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Posts posted by sk

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by Dan Larson:

    Ray your not talkin about that little one not too far from the main gate visible from the freeway are ya ? we used to run up and down thAT THING IN OUR FREE TIME

    isn't USED TO the important part of that sentence [Wink]


    [ 07-08-2002, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: sk ]

  2. Dogs are welcome [big Grin] bring full rack as the only bolts are anchor. there are about 20 cracks to climb from 5.easy to 5.12ish(?) correct me if I am wrong belle, or JK. totaly bummper bellay, much fun... drive south head down town belle has better directions and a map. But they are in the middle of town, on the side of a big hill you can see climbers from I-105. Hope to see you there [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

  3. BTW for holly's benifit, I was being totaly serious. Yesterday the leader got into a tough spot and wished and cursed becuase the nutz were on the ground, and he had no solid cam palcement... He 'sent any way because he did have his courage [big Grin]

  4. when you are climbing something that you haven't climbed before, and there is no bete, just don't forget your nutz... you never know when you might need them.. am I right tex??? [Wink]


    [sleep][sleep][sleep] will you guys wake me up when you are done talking about who can kick whos ass 'cause this is realy boring [big Grin][Wink][Razz] you all know that I can kick all your asses any way, so give it up [Razz]
  5. sprinkled yesterday am, and some thunder [Eek!] but then it stopped and we went on a major explore got in some DIFFICULT climbing and had a great time... I love living in the southern willamette valley [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin] by the way it is sunny and clear here should be in the 80's [Wink] today.

  6. Just over the past ten years things have changed alot... more people recycle, there are Hybrid cars for sale to the general public. I think all people are more aware of our impact on the planet, and that if we want to be here for long we will each have to do what we can/ are willing to do, to extend our stay [Wink] . It is not impossible to change the world, just time consuming [Wink] . As soon as they have a hybrid 4 wheel drive, that will be my first brand new car [big Grin]


    P.S. tell the bad people to stay out of alaska... the amount of oil there is not worth the trama of drilling it. I can get you info on who to write and where to send fax and e-mail if you want it.

  7. Bummer... You should just move to the northwest [Wink] It's been warm and clear here for days [big Grin] although I'm sure it will rain anytime... this can only go on so long. And the rain here is boring. no thunder and lightening


    take it easy



    [ 07-06-2002, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

  8. If erik gets to be chip.. I think I will change my name to Nan, and take up being a surf betty.. I would love a Vanilla Latte, any one??? My new avitare should be Bippy Tart [Wink] and I will start wearing bows in my hair [Wink]


    I have never experienced negative talk of children being okay on this site... As I stated before... people should only insult those that post here and can stand up for themselves. I am right, I am the queen, so there [Razz][Razz][Razz][Razz]

  9. TG


    if I had sage advice I would take it... I find it difficult to find people to crag with... especaily women. and no, not because I am so offensive, just because it is a challenge to find someone you trust, like, enjoy their company, don't want to kill after three days of dificult going... and then when you do, well I tought my sisterinlaw to climb last season, then she got a boyfriend and hasn't climbed since. I keep trying... never give up [Wink]




    [ 07-03-2002, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

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