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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. trask said:

    I've come to the conclusion that the middle east is a lost cause. Fuck that snake pit. Let's bring em home.

    Can i borrow one of those thingies in your pic? I gotta let some "stress" out!!

  2. Greg_W said:

    RuMR said:

    Greg_W said:

    RuMR said:

    Greg_W said:

    RuMR said:

    Greg_W said:

    Stefan said:

    I guess this country is number one in educating people.


    Yeah, people who don't belong here. That is SO fucked.


    Hey...gotta disagree w/ you here...More education all around will never be wrong, ever!


    Technically, each illegal alien is a criminal and here illegally. Why should our country bear this burden of supporting criminal activity? You want Washington to balance a budget or cut spending? Get them to stop stupid handouts like this. I agree, RumR, that education is a good thing, but the U.S. has been a charity ward for too long. It can't go on forever, it's not a sustainable system.

    Trust me...educated kids of illegal aliens is better than uneducated ones...they can and will become donating citizens...think of it this way, the illegals showed some serious gumption to get over here and to improve their lives...its narrowminded to shut our doors...and wrong...


    Good reason to ignore the law, dude. Come on. "Wrong"? Please, we have LEGAL immigration channels.


    Fuck the LAW! JUST SCREW IT...


    You know, its against muslim law to have sex outside marriage? and that they'll stone a women to death?


    And it was cool under nazi law to exterminate people?


    JUST FUCK THE LAW...the laws have nothing to do w/ it...fuck, it was legal to have slaves at one time...


    Dude, you're losing it. Pull it together, you're drooling.


    FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK just spilled my coffee madgo_ron.gifboxing_smiley.gifthe_finger.gifmadgo_ron.gif

  3. ehmmic said:

    RuMR said:

    Hey...i got like a bazillion shoes that are around US 5.5 or 6...I gots to get those to you for your kids!


    RuMR - any 5.10s in that Imelda Marcos shrine? My feet are that size.


    Yeah...quite a few...free if you are under 18, otw real real cheap...

  4. Greg_W said:

    RuMR said:

    Greg_W said:

    RuMR said:

    Greg_W said:

    Stefan said:

    I guess this country is number one in educating people.


    Yeah, people who don't belong here. That is SO fucked.


    Hey...gotta disagree w/ you here...More education all around will never be wrong, ever!


    Technically, each illegal alien is a criminal and here illegally. Why should our country bear this burden of supporting criminal activity? You want Washington to balance a budget or cut spending? Get them to stop stupid handouts like this. I agree, RumR, that education is a good thing, but the U.S. has been a charity ward for too long. It can't go on forever, it's not a sustainable system.

    Trust me...educated kids of illegal aliens is better than uneducated ones...they can and will become donating citizens...think of it this way, the illegals showed some serious gumption to get over here and to improve their lives...its narrowminded to shut our doors...and wrong...


    Good reason to ignore the law, dude. Come on. "Wrong"? Please, we have LEGAL immigration channels.


    Fuck the LAW! JUST SCREW IT...


    You know, its against muslim law to have sex outside marriage? and that they'll stone a women to death?


    And it was cool under nazi law to exterminate people?


    JUST FUCK THE LAW...the laws have nothing to do w/ it...fuck, it was legal to have slaves at one time...

  5. Greg_W said:

    RuMR said:

    Greg_W said:

    Stefan said:

    I guess this country is number one in educating people.


    Yeah, people who don't belong here. That is SO fucked.


    Hey...gotta disagree w/ you here...More education all around will never be wrong, ever!


    Technically, each illegal alien is a criminal and here illegally. Why should our country bear this burden of supporting criminal activity? You want Washington to balance a budget or cut spending? Get them to stop stupid handouts like this. I agree, RumR, that education is a good thing, but the U.S. has been a charity ward for too long. It can't go on forever, it's not a sustainable system.

    Trust me...educated kids of illegal aliens is better than uneducated ones...they can and will become donating citizens...think of it this way, the illegals showed some serious gumption to get over here and to improve their lives...its narrowminded to shut our doors...and wrong...

  6. Greg_W said:

    Stefan said:

    I guess this country is number one in educating people.


