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Everything posted by whirlwind
i'm not religious, or at least try not to be, i prefer spirtual awareness
this is true and that is what i was thinking
all religions are the same; all religous people belive in somthing, and or practice something in which they are so intertwined with they are ussally willing to die for rather than change these belifs or practices
eruo sofa king stew pit
pretty much thanks BG
i'm actually indiffernt about cutting military personel, i do agree with cutting some of the costs if posible, but i know the military is a godd option for alot of younger people to get on the job skills starting with no experiance. i my self have often though about going into the service and am curently debateing the option once again. and i must not understand somthing because although you post is way more detailed than mine, it seems at least to me,that it more or less suports the idea i was trying to get across, ok i guess i'm not surewhat DOD is but you hit on the basic point that i was trying to make about the number of people that look to the DOD/ military to make ends meet.
"wear can i be gettin me one ov them there fighter type jets"
actually the out come would probly change dramatically. seeing as how most true liberals are enviomentaly freindly and don't try to change peoples cultures but rather exept them for who they are and educate them, which would be more of an evolution from their current situation rather than a inportation of a new way of life
i was woindering if anyone would like to jion me for a game of bochtee ball, i am a slinder sbf with long blonde extentions and big breasts, want to come an...oh wait wrong thread sorry
um i guess u guys missed the point entirely, that hole paragraph was an exerpt from popula mechnics for one, and i was just shareing it becuase i though it was intresting, the shear amount of people that are dependent on the militarys paycheck, and especally the refernce to the fack that some people think that the 90's- prosparity was due to military action, ie the perment war economy. due to the fact that so many people depend on a pay check or pension, or military contract as there income. maybe you should read the hole article from the link. and try not to slander me with your emotional ties for the subject in which i never claimed to know about in the first place. also intesrting to note what billygoat was saying about Bush's military pay and pension cuts, due to the number of people this effects, it will all trickle down and eventually effect everyone in the US execpt the top 1% that already own 40% of the nations wealth. WHO HERE STILL WANTS TO VOTE FOR BUSH? thats who should be shit on not me, but thanks for the offer.
crazy... Uncle Sam's military payroll is enormous. According to the DOD, 1.4 million men and women are on active duty. In most locations these uniformed personnel work alongside DOD civilian employees, of which there are 654,000. Together, that is about as many people as there are working for Wal-Mart, General Motors and Ford Motor Co. combined, says the DOD. As long as checks are being cut, add another 2 million issued to retirees, dependents and those on disability. And that is only the core workforce. Another 1.2 million serve in National Guard and Reserve units. Missing from the tally are the millions of workers employed by the dozen or so major defense contractors, hundreds of subcontractors, and thousands of vendors and consultants. Some economists have suggested that the DOD money stream is so broad and deep, the prosperity America enjoyed in the latter half of the 20th century rested entirely upon a "permanent war economy." taken from: PM
my bikes bigger then ur bike this thing has a frikin V8 link
wasn't that in the 60's? get with the times
i like the rain.. except when its raining here.
is latex a form of natural protection? if so i definatly aint choping it so
course this may require the use of an open mind and the inteligence of at least a half wit. i'm not saying who is better, kerry or bush, but bush already really screwed US over, maybe its time to let somone else try, and as gotter said in a pervious thread, if bush and kerry are the best we can come up with its posible we won't have to worry to much longer about the US...
say what you will, some are deffinatly dull but there are a few that should at very least make you think twice before you vote for the guy,
best bet is rockclimbing.com
in which case you will also be hauling alot of ass up hill too...
link cheack out: "imagine" "in my country" "the patriot act" "two hands" "yee Haw" "school yard politices" just to name a few. ## make sure you turn the volume down before you hit play, the vids are really loud
"hemp is a plant.. Bush is a dope" and i love my " toungngruvin" gets the odest looks from some people. btw its a band too. "not all who wander are lost" and lastly " the earth doesn't belong to us, We belong to the earth" chief sealth
ok here we go... the difference between a "lefty" big goverment and a "righty" (suposidly) small goverment; the leftist: socal healthcare; would not only reduce inssurance costs, thereby increaseing the stadard of living in each household, it would also improve health standards, healthy people are happier and can work more efficently. The Right; the private health care system we curently have doesn't work, cost is too high, medications are over priced, people can't afford to go to the doctor when sick or hurt so problems will not only presist but eventually get worse till the person must go to the doctor and spend even more money to get fixxed and this hole time they are extremely misrible and can't work or can't work as well. more goverment spending in schools: well this is a no brainer, schools should be set up on how well a person does and crafted to find and premote an individuals talent, rather than the, my parents have lots of money so i can go to yale, and party for 4 yrs as far as the patiot act goes; the left: don't infringe on our personal freedoms, if you want to fight terror stop supplying other contires with weopons in which they can use against us, put an end to this war as soon as posible. To be countinued...