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Everything posted by johnny_destiny
I used to drink and fornicate and smoke marijuana when I was young and in the service and didn't know any better. It gave me bad breath, the clap, and a nasty cough. Then I found Jesus, and now my life is better. I'm married, clean, sober and level headed. You are all laughing at this good young Christian boy (or maybe he is a Mormon). Now he may be clueless, granted, or perhaps he is just a geek who can't get any, and is rationalizing - I don't rightly know. But you'd do well to listen to his words of wisdom. I will pray for you catbirdseat. If you die this weekend on Tripple Couloirs in an avalanche, I hope the good Lord will not be angry with you for mocking a good christian boy.
...but the Jaeger is a monster... I agree. Once when I'd been partying I started to testify to the asphalt king. Jaeger came out my nose cause the rush of puke from my mouth didn't provide enough flow. Pretty much cured me of Jaeger. God I feel like vomiting just relating that story to ya all.
1. You can enjoy beer all month long. 2. Beer stains wash out. 3. You don't have to wine and dine a beer. 4. Your beer will always wait patiently in the car while you play football. 5. When your beer goes flat, you toss it out. 6. Beer is never late. 7. Hangovers go away. 8. A beer doesn't get jealous when you grab another beer. 9. Beer labels come off without a fight. 10 When you go to a bar, you know you can always pick up a beer. 11. Beer never has a headache. 12. After you've had a beer the bottle is still worth a dime. 13. A beer won't get upset if you come home and have another beer on your breath. 14. If you pour a beer right, you'll always get good head. 15. You can have more than one beer a night and not feel guilty. 16. A beer always goes down easy. 17. You can share a beer with your friends. 18. You always know when you're the first one to pop a beer. 19. Beer is always wet. 20. Beer doesn't demand equality. 21. You can have a beer in public. 22. A beer doesn't care when you come. 23. A frigid beer is a good beer. 24. You don't have to wash a beer before it tastes good. 25. If you change beers you don't have to pay alimony
So that is what becamse of Charles Richard (Dick) Ellsworth. And I thought he had become a school teacher. Personal friend of a few people on this board.hahahahaha
May Day...its a celebration of the anti christ. Christians would never celebrate such a pagan holiday.
SIGNS OF PARANOIA ARE SIGNS OF A GUILTY conscience. If one trusts in the Lord Our Heavenly Father we would find paranoia slipping from our grasp as we would find that our treatment of the human race in general would be following the Golden Rule. Thus we would receive His blessings each and everyday. Seek Him and you shall find freedom. Gd Bless. JD
THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is learned. I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you. I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me. I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. You must grow on your own! But I will prune you to make you fruitful. I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, No. I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things. I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me. God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea. THIS DAY IS YOURS DON'T THROW IT AWAY May God Bless You, "To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world" May God or what ever you all believe in bless you for the day. I have seen and I have been. Johnny Destiny
Boy, you're sharp as a marble aren't you There you go again, BillyGoat, talking about round firm objects. Do you have a compulsion?
I've seen the "new" welded seam tents that are going to the retail stores soon. Very nice...no sewn seams to leak, plus the sewing actually weakens the material so in theory the tents will be stronger.
I can report on the road in a day or so. A couple of my friends go up there and look for bear and cat sign.
Yes, BG they are carrying GUNS! Oh my, lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!!! I was raised in God fearing, Bible thumping country and I know a ton of folks just like them. 99% of 'em are real nice down to earth people that will give you the shirt off of their backs to help one another and even STRANGERS like you city boys and girls. Would I feel safer with them in the woods or with you? Let me think on this a might. I guess not knowing either of you I'd have to pick the Darrington folks over you. By the way I know some folks from out that way. I'll tell Dave, Mike and Farren that you all are coming to climb. hahahahahaha You'll know me cause I pack .357.
Mr. Trask, I have to agree with you but not on such crass & disrespectiful terminology. If the Iraqis respected their artifacts as much as they say then the museum would of met with minimal looting and destruction at their own hands. On the other hand could you imagine what the Iraqi military regime would of allowed in the United States if the tables were turned. How about whole sale rape of everything from women & men to museums, churches, synagogues, finanical institutions etc. Yes. Trask I agree with your views 100%.
I can even go along with this call.
Report: U.S. Finds Missiles with Chemical Weapons
johnny_destiny replied to MtnGoat's topic in Spray
I wonder if the residents of Baghdad have ever seen Baghdad Cafe'....great movie(if you like 'em strange ) -
Mr. Erik, I don't know if Jesus would approve of that. I mean just because sexual chocolate is ...ummm, you know...its no reason to nuke him and call him a whale because of his weight problem. And from what I have read there are not many of the players on this board that don't end up in a argument with Ms. Allison. I have never crossed her "literary path" nor do I wish to as she gets too inflamed. I've thought of acting as a mediator when things get out of control but that thought is quickly squashed like a June bug under Aunt Edna's heel on the front porch while drinking Mint Julips. That is JD's thoughts without bringing too much of the religious element in. As always God Bless each and everyone of you including all the non-believers.
God will forgive and forget. He is a benevolent being that sees the humor in human beings. The old Test. was full of fire and brim stone, but the New Test. Shows us that EVEN GOD can change. I am glad you are using my little addition to the board. God Bless You. JD
And you all should too. It expresses my sentiments exactly. http://www.collectiblestoday.com/ct/product/prdid-912316001.jsp
Mister Necronomicon, I will say a special prayer for you tonight right after I pray for the continued success of our good Christian troops over there fighting the Mohammedist sinners in Iraq. I just want you to know that even though you are a sinner, Jesus loves you and wants you to change your ways. Embrace Him and let His love flood into your heart and wash out the badness. I'm drunker on Christ's love than I ever was on Colt 45. Now I know many of you want to go climbing on Sunday and not keep the Lord's day. Well, I found a preacher who's on the TV and he gives a service at midnight. I figure as long as I can make it back from a mountain for that, well, that's good enough for the Lord and so far he's been good to me. Now here is a parting thought: James 3:6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. That means that its your tongues that are getting you into trouble. Some of you hear are pretty smart but you've always got to show it by making a witty remark. But your remarks are hateful and petty, and that's sinning. So its your tongues that are leading you to hell.
You can believe what you want but remember our Founding Fathers (even the dam' Demoncrats) all prayed daily. Its your choice whether to accept the word and love of Christ, or to live in sin, but remember when the Rapture comes, you sinners who are left behind are gonna have a heap of trouble. Some of you might smarten up then but most will probably go to hell. I will pray for all of you tonight.
I am not claiming to be a saint but I just want to spread the word of the LORD God Almighty. I know some of you heathens are making fun of me and my religion, but it is all American to the core. I remember the first time I got to see my first snake handler, and it was not in a zoo. I was magical.....
These are all man made thrills. You should have the thrill of the Spriit of the Lord shoot through your body in church. Why you just go a twitching and slapping around and it is soooo wounderful afterward. You feel clean and fresh.