?


    Am I the only person here on Facebook? Scratch the word "kill" above and substitute anything anybody just did that they enjoyed...scratch yer ass, walk the dog, go to the store, etc etc etc. Check it out, called "Facebook". You'll be shocked. Pretty common thing it appears as Jayb says upthread.



    Ya can't make stuff like this up:-)

  11. Nice! Darrels must have been so big he couldn't drag it out of da woods. Bar-B-Q at Darrel's house! Oly brings the beer, I've got the music covered.




    Whhoo- hoo, we're going to be listening to WHAM! -




    PS, nice to have the memories recorded from before you eat it as opposed to after you eat it, thus pictures.

  12. enjoyed my first trip out there just fine - better than sex, coecocounut bridge, dragonspine, excalibur, trench warfare n' rad/plaid/glad - the scruffy approach trail is great prep for the routes! great work there bill, and my apologizes for breaking one of the 2 reading room chairs w/ my gargantuan ass :)

    No trip report?



    No worries. Chairs come and go. My brother said that when I die, he'll cement a real nice bench in down there with a memorial plaque on it something like Danny Wrights out at Smith Rock.


    Some favorite questionable people sitting in some (formerly) favorite questionable chairs.



  13. Nice.....where is this place?

    Click this Kevin: http://mapper.acme.com/ Once that's up, copy this: N 45.07837 W 122.11870 and paste it in the lower right hand corner to the left of the button that says "find". Then click "find". That's the location.


    On the upper right is a toolbar. I've found that Hybrid and Topo are a great way to perv out on the next weekend or years adventures while at work.


    The upper left hand corner has a handy zoom in or out feature.

  14. Everyone thinks their diet is fine.


    I don't think that way. Of course, I ate half a box of Pillsbury cake mix with a soup spoon yesterday. After dinner. The whole time wishing I could stop and thinking: "how F**ing crazy is this?"


    Thanks for sharing the Whole 30 thing. I suspect that if (IF!!) I could only just quit sugar, I'd be way ahead. I have nothing derogatory to say about folks making the effort, it's awesome you all are grabbing the gusto: I do appreciate the stoke here.



  15. Says his old Harvard Professor. In other interviews he says that we shouldn't reelect him. (Like Romney is any different) The economic issues are explained here. The professor looks to be unhappy that a more progressive agenda wasn't followed. Worth the watch if you can stay awake :-)




    The guys does say that the dems and repubs are basically the same. Something I've been feeling for quite some time. Same - same. Regardless of how you feel on the subject, it's pretty interesting spew with some gaps of specifics. As far as the Profs complaint that the stimulus was a bad idea, Bush had worked up that program, walked out the door and handed it off to the incoming dude who, only having one program/solution: expanded and executed it. I suspect jb won't even be calling the guy a "regressive shill. LOL.

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