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Everything posted by RobBob

  1. so far only one honest person admits to the binge/save cycle.
  2. My nearest neighbor in my remote neck of the woods has done it again...this time he's bought a Humvee. Believe it or not, his wife drives a luxed-out Expedition. This in addition to the multi-million spread on the waterfront...the extreme go-fast boat that maybe got used one weekend last summer...the horses. True, he's a wealthy physician, and can afford it. But I just don't get what drives somebody to seem to focus on "the best that money can buy"---for everything. This guy's like a miniature Larry Ellison. So what's your approach to toys:I'm a tightwad---love second-hand and booty stuffI like to buy really good gear for a few select sports/interestsI spend until I run out of money, then save again for more stuffcan't talk now...too busy counting my skis
  3. RobBob

    i like this guy

    birddogging has long been used. how about snoopdogging?
  4. yeah, I'm a little disgusted by the tea-baggers on the other thread myself.
  5. maybe they are stored for future generations, like Walt Disney's head.
  6. RobBob

    Odd food?

    how about the occasional bucket of mountain oysters?
  7. RobBob

    Bizarre Movies

    After the war, my old man was an officer in the MPs at Nuremburg. He told me when I was a kid about the occasional piano-wire strung across the road at jeep/neck height. I don't think he made it up. Googling isn't the end-all in research, j_b. Anyway, if ya want to see a weird movie, I stand by Zentropa as a strange one.
  8. Best Al Pacino scene ever: dancing Argentine style tango (to Por Una Cabeza) w/ the hottie in Scent of a Woman. Woo hoo! she was hot. There's something about a woman doing the tango.
  9. tango is
  10. RobBob

    Bizarre Movies

    Zentropa...which AlpineK made me remember the other day when he said he didn't think there were ambushes by Germans on Allied forces after WWII. Among other things, this creepy movie makes references to the 'werewolves' who continued to assault soldiers in a ghoulish post-war Germany.
  11. RobBob

    The Meatrix

    scott, You are referring to resistance due to direct antibiotic use by us humans, not resistance brought on by antibiotic use in animal agriculture, which is what I was talking about. Two different things, which at first blush may appear to be related in a way that they are not. Catbird, salmonella, campylobacter, and e coli 0157 are as I'm sure you know the main food-borne pathogens coming out of animal (and sometimes vegetable) products. The data are from animal populations where this has been said by some to be an issue. I believe that you would agree the human pathogen resistance risk is thought by physicians to come from human antibiotic use, not by any ag-animal vector.
  12. RobBob

    The Meatrix

    Cute, but bullshit. I know a little bit about agriculture, and it is not some kind of military-industrial complex. If there is a bad guy out there, it is Monsanto and the pharmo-companies. For what it's worth, I will add that while I am personally against most uses of oxytetracycline and other antibiotics in animal agriculture, the truth is that antibiotic resistance of salmonella, campylobacter, and e coli 0157 have all dropped over the past 10 years, not increased. My point is that while most of us don't want to eat micro amounts of antibiotics, we also shouldn't want to believe in political-based myths like the one that says we're building antibiotic immunities. Give us The Truth...whether it happens to support your particular cause or not.
  13. RobBob

    Madam Opal

    Madam Opal, will trask, DFA, and I ever show up at a pub club?
  14. RobBob

    tough choice?

    Hah...I MADE that choice already. Most of the time I'm happy with her!
  15. RobBob

    Trask is really

    5'-9 pear-shaped Porter Waggoner hairdo cat-lover (has 19; house stinks) Hummel collector
  16. RobBob


  17. Twight's writing reminds me of early Tom Peters in his business book trajectory. A few good points, a whole lotta hyper-hype...and in retrospect a whole lotta egotism.
  18. RobBob

    Spray Sucks

    more sex more climbing global warming muir hut dan -
  19. RobBob

    Spray Sucks

    just wait till my new incarnation appears...
  20. RobBob

    freedom in the hills?

    only one other place I've felt the same type of 'freedom,' and that's heading out to sea on a sailing trip somewhere. Just the wind and wake, the view of big water ahead, maybe a beer in hand...
  21. The Canadian Press (CP) November 6, 2003 EDMONTON (CP) _ Health officials are investigating a local restaurant owner after four skinned canine carcasses were found in his freezer. Edmonton Humane Society constables and environmental health officers removed the carcasses from the Panda Garden restaurant in a north-end strip mall Tuesday. They had been tipped off by strip mall security guards. The restaurant was closed Wednesday and an eviction notice was posted on the front door. Alberta Fish and Wildlife officials said they will perform autopsies on the carcasses to determine whether the animals are dogs or coyotes and whether the meat is infected. Richard Reive, environmental health officer for Capital Health Region, said Wednesday the carcasses are 'uninspected meat.'' He said he tracked down the restaurant's owner Wednesday, but he won't reveal what he said while the matter remains under investigation. The carcasses were found on the floor of the restaurant's walk-in freezer, he said. Two were in black plastic garbage bags, the others were uncovered. 'The issue that I'm dealing with is that it's uninspected meat from an unapproved source,'' Reive said. 'Whether it's a coyote or a woolly mammoth doesn't make much of a difference.'' Dog meat is a delicacy in parts of China and several other countries, including Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam. Bob McClymont, a provincial forensic biologist will perform an autopsy on the carcasses Thursday. Officials suspect the animals are coyotes, but will be conducting tests to confirm the species and the manner in which they died. McClymont said the animals have been gutted in apparent preparation for butchering meat cuts for human consumption. There are no laws preventing restaurants from serving up coyote or dog meat, but it is illegal to import, to export and to transport it across provincial barriers, said Sue Robertson of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Provincial law, however, states that inspectors have to clear all meat being prepared for sale. Public Health Act regulations stipulate that all meat served must be inspected, said Dr. Gerry Predy, medical officer of health for the Capital Health region. 'The issue here is there is no inspection and there is no real process around raising of those animals for food,'' Predy said. City Police spokesman Wes Bellmore said police are investigating a complaint that the restaurant furniture and fittings are missing. The mall is owned by a British Columbia firm. 'The investigator said virtually everything in the store was gone: appliances, tables and chairs,'' said Bellmore. 'Just about anything that could be moved has been moved, plus there was water damage.'' No charges have been laid.
  22. "And on top of my salary demands, I want an employer who understands and respects my individual climbing ethics! "
  23. hmmmm...actually a lot of that may be coming in on the junk email As a control-freak boss, I have the junk account and the incorrect addresses defaulting to me. but I do have my personal acct in some overseas trade listings...
  24. My problem is that my email address has gotten "public" due to listings at trade shows, then the lists being subsequesntly sold I think.
  25. I've been getting some interesting spam emails the past few days ...just got one from Igor Barks...
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