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Everything posted by RobBob

  1. Catbird is a cheerful boy scout, determined to play nice stickball here in the alley with us dirty, uncivilized urchins.
  2. RobBob

    Putin Wises Up

    Hmmm...I'm reading that Vlad Putin is reneging on Kyoto, realizing that it's a one-way deal, and that there are more opinions in the world of global climate theory than the politically-correct "warming-crisis" concept. Good on him for having the balls. Now it cannot be claimed that the US is the one holding up the show. Let's start again, this time with a treaty in mind that puts a lot higher expectations on the third world to clean up thier emmissions...all of them, including the dung-fires of asia.
  3. what??
  4. trask is right, lummox. tonight. tomorrow night. don't flirt your life away, son, get busy.
  5. I hadn't puked in years...never much of a puker in fact. But this summer I prepped my sailing crew the night before the race with margaritas. Hell, I didn't notice that the bottle of "mixer" actually was premixed liquor. So four of us polished off the tequila bottle plus the mixer, then moved onto wine. After midnight, the wind shifted and we began to pitch heavily in our 'protected' anchorage. Morning found me doing the big spit while simultaneously hoisting anchor.
  6. I believe this type of communication was originated by Roy Boehm, one of the original SEAL team plank owners in the 1960s, when he said on his way out the door "Now let's fucking go out and fuck those fucking fuckers!" or something to that effect. Boehm did fun shit like swim into Havana harbor and do recon at the time of the Cuban missile crisis.
  7. trask, I really appreciate what you did for me here
  8. RobBob


    thus spake Dr. Flash Bukkake
  9. U forgot that jon read the PMs once you chose to note his indiscretion, dork. Get yer own ass banned, not mine.
  10. RobBob


    the toprope face-shot, crackie
  11. trask you fucking ass. I told you something in confidence and you go and do this. Please do not PM me.those curious may guess that it also has to do with
  12. RobBob


    sylvester sneekly AKA the Hooded Claw okay, somebody post the cracked pic so's we can compare...
  13. RobBob


    When I saw that picture of cracked, it reminded me of a goofy cartoon character that my kids watch...lemme see if I can find it.
  14. I just pissed myself. Just when I almost died of boredom, you saved the day. Thanks, dru.
  15. self-exam, shit
  16. RobBob


    Pussies. That's what we all are for not dispensing with the PC, love-one-another attitude, and just telling it like it is. Irritating attention-whores (this relates to quality or lack thereof): marylou (95% of the time) Beck (when drunk) lummox's son cracked (100%) Jim -just because I love you necro -you tweaker me
  17. (Ain't got time to read the whole thread, so maybe somebody already noted this...) About two years ago I read that in 30% of all ski fatalities (as I remember all types and terrains) the victim wore a helmet. While I'm sure this says an awful lot about the way the deceased chose to ski, it doesn't say much for helmets. I make my kids wear them...I probably will make the shift to wear one myself before long. I won't kid myself into believing that it's going to protect me from head injury.
  18. RobBob


    YES I AM
  19. RobBob


    the numbers tell us: trask and dru are the att'n harlots. but I would not characterize them as chestbeaters.
  20. RobBob


    biggest attention whore on this site isn't necessarily the biggest "cheastbeater" (Goddamn I hate that stupid misspelling ). Which do you want?
  21. RobBob

    Look at this Site

    I received a catalog at home, and found a great site. Think I'm doing to actually put some of their posters up at work. This one seems apropos for some of the things you fuckers post.
  22. it's quantity (while at work) that I'm not so proud of.
  23. How many times have you started to recommend this site to someone for good beta, but hesitated because you figured that he/she might figure out who you are on the board, and read back over all the shit you've posted here?
  24. For some reason this thread reminds me of a scene from Dumb and Dumber. It's the one where the guy says "guys, guys, guys...quit acting like a couple of pussies..."
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