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Everything posted by j_b
because JayB's solution is for people to not get that education rather than making education affordable. But, there3 is no crisis here folks. Nothing to see here of course, no mention of regressives wanting to make education profitable starting a few decades ago. Then JayB claims he knows history.
have another drink folks, Attila once again thought that accusing someone of "whining" would be supporting evidence for his knuckle-dragging.
"Where is the crisis"? when you combine the sky-rocketing cost of education with the plunging earning potential of most people, it is a very serous situation for those who want to get an education. Take the blinders off, that might help. not surprising considering your being oblivious to the pauperization of the middle class BS. the difference in access between low and high incomes is getting worse in spite of your ignoring it. there are more people so you are bound to have more people doing well but it doesn't mean that the fraction of people doing well has increased. In fact, all around us people are doing much worse.
"liberals" today ... sigh
Classic fredumb move for the connoisseurs: more
although your plot above reflects the rising trend in educational achievement post ww2 (which owes nothing to neoliberalism), it doesn't show the increasing access discrepancy between low and high income brackets.
Nobody claimed there was a golden age, except for JayB who tries to put words into people's mouth, but the pauperization of the US middle class isn't imagined. It is real and well documented.
Well - there's tens of millions of Indians and Chinese who have to been lifted from poverty far more severe than anything people in the US have had to endure for ages since whatever recent economic golden age you are pining for, so no sale for me. When you are making these comparisons, you can't yank bits and pieces out of different points of time like you are at some sort of historical buffet to craft a utopia of your choosing. At least not if the goal is to make real comparisons between time A and time B, vs coming to the surprising conclusion that the present falls short of a time and a place that never actually existed. your sudden concern for the welfare of others isn't convincing considering the rest of your rhetoric. You mention the Chinese and Indians lifted out of poverty and you ignore the masses of Africans, central Americans, etc whose socio-economic fabric has been destroyed or didn't you notice massive immigration to the US and Europe despite the great risks that it entails for these people? why do you think that is happening?
because, of course, you can't think of moments in our nation when neither obesity or hunger were systemic problem. There was a time - but all things being equal it was worse than the present. Cold war, race riots, more pollution, vastly more poverty all over the globe, imprisoned behind the iron curtain etc, etc, etc. No thanks. I'll take the present, fatties included. but you were opposing obesity to hunger as if there were no alternatives and now you are moving the goal posts. why?
because, of course, you can't think of moments in our nation when neither obesity or hunger were systemic problem.
it's somewhat like claiming one can't think of better times than during the great depression. Perhaps you ought to consider the reality of others and stop ogling at your belly button. Do you think you can handle that?
hey meathead, just saying "whining" isn't supporting evidence for your lies. Time to pull your head out of your ass and notice that ~25% of US children currently live below the poverty line and the social elevator is broken, unless you consider earning less than your parents the best that could happen to you.
You can ask all the questions you want but don't expect any relevant answers from the King of the Dodge. Attacks on your person by the resident far right wing moron are really the only sure things around here.
Thanks to progressives who lead the fight to make all that "stuff he listed" possible. How many of the bottom 20 are developing nations trying to extract themselves from the legacy of colonialism, and the current practice of imperialism that often contributes to the "income" in that mysterious plot of yours? 36 EFI definitions Electronic Flight Instrument Electronic Fuel Injection Extensible Firmware Interface Electric Fields Investigation Electric Field Instrument Electronic Flight Instruments Electric Fields Instrument Electromechanical Frequency Interferen… Electronics For Imaging Efficient Facilities Initiative Enhanced Fidelity Instrumentation Enrico Fermi Institute European Forest Institute exploding foil initiator Extended Firmware Interface Extreme Forecast Index Education Field Interaction Educational Futures, Inc. Electric Field Instruments Electric Field Investigation Electromagnetic Field Interference Electronic Fligh Instruments Electronic Format Identifier Electronic Forum for Industry Electronically Fuel Injected Endothelial function index Engineer, Furnish and Install Engineered, Furnished and Installed Environic Foundation International
Well, I was wrong insofar as JayB gave a reference and it is indeed that infamous list headed by Hong-Kong where there are 100,000s of domestic workers in virtual slavery. Here is report from 1994 and nothing has changed: http://migration.ucdavis.edu/mn/comments.php?id=426_0_3_0
forbid the thought of congress nudging Detroit with economy standards toward building cars that suited our needs in 1980. I guess we really had to wait for a couple more resource wars, global peak oil, and plummeting market share to find out.
LOLZ what's that silly graph supposed to show? what income? While being usually very verbose, JayB certainly doesn't explain his data very much (neither does he give a ref). He must remember the last time I showed that Hong-Kong (usually near the top of those silly "freedom" lists regressives like to fabricate) had widespread slavery among immigrants workers. Come on give us more details so that we can tear it apart. Chicken!
For years we have known that various reports like the IPCC's on climate and other UN commissions on the status of ecosystems were too cautious in assessing future changes. Findings from the 2000 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (>1000 leading biologists):
jay's monkey scenario is apt enough - the people's budget gets nowhere b/c they have no party - there are only 2 parties, and ultimately they differ on very little - dem monkies are in league w/ each other, and they'll be goddamned if any other monkies gonna hone in our their bananas - even the genuine good ones among them are overwhelmed by the scale of it all I was pointing to the blatant disconnect between JayB’s often rehashed mumbo jumbo about the capacity of unions (who represent a small fraction of workers today) to rig the game and his constant shilling for the real power brokers in society who actually rig the game at every opportunity.
Right, the same laundry list that debunks your poorly substantiated assertion regarding how much money is available to pay for necessary services and living wages But it is interesting how you went from never having a look at tax evasion a few posts ago to having hashed it over, and over, and over many times. Hmmm I certainly don’t remember you ever acknowledging it despite my constant reminder of reality. Tax evasion/avoidance has become endemic with neoliberal globalization and financialisation of our economies.
JayB talks a lot about the power of the peons to earn a decent living but it is uncanny how most of the positions he defends are exactly the same defended by financial/political/media elites who decide policy and benefit greatly from it. For example, the corporate media too behaves as if there didn't exist the People's Budget (raising taxes on wealthy, cut war budget, clamp on tax evasion, ..and much more) put forward by the progressive caucus in the house.