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Everything posted by thelawgod

  1. Oh shut the hell up you wanker! You’re analysis is as fucked up as undoubtedly you are. Without a doubt you are an Everett Mountie member who has registered to defend your poor, blameless, innocent, hardmen dip shit members. Kiss my ass tool.
  2. Perish the thought! Hooker? Not for me. I’m saving myself for thelawgoddess.
  3. Fuck all these assholes--the weather was bad, they should have known it. I cancelled my climbing plans Fri. because it was OBVIOUS that the weather was going to suck goat balls. You Mountaineer “ hardman” bitches need to shove your cell phones up your asses! I get tired of rescuing chestbeating, egocentric, no-it-all, motherfucking Mountie groups from the hills. I got paged to slog up in the crappy weather to get these jerks--just fucking hunker down and ride out the storm--there's NO excuse for anyone in the group getting frostbite; they should have been prepared!!!! But if it was a typical Mounties outing, there was like one sleeping bag for the group. This shit makes me so mad!
  4. The only way I'd show up for such a thing would be if Trask showed up, or Kaia promised to flash me.
  5. Yer all posting to the wrong board--I'd suggest you all go over to the "tea party" board. Last time I checked this was a climbing bbs--yeah, you know, climbing. I've never seen such a bunch of pussies in my life--arguing about where to drink beer. Get off yer fat asses, stop arguing, and plan some climbs--forget about he stupid bbq and the park idea; geeez, reading this tread is as bad as listening to a bunch of Mountaineers after a basic climb.
  6. Why don't you all forget about yer gay little bbq and go climbing instead--wtf!
  7. thelawgod


