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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. some guys get fined by the Park Service and fired from their fancy editor jobs for stunts like that.
  2. Thinker

    Fun New Game!

    OHHHHH!!!!!That was EXCITING!!!!
  3. Thinker

    raceist jokes

    I was 'thinking' more along the lines of "raciest"
  4. Thinker

    Fun New Game!

    I'll abstain this round.
  5. Thinker

    Fun New Game!

    so is the objective of this game more like Scrabble or Tic-Tac-Toe?
  6. Thinker

    They found

    oops...I'm durnk. I almost made a really insensitive commentabout the nature of his guesthood and Micnael Jacko.
  7. Maybe LE can get some practical tips on how to catch the trailhead thieves if the peruse the right threads. Heck, LE might even get their license numbers.
  8. With or without the hex in your pocket?
  9. Thinker

    bomb threat

    not if they vacate the building (which they did), lock him in, confine him to the lobby, and leave him alone! who else is involved then? Sure, put up a SWAT team in the event he tries to throw an espresso machine thru the window and leave with the grenade, but short of that I think we should give disturbed citizens a little time and space to work it out and end the event peacefully.
  10. Thinker

    They found

    Disney bought the rights to this one and is making an animated feature. That sound's more like a South Park episode to me.
  11. Thinker


    video of it here
  12. Thinker

    They found

    OK, Rudy, here's one to cheer you up. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/nation/3236296
  13. Thinker

    They found

  14. Thinker

    bomb threat

    $$ Rule. It would be inconceivable for our society to simply vacate the building and leave the guy alone for a few days until he's tired and lonely. Even if there's a 50/50 chance he'd detonate the grenade (if it were live), there's a 50/50 chance he'd lay it down on the floor and walk out of the building after thinking it over for a few hours (without 17 firearms pointed at his head from 25 feet away). But NO, our politicians and law enforcement can't stomach the fact that someone won't obey them immediately and comply with their commands. Shutting down the federal building for a few hours would cost <gasp> thousands of dollars. If he detonates the grenade (which might just as easily happen in his final moments after being shot) it would cost even more! What's a life worth? I asked this same question a few years ago as I watched a rooftop police sniper prepare to take out a troubled hotel guest about 9th and Denny in Seattle. The hotel was evacuated, police in place, the sniper had a buddy covering his backside, and the stage was set. I worked in a nearby building with a view of the sniper's rooftop and the hotel balcony window. I had to leave before the assasination....I couldn't bear to watch it.
  15. Thinker

    They found

    And here's an alternative analysis of the subject....Dru? Chaps? http://saltlakecity.craigslist.org/rnr/80211156.html Good job, we messed up natural selection again. Reply to: anon-80211156@craigslist.org Date: 2005-06-21, 11:46PM MDT We found some retard who at 11 wandered away from camp and then hid when he was about to be rescued. And people wonder why our society is getting dumber. These are the kind of people that nature weeds out.
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