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Posts posted by sk

  1. it's not that I can't figure it out... my computer is so old that I would have to download another program to make it happen... jon tried to help me out, but i sort of gave up becuase it was beyond me... and I get in trouble for down loading things.... [Wink]

  2. Jeez, I've never helped ANYONE with computer stuff before... I feel so proud [big Grin] you are a good student dennis... but we are sort of the blind leading the blind here [Wink]

  3. trask is a harmless old perv... agent orange is a venemous meanie. there is a big difference between telling dirty funny jokes and just being a sicko. Our pal trask is at times ofensive to some... but just those that lack sense of humor [Wink]


    [ 07-21-2002, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

  4. FYI Allison, It is jk's site, his deal his baby his work. I know you like him... don't you think it is kind of rude for you to publicly dis his art after sharing your own???? Just thought you ought to know.



  5. I thought you guys were joking.... thanks for the heads up. I will get craghag cleaned up as soon as I can... or shut it down. Will some one please explain to me why some one would do this??? I realy wanted craghag to be a question and answer for women (and the men who love them) about climbing. [Frown][Frown][Frown][Frown] I like spray as much as the next person.... but this is unreal.

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