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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. trask said:

    tlg, you're funny. talking about noodles while erik is being gross


    Its kinda like association, not really humor...she thinks of erik, and lo and behold, the image of a little stringy noodle (his dick) pops into her mind!!!!!!!!! Good thing she didn't say something about a ricebowl!!!!!



    Kiss this erik: moon.gif



  2. MtnChicken said:

    ... see, this is just a good time. I love it when men talk about LOVE. ... SOOoo romantic!


    All of you KEEP YOUR DICKS TO YOURSELF. And if that's too difficult.... {{finding restraint not to pick a fight...}} .... umm {{biting my tongue.. er, fingers...}}} oh, i can't do it! ... must not do it... ARrrggghhhh! Pass me a sheep!


    Shit...yer funny...we need to go craggin' sometime...

  3. thelawgoddess said:

    RuMR said:

    Dreamin' again... moon.gif


    that's all i've been doing all day. and it's so much easier to do now that i don't have work to get in the way. grin.gif


    come to squamish this weekend!!! pub club at the howe sound brewery to get distel fubar ... i mean, to celebrate little luke's birthday. bigdrink.gif


    can't...you know why...evil temptress, be gone!!!!!! evils3d.gif

  4. trask said:

    erik said:

    RuMR said:

    One more...my kreel's gettin' heavy, especially w/ the last fattie i just hooked...


    i might be fat, but i can lose wieght!!! you will never grow taller!!!! old man!!



    wrongo mr. erik...fat guys just like to think they can lose weight. seen yur dick lately? yelrotflmao.gif


    OMFG...THAT'S FUNNY SHIT! just choked on my single grape that i'm having for dinner to lose weight!!!!!!!!!1

  5. JGowans said:

    MtnGoat said:

    Here's a guy who won't answer content, instead switching to name calling, trying to make a case for "childish" conclusions? Now that's a good one.


    If you can't make any headway against critiques of your points, switch to complaining. What an intelligent position. You guys crack me up.


    ....utter incomprehensible codswallop.


    You need to throw in some of those classic "BOLLUCKS" lines too!

  6. erik said:

    RuMR said:

    MtnChicken said:

    I don't want to be a "Lurker" - who do i have to talk to about getting a cool name. And what the hell is wrong with my dancing chicken avatar.... maybe she's on break.


    (is that better? Closer to spraying?)


    Ok better...


    but try this..."HEY ERIK, SCREWED ANY SHEEP LATELY"...and just watch!


    atleast i can reach them without a step ladder!!!!




    One more...my kreel's gettin' heavy, especially w/ the last fattie i just hooked...

  7. MtnChicken said:

    I don't want to be a "Lurker" - who do i have to talk to about getting a cool name. And what the hell is wrong with my dancing chicken avatar.... maybe she's on break.


    (is that better? Closer to spraying?)


    Ok better...


    but try this..."HEY ERIK, SCREWED ANY SHEEP LATELY"...and just watch!

  8. JoshK said:

    Greg, it's easy to preach your self reliance and personal responsibility crap when you were handed everything one needs to succeed in life for free with birth, huh? I'll state again that not everybody was born in this country and automatically granted so many opportunities as you and I were. Don't give me this crap about how you got yourself where you are today. Bullshit. Your success is built upon the backs of millions that came before you and you happen to be able to take advnatage of it because of where you were born. As others have pointed out, you can drink cheap coffee and eat cheap fruit thanks to the undesirables you scoff and turn up your nose at. Wake up. They aren't looking for a free handout, they are looking to improve their lives any way they can and help their families out. That is the definition of the personal responsibility crap you throw around.


    Next time you see a migrant worker, or any other foreigner working for minimum wage to make your life easier, why don't you have the balls to tell them to their face you want them out of "your" country because they don't deserve to work their asses off for the opportunities you got for free. That would at least show more integretity than hiding your thinly valied racism/anti-foregin sentiments behind an internet message board. thumbs_up.gif


    Well said...very well said...a little antagonistic, but well stated thumbs_up.gif

  9. the secret is following you, gregw, and trask around and posting inane responses to your inane posts...forget climbing, its all about spray!!


    See watch this:


    HEY GREG...GUNS SUCK...watch...he'll come running! It'll be worth at least 15 posts!!!!!!!!! cheeburga_ron.gifgrin.gif

  10. erik said:

    ya! dang rumr, your post count has exploded!!!!


    next thing you know you will be climbing 5.4!!



    up and coming! Watch out...

  11. trask said:

    I bet Jon and Erik are both so dumb they don't know what my avatar picture is.


    Not enuff wool on them for erik to recognize...

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