    Yeah, people who don't belong here. That is SO fucked.


    Hey...gotta disagree w/ you here...More education all around will never be wrong, ever!

  7. Greg_W said:

    Word up, Jay. And on the war front, how many of those countries would hate us if we DID NOT intervene? You, Mr. Gowans, would have been a citizen of the Greater German Reich if we hadn't stepped in in 1942.


    Yeah...can you imagine a scottish accented german? Or is it a german accented scott?

  8. JGowans said:

    Alpinfox said:


    I haven't read the whole thread, so maybe someone already mentioned this, but maybe folks around the world hate us because we drop bombs on them?


    You mean because of all these military interventions?


    <insert places and dates that need not be repeated here>


    Yeah...we shoulda stayed outta the biggies, huh? Maybe WW2 woulda worked itself out ok...



  9. Greg_W said:

    RobBob said:

    A few years ago we hated (but in many cases, secretly admired) the Japanese and their economy. Now they are a non sequitor. Envy.


    That was pure jealousy, for sure. Remember that we reestablished their economy and their industrial base after the war. We set up their manufacturing and taught them statistical sampling in quality control. They did what the behemoth Big 3 chose not to: pay attention to quality and build a quality car for less. That's why we were envious.


    But we sure don't get any credit for rebuilding Japan...do we?

  10. mattp said:


    You seem to suggest that there might be someting wrong with Gowan or somebody else criticising the U.S. for its' foreign policy. Is that true? And, in the context of the discussion of why people hate us, do you think our foreign policy has ANYTHING to do with it?


    Nope...Please read what i've said...i've said we are flawed, but i just don't think it can be fixed, period. Maybe improved, but not fixed...


    Foreign policy? WTF is that? How are you gonna deal w/ certain regimes? W/ money? W/ war? W/ what? I believe that a lot of the problems in this world are actually not the fault of the US (many are) but somehow, we take more than the lion's share of the blame and it flat pisses me off...We've fucked a lot of shit up, no doubt...but nobody, and i mean nobody, gives us any credit for anything at all...



  11. JGowans said:

    RuMR said:YOu casually neglected to answer my second question...


    Its so easy to sit back and critique a working process but pretty fricken' hard to actually produce any real improvements...

    I didn't mean to ignore your second question. I suppose it depends on what one's priorities are. At any given point in one's life, one's priorities are different. A 25 year old has way different needs than a 65 year old retiree. However, in looking at the big picture, I think a hybrid of capitalism and socialism should be looked at. Sweden has a great social system, and takes a decidedly neutral role in military interventions. They are not without their problems. The UK is the most capitalist-like nation in Europe and one that I think has a lot going for it but for the current government's tendancy to march in step with G.W. (and could soon pay the price for it due to the current gonvernment enquiry into whether they misled the public over the Iraq war). The point I'm making is that you're right...no-one nation is perfect. However, with the vast power that the U.S. has, I think it has a unique opportunity and indeed, responsibility to help shape the world for generations to come in such a way that promotes global partnerships and establishes global guiding principles that are not designed to solely benefit the corporations of this country.


    Hey....just so you know...I agree w/ you on about 95% of what you are saying in PRINCIPLE, although in practice i think it will not be achieved in my lifetime...


    As i've said before, we have the best system yet, but it is faaaaaaar from perfect...and probably never will be...


    Take your guncontrol issue...are you ever gonna be able to convince GregW that he should give up his guns??? my take on that is that they are central to the way he defines his life, correct or not...you, on the other hand, have a polar opposite view...so one of you will not be happy depending on what system is implemented...now scale that phenomenon up to a global size and you see what is left? A COMPLETE CLUSTERFUCK THAT WILL NEVER MAKE EVEN A MAJORITY HAPPY...

  12. JGowans said:

    RuMR said:I have 2 questions for you: "What exactly would you change about the US system (of course recognizing that there will always be the inherent problems w/ large beaurocracies) and why?" And my second question is this: "Who else on this entire planet is doing a better job of it?"


