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Posts posted by sk

  1. I think eugene gets the prize for fewest members of pubclub...and shame on you all for not driving here and joining us. it is a mere 5 hours. [Razz]

  2. quote:

    Originally posted by gapertimmy:

    there is a secret branch of the ksk, the kaskade sporto klan, that has a strong membership here in bend. we, err, they like to keep quiet on the boards for the fear taunting from their ktk arm that disowned them due to their outlandish spandex and dangling ear rings

    Timmay, I wore my hot pink spandex when last at smith, I climbed and searched in the hot sun for the secret ksk club house...but alas it was all in vain... I did not find you,er them.


  3. quote:

    Originally posted by gapertimmy:

    there is a secret branch of the ksk, the kaskade sporto klan, that has a strong membership here in bend. we, err, they like to keep quiet on the boards for the fear taunting from their ktk arm that disowned them due to their outlandish spandex and dangling ear rings

    Timmay, I wore my hot pink spandex when last at smith, I climbed and searched in the hot sun for the secret ksk club house...but alas it was all in vain... I did not find you,er them.


  4. my avatar picture is a photo of one of my tatoos. My husband drew the picture for me for my 25th birthday. To me, it represents my "higher" spiritual self or gaurdian "angel" if you will

  5. I thought that was what Alpine K said [Wink]


    AK- That was sort of the point. some sneetches were sneetches with, some were with out, but they couldn't go to the same party or have the same beliefs... you can look at it as a storey about ratial, or political diffrences. Because it is so imaginary I believe it works either way. BTW if you haven't seen the movie for Horten Hears A Hoo I strongly recomend it.

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