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Everything posted by Steamer

  1. It has been a while so I thought I would check the site out and nothing has changed. Same stupid people talking about the same stupid shit.
  2. Why don't all of you fuck off!
  3. Lots of goverments have been experimented with throughout history. Ours is one of the few that actually lets John Q Public have some input on the process. Is it perfect? No, not even close. Is it the best thing going in the world right now? By far. If you think it sucks here try moving to and protesting in China. Stupid bastards in those pictures are to blind to realize how good they actually have it.
  4. We've got half a winner. The Smith's is correct. Anyone help these gentleman out?
  5. "Girlfriends in a coma, I know I know it's serious" Name the band and the CD.
  6. Come on make it a little more challenging than that, and yes I own the Violent Femmes CD.
  7. That Erik guy sure is wishy washy. Make up your mind do you like to laugh at them or not.
  8. If you two have nothing better to do on a Saturday night, you can taste the flavor of my horse cock.
  9. Don't get caught in the numbers game, it will eat you up.
  10. I used to be a barista.
  11. Storing a rope in a warm room should not harm it. You do not want to expose it to direct sunlight, water, dampnes, chemicals etc. You should always let it dry before coiling it and storing it. Also, don't let your dog use it as a chew toy. [ 07-09-2002, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: Steamer ]
  12. Another novel idea, buying boots that match your needs.
  13. Great pictures. Looks like some alpine heaven. What does that route go at? [ 07-08-2002, 09:09 PM: Message edited by: Steamer ]
  14. I have done the same thing, gone into the store, figured out what I liked and sized it and then ordered it on line. However, I have never told the sales person of my intentions. Ssshh, some people have no tact! [ 07-08-2002, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Steamer ]
  15. Scott'marmot and Danny Boy Rule!
  16. Send all money and hottie wives to Steamer.
  17. Novel idea, a pair of boots that fit.
  18. Has anyone else noticed that the same people continually post about the same stupid shit?
  19. All of you need to go drink a big, cold glass of Shut the Hell Up.
  20. [ 06-17-2002, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: Steamer ]
  21. Hey Eric, I agree with Juneriver on this one. A whole shitload of laws and policies are made/have been made based on emotional response. What better way for a legislator to get headlines than to say he/she "solved" a headline grabbing problem. It is a mentality of legislating the problem out of society. Happens all the time my brother. You really should care.
  22. Liberty Ridge
  23. Yeah, after you toss off.
  24. Right back at ya SK. I was actually at Smith 2 weeks ago and had a ball. I would have come to the Pub Club if I would have been in the area. [ 05-29-2002, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Steamer ]
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