    Good points by you and RobBob. I've lived here most of my adult life, but probably won't ever quite understand the desire by most Americans to nuke other nations as a way to exact revenge. That's neither here nor there though. I do understand the well of emotion.


    What would I change and why?

    - For one, the mass media. Clear Channel communication owns most of the airwaves in this country. This conglomerate is actually run by a few guys from Texas that happen to be good buddies of GW. I'd introduce some real competition into that industry. Currently, it seems that the only source for news is NPR which is quite a sad state of affairs given that so few people bother to listen to that station. Same principles apply to TV. When was the last time we actually saw a news piece about foreign countries that wasn't about us helping them, or bombing them? No, they'd rather talk about the latest Sony camcorder (I saw this yesterday) or talk about two cute little kittens born in Seattle. Where's the news? Fuck the entertainment aspect, and give us the news. Local, national, international, unbiased, objective news where we are free to filter it ourselves.


    Very good point...I have cable and try to catch BBC's version of the news every evening...its not the best but its definitely different...Your issue is mainly one w/ CORPORATE America, not the government...Do you recall the Clinton scandal? I believe he was literally torn apart by the media much to Europe's amusement...so it does go both ways...


    - I would reduce the amount of aid we give to Israel. Currently it stands at $4Billion a year. Surely with that level of aid, we hold enough leverage to put an end to the troubles there.


    I totally agree w/ you here...and i think we need to actually send aid to the palestinians as well...but there is a total hotbed there and just about anything you do is gonna be fucked...so what do you do then?????????? Kinda like Ireland, and i guess the UK establishment is doing miracles there... hahaha.gifrolleyes.gif


    - I would make an honest and sincere attempt to bridge the gulf between blacks and whites in this country. Britain has just as much of a guilty history as the U.S., yet blacks are much more integrated into society there than here. If it takes raising taxes to give them decent housing and education then so be it.


    Agree once more w/ you here as well...but you must recognize that things changing is not an overnight timeframe...My dad, for example, thinks affirmative action is horseshit and i've argued w/ him till i'm blue in the face...I will NEVER change his mind...Now i ask you this...what age are most of the elected officials? And how fast are they going to move


    - I'd implement some very stringent gun laws. Currently, the U.S. experiences some 11,000 gun deaths every year. Canada has about 60.


    No comment...my family hunts, i have, but don't anymore, so have no need for a gun...


    - I'd like to see us approach foreign nations with a view to establishing partnerships versus one way highways that allow our corporations to reap their natural resources for a pittance.


    agree again, but you are talking more about CORPORATE america (w/ help from the government)...Often times, your "foreign governments" are just a brutal regime or worse, even a brutal person...so you really think any equity is really gonna be achieved?????????? Don't think so...


    - I'd like us to review how we operate within the international sphere of politics. Ratifying the Kyoto treaty, signing the U.N.s Child's Bills of Rights (only Iraq and the U.S. have not signed it), signing the anti-landmine bills (again, only the U.S. and I think Iran have not signed this). I could go on, but the basic point I'm making is that we only sign bills pertaining to free trade and mock every other bill that comes our way regarding human rights, torture, executing children etc.


    See points about other "foreign governments"...


    - I could think of a few more things, but let's keep the debate going...




    YOu casually neglected to answer my second question...


    Its so easy to sit back and critique a working process but pretty fricken' hard to actually produce any real improvements...

  13. Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

    RuMR said:

    Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

    Greg_W said:

    RuMR said:



    I'll actually be up at the upper town tomorrow w/ Ropegun and the venezualan crankster...


    Walk to the edge, man, Jim will be there to guide you. rockband.gif

    break on threw to the otherside evils3d.gif


    But i kinda like this side!

    FREE YOUR MIND RUMR wink.gif there are many ways to reach an alterd state of conciousness and to seek eternal truths wink.gif


    "she's a TWENTIETH CENTRY FOX" wink.gif "come on baby loght my fire"

    - realy I was just quoting jim silly fruit.gif


    Eternal truth is this: "we are all gonna bite it one day, so be happy with what you have and keep yourself goin' as best you can and that's about it"...


    and time rolls forward not backward...that clock is ever ticking away so make the most of it NOW...


    Don't need an altered state to see that...

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