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Posts posted by sk

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by Greg W:


    Originally posted by sk:

    no climbing this past weekend... put bunkbeds together... I climbed the bunkbeds when we were done, but I don't supose that counts for much

    Depends on how you celebrated your summit!!
    [big Grin]
    Please post polaroids!

    [laf][laf][laf] good one greg [Wink]
  2. Saying that haven't done something yet doesn't mean you can't do it. But I would want to know if someone I was climbing with had never belayed from the top... climbed a 5.10 done a multi pitch. truth is important. And as you just proved with your storey, so is knowing someone [Wink] Frankly I would rather have an epic with my husband or my best friend, than a stranger. you knew what you were getting into with your friend in the valley, that gave you an advantage. Had he been someone you did not know who claimed to have done the route already, or knew he had the skills but did not, the outcome would not have been so nice. take it easy 'bone [big Grin]

  3. I don't think it's about being modest. I think you have to be honest. I have never allowed someone to HOIST me past a crux, at least not so far. I try to climb within my limit unless I am on top rope and learning a new skill. or just playing. I know what I can do even on a bad day. Granted I have not been on a multi pitch do or die situation yet... but realy if you are there wouldn't it be better to aid the climb??? Any way, developing a climbing partnership takes time, and you should start small.IMHO [Wink]

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by RikRik:

    Apron = Squamish = normal to soft ratings.


    So, i have received two other reports (horror stories) concerning this guy. As one said "An accident waiting to happen." Strange thing is is that this guy really thinks he can climb. After falling and being hauled up each pitch (at least my fore arms got a work out pulling him up) he still insists that he feels comfortable. Throughout the climb there is a constant litany of "up rope, up rope" at each and every step. Gear belays - "What's that?"

    Even at Skaha this guy would still be a 5.6-7 climber max and definetly not a leader.


    Just going on about this because he is really going to get someone else hurt or killed. Needs to stick to single pitch or top ropes for now.

    I am not meaning to be a bitch or anything... but why doesn't someone take this person under their wing and mentor him??? Sounds like he wants to learn... Maybe some one could help him out, teach him, and it would save us all alot of unwanted bad press. I understand that mentoring a climber is hard work, and often times, that person doesn't turn out to be the partner you wanted, and it also slows down your own work on your own projects... but it is nice.


    just an idea


    [ 07-23-2002, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: sk ]

  5. Tex... how could you say something like that. I have no "bitches" I am a married woman. I stay home with my children all day, and I am chained to the stove, just like GregW says. I would never think about taking up a sport as dangerouse as rock climbing. I would be too frightened. I spend all my time shopping on line for dried flower arangements. Please refrain from refering to me in such a mannor again [Wink]

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