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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. okay, if you want to play that game, one that I remember was the bit about him walking into the bank and getting a free gun. The interviewer asked him if he did not in fact have that event pre-staged. He refused to answer directly, instead ranting about "TV lies," and using Clintonesque dodges to imply that it wasn't pre-arranged. But it was pretty clear that Moore's stunt WAS pre-arranged, and that the average Joe could NOT have walked into the bank and walked out same visit with a free gun. Moore is no more than an agitator, a self-promoting bullshit one at that. Must be motivated by some deep inferiority complex, because he clearly couldn't manage third shift at a Dairy Queen on his own. Anybody can throw rocks at human organizations...I choose to admire many of the folks that have the skill to build'em, rather than the ones who want to tear'em down. depends on what u mean by prearanged, he admits that he had to call ahead to get permision to film in the bank and there was also stoires on the bank in the chicago times before moore did the film. also they did a background check that took 10 min so i guess not anybody can get a gun just those with clean records, oh but didn't teb bundy and several other serial killers have virtualy clean records before they strted killing people? oh and one more thing what is wrong with tearing down organizations that are reasponsible for perpetual war, the Bushes, the NRA, the missle ware house.. then again i supose its good we keep killing ourselves cause it means we can live below the earths careing conpasity for just a little bit longer with out being forced to change the way we do things.
  2. That falls under the "more than a mouthful is a waste" category. well then i hope you got a big mouth cause i sure wouldn't want to waste none
  3. nice jugs
  4. damit tim, didn't need to pitch a tent at school
  5. whirlwind

    hey trask

    maybe i think i threw you a quarter the other day
  6. whirlwind

    hey trask

    that better?
  7. whirlwind

    hey trask

    if bull shit paid the rent u'd have a job and a cows ass. oh wait my bad u already got one too bad about the job though, hows the can collecting going?
  8. where is the one that shakes ur tree anyways?
  9. whirlwind


    u never asked
  10. how bout sex on the beach? or sex any where for that matter
  11. whirlwind


    e-rock actually u just wanted me to climb nude
  12. whirlwind


    i always wondered why u insisted that climbing in kelts is cool , and made me lead the "hard stuff"
  13. this option is avalible at certain times, please consult e-rock, warning this option may cost you a or and result in a sore bum
  14. nothing gets the honey faster than " hey baby i got a big van"
  15. unfortunatly i got to sell er, 1990 chev conversion van G20 137,000mi confy to live in and travel in all power,cruse control, ac, 4 chaptains chairs and a bench that folds into a bed. seats up to 7 fellow climbers( or 7 gumbies if ur a guide) must sell askin 3,000 obo... pm for more info p.s. would post a pic but i can't figure out how to.
  16. defiantly in baja the phosphorecnts are rad they look like gosts u can see em from couple hundred yrds just flyin along
  17. sweet pic though, love seeing em ride the surf, or boat wakes.
  18. nah distel's a pimp, he just can't climb trad thats all. but i forgive him not every one can be a stud
  19. It figures you'd find a way to post something about cops checking out butts. Bad memories? Something you fantasize about? I know you want some of them Mounties to give you the body cavity check...that's probably the only action you'll see this month you felcher! dam e-rock why the hostility, i gave u a reach around last time wtf do u expect, i already told ya i'm a giver not a reciver
  20. so does that mean you swallow? never sais i was nice. that mean whirlwind not afraid of putting hand or fingers in crack. u know it
  21. he lives in b-ham now
  22. hey baby, i climb trad...
  23. whirlwind

    Poll of the day

    ok watch me this is at least 4th class... oh siht take!!!
  24. is ur ass is hairy and ur know it, show it to a camera.
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