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Posts posted by sk

  1. there will be more contact with "wild" animals... if people don't like it they should move to New York or something. Where I grew up cougars were and are a fairly regulare occurance... if you want to live in the country you need a big dog and a gun, as much as I hate to say that, it is true.


    The whole women in the kitchen thing... well [Razz][Razz][Razz] on you [Wink]


    sk [big Grin]

  2. Maybe we should just waste the irritating, sexualy starved old gezzers, and feed them to the bears cougers, and tigers... turn the guns on each other and leave the planet to the wiser children(mothers) and animals??? [Wink]


    just an idea [big Grin]

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by RedMonk:

    now SK....that was uncalled for....figger eight made a reasonable request and what do you do? are you looking for confrontation? i still love you and all.... but i dont think figger is very appreciative of those winkeys.... please apologise.... i am just doing my part to spread the cc love and promote peace on thise website.... (

    all right

    [Roll Eyes] i'm sorry... bot I like to wink it makes me happy [big Grin]

  4. I have children and a partner. We both climb. It is challenging, but as a family we make time for what is important. alot of our family time is spent climbing partly because the kids enjoy it too. life is for living... part of that for us as a family is climbing. We try and make it fun for the kids, an adventure. our 6yr old has a harness, they love to boulder and play in the dirt. We often climb with people who like our children, it is easier if we have a third...we also have some time where we climb seperatly, and we rely on grand parents and other friends who watch the kids for us on occasion so JK and I can climb alone together. We have made alot of sacrifices so that I can be home with our children while they are small, but because I don't work we have time on the weekends to play. Nothing is ever fare or even and there are times when we just have to leave a climb because the kids are done. But I can't imagine our lives being any other way.

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