    I'll take the women! (No offense Dwayner)
  8. I always tie in with a Dan---Overhand knot, backed up with BS.
  9. The Mounties suck goat balls! They’re a perfectly fine organization if you dig climbing with troglodyte like motherfuckers who exhibit between zero and no personality, and are generally dumb as a sack of dead snaffles! Look, I generalize here--there are a few cool Mounties--SEF for one; but the majority that I have met (and I’ve been acquainted with many), were single individuals whose personalities certainly accounted for their singleness. I categorize Mountie personalities as follows: Hitler Complex: “You skinning little shit! You know nothing! Fuck your bolen as a tie in knot!!! You must use the rewoven figure-8 because the bolen isn’t in mein bible “The Freedom of the Hills”. I am your Fuhrer--worship me! Psycho: “Yeah, like I once knew this guy you fell and, like totally smashed his face—hehe, it was cool.” Bragger: “I like totally didn’t join the Mountaineers because I needed to learn anything—I’ve been climbing for years. Like, last week I totally redpointed Saber on Castle Rock!” Tries to be cool by dropping names of actual cool people met: “Like I was totally taking to Jim Nelson the other day—you know Jim? Oh he’s like this totally cool dude; I talk to him at this store all the time. Anyway, Jim and I were discussing conditions, and….” “I was up at Muir the other day and like ran into Mike Gautier. Yeah, I know Mike—read his book and everything; guy’s totally sweeeet! I’ll introduce you to him sometime—we’re like best buddies.” Tries to be cool by acknowledging other's accomplishments: “So like my friend last year climbed Denali—sweet huh?” “I have a friend who’s LEAD Outerspace” “My cousin summited Rainier last year--yeah, with RMI--he clicked w/Geo Dunn—they might climb together privately” Horny (Desperate): “So like, maybe when this class is done, we can climb together sometime. I have a car. I’ll pay for gas. What do you say? Maybe I could call you tonight—you know, get some dates one the calendar. Are you married?” Liar: “I was so totally one of Dan -’s timers.” “I think 5.10 is like so easy” “I soloed Rainier (almost).” “I AM Dan -.” Ok, so these categories aren’t necessarily limited to Mounties (seems like half the Pub clubbers fit into these categories as well). I’m mostly just entertaining myself here folks, don’t take me too seriously.
  10. So how does one distinguish the Mountaineer asshole from the non-Mountaineer asshole without a guide? Judge people based upon how they act and not on who you think they are or how they look. Calmly explain yourself when you know you are right. How do I tell which are Mounties? Easy, they're usually the bitches trundling rocks down on me. Also, they're wearing official Mountaineers garb (i.e., Navy blue top, convertible brown pants, and gators), and carrying a bunch of shiny new gear. CBS I’m sure you're a cool Mountie ; you’d be a gentleman if I asked you to pull a rope. It's just that the majority of experiences I've had with Mounties have been negative.
  11. Thanks for the info. CBS! Sure, some Mounties are cool, it's just that 99% of those I've met were unsafe, unpleasant, idiot, buttholes. And don't talk to me about rules--the Mountaineers make up the rules as they go. At a Rock II field trip a few years ago, some old know-it-all bastard ripped me a new hole when he thought I was going to set up a rope next to his. CBS if you're associated with the Mounties, here's a tip for your students--more ticks in Leavenworth this season than I've ever seen before. Long pants and sleeves if it's not too hot.
  12. Isn't this about the time of year that the Mutineers have their "Rock II" field trip in Leavenworth? Anyone know when it is? Think this year my friends and I will go set up countless top-ropes all over Clamshell, and then, when the Mounties ask me if I’ll remove the ropes from the routes that I’m not climbing on, I’ll tell them what they always tell me—“I was here first!” I need a good laugh—any good Mountaineers stories from the last year that anyone would like to share?
  13. I’ll be up an Index tomorrow nailing my way up City Park whilst drinking beer. Cannot wait to use these here shinny new pegs.
  14. You ain't never gonna be with the in crowd you dumb bitch!
  15. I'd guess these guys get the award. Thanks for the link Kaia!
  16. Gots ta be: thelawgoddess
  17. quote: Originally posted by E-rock: I just read this thread (don't know why), and it just sounds to me like some mysoginists (read: greenfork, thelawgod, et. al), wanted to boss a girl around because they think they're better. Get over yourselves gentleman, people get overly excited sometimes. Oh please—give me a freaking break . Yes, I was harsh on the goddess, and, yes, my post was crass and overly profane (rather unnecessary I admit, but the cumulative effect of TLG’s posts on me made me crack); but it also was intended to carry with it the message that her sudden infatuation with ice sport IS going to end up getting her hurt. TLG said: “btw, how's the forecast for Utah this weekend? i'm antsy for the ice over there, too!” Give me a break—I’m glad that she wants to become an ice climber an all, but come on! After awhile these types of comments fail to convey enthusiasm and are not cute—such comments just become irritating. It’s like if someone took a one hour aid climbing class at a gym, and then the next day started asking for beta on Yosemite big wall routes. Does she have a right to make such silly comments, sure—but, for what it’s worth (which is nothing, I know—although there are others out there who feel similarly), such comments ARE irritating. A misogynists?! —whatever; where’d that come from? Do you even know what this word means (obviously not since, not only can you not spell the word, but since there’s nothing in my previous post to indicate such a thing.)? My point is NOT that I (or anyone else for that matter) is in some way a better person and/or climber than is she. I am blown away by her freakish enthusiasm—awesome. But a person certainly can take their enthusiasm too far(e.g., solo drytooling, etc., etc.).
  18. I know we's all thinking the same thing here, let me be the first to say it: Thelawgoddess: Fucking calm yo ass down!! It's great that you want to take up ice climbing this season--I'm happy for you, but as you've said right here on this board, your total experience is climbing some POS grey low angle ice (aka O-rock)--a whole 400 freaking feet--and doing some ice bouldering. Oh yeah, and that super easy, I-could-climb-it-with-my-eyes-closed, fake wall at Cascade Crags. That said, fucking stop acting like you know what the fuck you're talking about! Listen, you ain't no ice climber yet! You haven't even had a taste of real ice yet. As someone who's climbed ice for several seasons now, let me tell you, be prepared to shit yo fucking pants when you finally get onto something worthy of being refered to as an ice climb. It's scary, and, frankly, you might even find that it's not for you. And look, fucking forget about free soloing, solo TRing, drytooling, etc. Girlfriend, you're looking to get yer self killed. You are WAY over anxious about this whole ice thing. Look, here's my advice to you if you want to be an ice climber: 1. Calm yo ass down. 2. Quit acting like you know wtf you're talking about (and save some bandwidth for the rest of us) 3. Keep practicing with Col. Spanker et al--great exp. for when you actually do try to FOLLOW your first REAL ice climb. 4. Quite trying to be super ice woman--again, too cool that you're taking up this hobby, but ice climbing is not one of those things that you can safely jump into as fast as it appears you're trying to do. Take care o' yo self, and don't fucking get killed on us.
  19. God: I've got plenty of and a new Feathered Friends jacket--I'll be OK if you make it really, really cold out . Since we're all out of work over here in the PNW anyways, a good ice season would really lift our spirits (anyways, we need something to do while we're not working). Also, if you could like have Bridal Veil Falls (below Mt. Index) come in like one time this century, that'd be cool. TLGod [ 11-06-2002, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: thelawgod ]
  20. quote: ___________________________________________________ STEPS IN OVERCOMING MASTURBATION 4. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST BREAK OFF THEIR FRIENDSHIP. Never associate with other people having the same weakness [towards masturbation]. ___________________________________________________ I'm sorry, apparently I can no longer be friends with ANY OF YOU!
  21. thelawgod

    Hey Icegirl

    Hey, wanna split a --the three of us?
  22. Hey lawgoddess, I've got some extra room in my sleeping bag--what'd say we hook up?
  23. I'd like to go with youz mattp--if you drop me on belay, however, I'll sue ya!
  24. quote: quote:Originally posted by chucK: Don't you consider it a crag? i thought a crag was predominantly single-pitch stuff ... and usually with a "less hearty" approach. ??? A "less hearty approach"! WTF, it's only takes an hour. You out-of-shape, gym rats don't know nuttin! When I was in school I walked 25 miles to school--uphill both ways!
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