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Everything posted by snoboy

  1. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1048962/Gear_Recalls#Post1048962 http://www.wildsnow.com/6442/dynafit-radical-recall-repair/
  2. And now the locals are stepping it up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZrbU_bUkJk&feature=player_embedded
  3. Memory-Map for me. Lots of interesting options on http://freegeographytools.com/
  4. Don't forget: http://www.avalanche-center.org/store/
  5. OMG!! there was an incident! WTF are we gonna do? Not an incident. Where is the incident response team???? You are the IRT... that's why we had to call you back.
  6. +2, but my usual is to tape outside, seam grip or freesole on inside. Nearly invisible repair. If it's a high stress area, do a layer on the outside too.
  7. Ooooh didn't know that, please provide reference?
  8. The Shunt typically slips rather than cutting the rope. If it hits an obstruction (knot in the rope, rope over an edge...) it will simply deform and blow right off the rope. It also appears (one study) to be very sensitive to rope diameter. Most of my knowledge about Shunts is from the rope access world, and we use low stretch ropes. I'm not sure what effect dynamic rope would havbe on these properties.
  9. They are rebranded Naxos - no longer made, no warranty or parts AFAIK. Also note those are in Large only, Large accomodates a boot sole length of 320mm-370mm... They can be cut down to size though. I have done that. In fact, I will have a pair of cut down to medium Naxos with a spare toe piece available in a couple weeks, if you decide that is what you want, I could let them go for say $75. PM me if interested. I gave up on Naxos after they pre-released me into a tree at high speed - You Mileage May Vary. Generally better reviews from lighter and less agressive skiers.
  10. OMB has the answer to layton's original query. The Grigri and ascender is not a frog sytem, it is known as a Rapid Ascent Descent (RAD) system. What selkirk describes is basically a Frog system. It usually uses a Croll as the chest ascender, and a Basic or Ascension as the upper ascender.
  11. I'll still talk smack about that stupid idea, any time you want...
  12. WD-40
  13. I want one too, an I think river running companies maybe have them - haven't looked too hard yet.
  14. Mt Baker, Crystal Mtn, and a couple others collaborated to produce some excellent info on tree well safety: http://treewelldeepsnowsafety.com/
  15. Spectra = Dyneema = UHMWPE at least as far as I know, and my quick google search supports.
  16. How to ID fake Petzl Gear
  17. Find a copy of 'On Rope' at your library and read up on the sewing techniques contained within.
  18. Always a good spot to go for landslide news: Dave's Landslide Blog.
  19. Welcome! Sorry, I don't have any helpful leads...
  20. Anti Snaffle Food Hang. The hut has electricity now though, so there might be a washing machine.
  21. Classic is a fan belt that breaks and the heroine can donate her stockings to temporarily replace it... maybe doesn't fit the "only a mechanic can figure it out" requirement though. Wouldn't cause the car to stop immediately, but it would overheat, and the battery wouldn't be charging anymore so it would die eventually.
  22. snoboy


    My gf runs her small business off a netbook, seems fine for everything except graphics intensive stuff. She has a full size wireless kb/mouse and 19" monitor to dock to when at the office desk. Make sure you get lots of HD space though, as that is one issue we have run up against.
  23. Nice work, some classic Ski-In terrain, and some new zones as well. I am that I didn't make it this year...
  24. Opera - just got a whole lot faster too, and that's saying something.
  25. Do Not Miss this Event!
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