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Everything posted by j_b

  1. USA is still #1 here too boyz. That's right, I said it. Read it and weep gentlemen, we rule. Many dislike our politics and what it does to them but often Americans are said to be easy going, unpretentious, congenial, .. so my guess is that it's more of a mixed bag of emotions.
  2. I don't doubt some french laugh at the accent of Quebecois but in my experience the French love Quebec. First, many give great import to the loss of Canada to the Brits and claim it to be a major turning point in history (the dawn of the English century, and the dusk of the french one). Cultural and political exchanges are very common, Quebecois TV shows and news are numerous on the French language channel, I also seem to recall the French have an idyllic vision of Quebec found in songs, etc.
  3. anti-French xenophobia is so 2003. also kinda rich to read an Anglo-Canadian concur with the idea the french don't like Quebecois (likely not true on average btw) considering the common complaint of Quebecois being 2nd class citizen in western Canadian states.
  4. happy now? Can I continue taking a break from trying to get you to answer on point rather than about my person? sheesh!
  5. where is the resident douchebag to complain about my triple post?
  6. if that moron billco complains once more about insults, I likely will puke. fucking hypocrite.
  7. Here you go fuckers. There may well be a pop quiz tomorrow so you better pay attention: [video:youtube]ThPNWG9KWJc
  8. Clearly the work of Islam since we all know that western societies couldn't foster cold blooded terror. But, as long as the right wing doesn't blow up "pizza parlors", it's clearly not as horrifying.
  9. You continual attempts at demonization are laughable, especially when you accuse others of doing what you practice routinely. Service goon! Regressive! Troll! Attila! Knuckledragger! *yawn* Indeed, every one of these epithets describe perfectly your behavior on this board.
  10. You continual attempts at demonization are laughable, especially when you accuse others of doing what you practice routinely.
  11. you'll just have to demonstrate it. BTW you still have to provide a source and a link for your data Transfer payments and benefits existed in 1979 as well. Moreover, benefits are on average smaller now than in 1979. crickets ...
  12. You only "forgot" the part where the public educated the workforce, financed the R&D necessary to build the bots, built telecoms, roads, rails, airports, and mass transit necessary to operate a company, etc None of which would exist without well paid employees who represent the tax base necessary for the improvements needed to operate a business. If you don't believe me try to find how many technology companies decided to settle in Somalia.
  13. That's not an adequate retort. plenty good for you.
  14. err, no: "The average two-income family earns far more today than did the single-breadwinner family of a generation ago. And yet, once they have paid the mortgage, the car payments, the taxes, the health insurance, and the day-care bills, today’s dual-income families have less discretionary income — and less money to put away for a rainy day — than the single-income family of a generation ago. And so the Two-Income Trap has been neatly sprung. Mothers now work two jobs, at home and at the office. And yet they have less cash on hand. Mom’s paycheck has been pumped directly into the basic costs of keeping the children in the middle class."
  15. Quite some paradise that JayB and his kind are putting together for us.
  16. Bad Jobs “Bad jobs” are typically considered those that pay low wages and do not include access to health insurance and pension benefits. As shown here, about 10% of full-time workers are in low-wage jobs, about 30% don't have health insurance, and about 40% don't have pensions. The graph also shows that the likelihood of being in a bad job is much worse for part-time workers, for on-call and day laborers, and for those working for temporary help agencies. Employment relations and job characteristics Source: Arne L. Kalleberg, Barbara F. Reskin, Ken Hudson. 2000. “Bad Jobs in America: Standard and Nonstandard Employment Relations and Job Quality in the United States.” American Sociological Review 65(2): 256-278.
  17. Productivity and Real Income We are a richer country overall because of a spectacular rise in labor productivity. But who has profited from this rise? Although the growth of labor productivity has expanded total national income, the real income and wages of the median worker have at the same time stagnated. Labor productivity and income of the median worker Source: Bureau if Economic Analysis and U.S. Census Bureau
  18. we should start collecting donations to buy pom-poms for KKK so that he can perform his cheer-leading routine with adequate props.
  19. Don't think that's inconsistent with the data in the table. you'll just have to demonstrate it. BTW you still have to provide a source and a link for your data Transfer payments and benefits existed in 1979 as well. Moreover, benefits are on average smaller now than in 1979.
  20. Then the liberals you clearly can't read. I didn't say it was the liberals' fault. I said it was the fault of the pols who betrayed them. You sound retarded dude, let's leave it at that.
  21. You mean that the 21% of registered voter public who voted in the nutjobs in 2010 got what they wanted? And who's fault is that? Seriously - a proposed to solution to any of these crisis, any solution instead of the constant hand wringing. If you have ask after that has been said multiple times for the past ~year, I am not sure what else to do to make you understand what you read. Perhaps taking the blinders off would help though. One more time: turn out was low among liberals and independents because Obama and conservative Democrats betrayed their constituencies at almost every turn. Immense hope followed the election of a president who promised systemic changes, disenfranchisement followed when it turned out to be empty rhetoric and more of the same 30+ year old neoliberal agenda. 2012 could well be a repeat.
  22. Only college graduates have experienced growth in median weekly earnings since 1979 (in real terms). High school dropouts have, by contrast, seen their real median weekly earnings decline by about 22 percent. Median weekly earnings of full-time workers (workers 25 years old & older, 2006 dollars) Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Charting the U.S. Labor Market in 2006; see http://www.bls.gov/cps/labor2006/home.htm. Updated to 2009 by Steve Hipple of the Bureau of Labor Statistics; see http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/17/the-value-of-college-2/ http://www.stanford.edu/group/scspi/cgi-bin/facts.php
  23. You mean that the 21% of registered voter public who voted in the nutjobs in 2010 got what they wanted?
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