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Everything posted by johnny_destiny

  1. When you are drunk and high who uses spell check. Wow, after reading that I wasn't as pissed a DFA as I am usually. I'm hung over big time and need to do something about this. Maybe I should yell at DFA.
  2. johnny_destiny

    #uc* you

    I fucking relapsed and went on a god damn drug-alcohol bender of all time. I'm fucking hung over like a big dog but I just got to get this off my chest before I puke. After reading these threads tonight all I have to say is Dr. Flash Amazing is a skum sucking, pig headed, meany mouthed mother fucker that needs his fucking ass drug thru the dung fields of Eastern Africia and then tied down over a fucking ant hill. I personally would love to inject the venom of a puff adder into this body in diluted amounts so that I could watch the blackening of the injected areas s-l-o-w-l-y work their magic. You suck DFS.
  3. quote: Originally posted by Fence Sitter: right back atcha troll! oh and happy all saints day! God Bless you FS I will be praying for you too. Troll, huh, I don't believe in any of those pagen stories that ruled out ancestors'imaginations of the world and its mysteries, nor do I jest of my Christian beliefs. Have a beautiful day.
  4. I am praying for all of you that involve yourselves in premartial sex. This is a sin thus I will be praying. I was raised in a Christian church in Alabama with good Christian values. Premartial sex was avoided by thoughtful and honest prayer. The young lady calling herself goddess something or another seems to be suggesting some sort of same sex arangement if a man does not satisify you. This too is a sin in the eyes of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Please refrain from such goings on. Again I will pray for you all. God Bless each and everyone of you.
  5. Mr.Lamebone, if you prayed for Timi God would help you understand Timi and how to get along with Timi's behaviors that annoy you. JD
  6. Oh ye of little faith. Democrats or Republicans what does it matter as long as we follow God's plan for each and everyone of us. JD
  7. Gee, great idea! Systematically murdering them and remorselessly stealing their land and then kicking them off of it wasn't enough. Clearly instead of removing superfluous dam(n)s to save salmon, we should punish some of our nation's remaining Native Americans for trying to eat. This is called Manifest Destiny. We, the settlers of the United States of American, were given this land thru God's providence. The end result was unfortunate but the "right has the might" given by God's word.
  8. Dave, instead of sinking into lowly unhealthy dialogue of fellow climbers. Look to our Lord for guidance. Read the following scripture for spiritual up lifting. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 God Bless all of you who are looking for direction. JD [ 09-28-2002, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: johnny destiny ]
  9. For such a healthy life style that we as climbers try to live why would you pollute God's temple with poison like alcohol and drugs. I'll pray for you all in hopes that God will touch your very inner soul and take from this life of sin. Meeting people of the opposite sex is better done in a church setting because the "beer" goggles have not been installed. Bless you all, JD
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