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Everything posted by thelawgod

  1. Get into some easy aid climbing--you'll learn to place pro like a pro in no time. Also, always ignore any advice the way-too-verbose lawgoddess gives you .
  2. RGH you must be drinking dude--one too many corona, no? It's not ME wif the envy, it be all the ladies. U a lady? I gots betta tings to do than spray on this climbers board thingy--later! [ 09-20-2002, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: thelawgod ]
  3. quote: Originally posted by sk: I drink but I NEVER get drunk... A personality like that, a girl would have to be passed out You keep dreamin' cause, baby, thats all you got Sexy Krueger (SK): Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never reduce the size of my !
  4. quote: Originally posted by sk: yet it takes personality to get to the horsecock reveiling portion of the evening. nice try kido Such a personality you shall think I have after the copious drinking of beer!
  5. That's what they all say, till they sees the size of my .
  6. Rock me world blondie!
  7. A$$hole! I'm going to hit ya up beside yo fucking head wif me horsecock! Don't you even think about showing up to 11worth wif us all--I'll smack ya in ya mouth if I ever meet you!
  8. Dis ain t Trask!
  9. quote: Originally posted by chris_w: quote: Dude, that the most gay fucking avatar I've ever seen! BTW, 11worth gets this mofo's vote. [ 09-20-2002, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: thelawgod ]
  10. I've got a big horsecock I can bring; just tell me where to put it.
  11. quote: Originally posted by sk: Timm@y: please make it so that even my blond self can use it What do you think he is—a miracle worker?
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