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Everything posted by j_b

  1. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/07/06-10
  2. i have spent the last 2 years attacking that worthless austerity drivel. Where have you been? YOU, however, have nothing to reply to the fact that regressives get their talking points from the robber barons.
  3. context, perhaps?
  4. it's not my fault that you agree with Brooks to balance the budget on the back of working people. btw he does not mention the bloated war budget in the context of a budget and cuts article because he doesn't want to cut the war budget significantly. I'd hope you understand that what is unsaid is as significant as what is said but I was obviously wrong, sorry about that. Please, cut out the "i am a moderate" shtick, it's unbecoming.
  5. I don't know who Reason's Spokesman is these days, I think that position might have fallen under the budget ax, but the piece seemed reasonable to me. because it is reasonable to celebrate a "3-to-1 rate of spending cuts to revenue increases", knowing that many of the cuts will affect social programs leaving the bloated war budget essentially untouched? good luck in 2012
  6. You have a black-white view of the world that only serves to make you feel self-righteous jb. It's not at all like you think it is. are you claiming the Weekly Standard isn't a Murdoch propaganda mill? Are you claiming the typical source of regressive talking points isn't some media or think tank funded by the usual robber barons? Whenever you feel like discussing on the basis of facts be sure to let us know. FREEDUMB or DEATH!
  7. Isn't it curious how regressives somehow find their talking points almost exclusively at Murdoch/Koch propaganda mills? More evidence of the cynicism of conservatives despite their continual wrapping themselves in the flag of liberty: FREEDUMB or DEATH!
  8. tell that to your type who apparently believes that an educated citizenry/workforce falls out of trees.
  9. More: http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2011/06/30/8871392-uw-hikes-tuition-20-percent-largest-increase-ever
  10. Now we're getting somewhere, at long last. nowhere close to denial of the income factor in enabling access to post-secondary education, if it's what you mean. Well, much of what student learn in school is in fact about persistence, etc, but they also learn about cultures/sports they may not have been exposed to prior to that point. A college education isn't the only way to get there, but it is one of the best way for people born in surroundings unable to afford discovery.
  11. Greenspan has been shown to be flat out wrong about most everything since he pitched his tent in Ayn Rand's closet, yet always trust corporate tools for pretending his opinion should be considered.
  12. some people want free love; yet, others want a kick in the ass.
  13. Are you ever graduating from high school or did you finally drop out?
  14. BS. I react to ad-homs from people whose POV sucks so that's all they have left.
  15. funny because whenever I say the same stuff you dismiss whatever I say. Either you are really confused (a real possibility in view of your flip-flopping and poor thinking) or you just want to attack me.
  16. don't forget to wipe your chin, doh!
  17. I'm betting, however, that you both accomplished the same regarding making the world a better place over the weekend. Who is in a better place is up for debate I suppose. not only you do not know what I did last weekend but WTF does it have to do with anything under discussion. Get a hold of yourself, man.
  18. kinda odd how Jim doesn't disagree to things when others beside me say them. I think he may be obsessing about me.
  19. Keep polishing your crystal balls. Pathetic. So no comment about whether Sanders is "hand-waving" today LOLZ
  20. "why be concerned when I agree with most everything the corporate tools are doing?"
  21. "why be concerned about the bottom falling out and extreme right wingers dictating policy when I climbed the Ice Cliff last weekend"
  22. don't feed the troll. It's spray.
  23. the middle class is collapsing but no worries because it was gorgeous last weekend LOLZ
  24. to resume some of Senator Sanders main points for the slow/dense ones among us: - the middle class is collapsing and poverty is increasing - the ubber rich have never been richer, and inequality in the US is the greatest on the planet - the richest 400 Americans own more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans. - budget cuts by Republicans and their enablers will be disastrous for people and the economy, yet Republicans insist on "balancing the budget" on the back of workers and the middle class. - the ubber rich and corporations aren't paying their fair share in taxes (they pay a small fraction of what they are supposed to pay) - Obama is caving in to the extreme right wing on the budget - median wage keeps decreasing and new jobs pay little - student can't pay for student loans on non-living wage - the country's debt is entirely due to military adventurism and tax cuts - republicans wants to destroy SS and medicare - the country's infrastructure is falling apart - most people (60 to 80%) are for taxing the rich and corporations, cutting the war budget, not cutting social programs etc ...
  25. Hey look, Senator Sanders's "hair is on fire": http://sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/news/?id=23ebb48e-383c-4e22-a1ce-7dc3ed979aa1
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