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Posts posted by sk

  1. Sayjay... I thought that LD was refering to RURPS comments about irrational feminists. I could be wrong. Unfortunatly I have to agree with him here [Embarrassed] there are women out there that will disagree with a man just because he is a man...even if he is correct in the situation... not you, not me, not spacejugs lovely. but they are out there. I would like to take this opertunity to remind all that when it comes to saving your ass...don't worry about WHO has the right idea.

  2. I must agree with Johnny. I find tatooing a wonderful way to MARK important events and times in my life. None of my tatoos come off pictures on a wall but are created specificly for me to sybolize something specific. I enjoy the process of tatooing. it is not for everyone... and not everyone should be tatooed. I do not enjoy peircing... it is not my thing. Live and let live. Judge and be judged.


    Sk:borntospray [Wink]

  3. just wondering winter... but did you say that LOUDER the second time?


    I think perhaps the good doc. should expand his horizens. trying new things helps us lowly humans grow and perhaps become better people. [Razz]

  4. to a certin extent I agree with you. Yet sometimes that extra mesure of awareness is key to survival. I would be willing to bet that YOU have never been raped. Going back to the mall for a security guard is EXTREAM. but if the guy was in the car when I parked and was still there when I got back to my car... you can bet your ass I would high tail it back to the mall full tilt.


    And for those of you who may not think this is an issue that concerns climbers or climbing, you are wrong.

  5. I saw where you gave up spray today because of bad karma... but I missed where you decided that spray does not affect the karma... Did someone guess your password? if not welcome back to the game bro [Wink]

  6. quote:

    Originally posted by Greg W:


    Originally posted by sk:

    I think that comment was not verry apropriate

    Uh oh, someone's eating at McDonald's and sleeping on the couch tonight!!!
    I suddenly have no plans for this evening... anyone want to go climbing


  7. quote:

    Originally posted by moron:

    Handy Dictionary to decipher Personals Ads



    40-ish...................... 49

    Adventurer.................. Slept with all your friends

    Athletic.................... No tits

    Average looking............. Has a face like a basset hound

    Beautiful................... Pathological liar

    Contagious Smile............ Does a lot of Ecstasy

    Educated.................... Banged her Political Science professor

    Emotionally Secure.......... Medicated

    Free spirit................. Junkie

    Friendship first............ Trying to live down reputation as a slut

    Fun......................... Annoying

    Gentle...................... Comatose

    Good Listener............... Borderline Autistic

    New-Age..................... All body hair, all the time

    Old-fashioned............Lights out,missionary position only, no BJs

    Open-minded................. Desperate

    Outgoing.................... Loud and Embarrassing

    Passionate.................. Sloppy drunk

    Poet........................ Depressive Schizophrenic

    Professional................ Certified Bitch

    Redhead..................... Bad dye-job

    Romantic.................... Looks better by candle light

    Social.......... Has been passed around like an hors d'oeuvres tray

    Wants Soulmate.............. Stalker

    Widow....................... Drove first husband to shoot himself

    Young at heart.............. Old bat



    40-ish................ 52 and looking for 25-yr-old

    Athletic.............. Watches a lot of NASCAR

    Average looking....... Unusual hair growth on ears, nose, & back

    Educated.............. Will patronize the shit out of you

    Free Spirit........... Banging your sister

    Friendship first...... As long as friendship involves nookie

    Fun................... Good with a remote and a six pack

    Good looking.......... Arrogant

    Very good looking..... Dumb as a board

    Honest................ Pathological Liar

    Huggable.............. Overweight, more body hair than a bear

    Likes to cuddle....... Insecure mama's boy

    Mature................ Older than your father

    Open-minded........... Wants to sleep with your roommate but she's not


    Physically fit........ Does a lot of 12-ounce curls

    Poet.................. Wrote ex-girlfriend's # on a bathroom stall

    Sensitive............. Cries at chick flicks

    Very sensitive........ Gay

    Spiritual............. Got laid in a cemetery once

    Stable................ Arrested for stalking, but not convicted

    Thoughtful............ Says "Excuse me" when he farts

    here erik


  8. quote:

    Originally posted by jimmyleg66:

    Hi everybody - a big hello from British Columbia. Just wanted to say hi and break my cc.com cherry.

    is that the most wit you could muster? realy now, you'll have to do better than that. where is dru when you need him?

    [Roll Eyes][Roll Eyes]

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