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Posts posted by sk

  1. Anyone who wants an ass shot has to be my belay slave. No publication of ass pictures allowed [big Grin]


    [ 07-12-2002, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: sk ]

  2. quote:

    Originally posted by joekania:

    I find sk to be annoying only when I read her posts. If I simply skip over them, I don't miss anything vaguely related to climbing or to the thread topic. Ever see her post in Gear Critic or Trip Reports? Ever see her NOT be the second post on any Climber's Wall or Spray topic? Or EVER start a topic? Plus there's the added pleasure of seeing her make a drooling, frisky puppy out of the hormone-addled cc.commer of the week. I think the progression was Son of Caveman, trask, Mikeadam, trask, Iain, trask...not quite sure who it is this week, stay tuned...

    I brought up my "REAL" posts for you to enjoy... in case you are interested . I don't usualy post trip reports because I don't find writing them very enjoyable. If you want a list of what I have done and what I will do I would be more than happy to supply you with that info. AS far as Texplorer goes... I have climbed with him. It is just POSSIBLE that he might have respect for me as a fellow climber. As far as weather people "like" me or not... I am not realy interested... What other people think of me is none of my business.


  3. quote:

    Originally posted by erik:

    two sides of the fence. all i know is that i want to bid on the contract to construct the extension and preform the repairs!

    [Confused][Confused] what are you talking about erik... sk is a lover not a fighter... No repairs needed

  4. quote:

    Originally posted by hollyclimber:

    of course one post can piss someone off, but it does take 800 posts in a short period of time to ensure complete annoyance.

    Holly, Hate me all you like

    [big Grin] I have nothing against you [Wink]

    peace [Cool]

  5. hey mvs.. I have over 800 posts and have never pissed cavey off. I haven't been trying not to piss him off... hmmmm I wonder what that says about you? [Wink] I know I shouldn't stick my nose in shit... but ... well too late now [Wink][Razz]


    You could try creating your own auto sig. A picture of you,,, or perhaps something that you say often... Mine this week is what I screamed as I fell (for the 100th time) off the 5.10c crux that was SPANKING me on sunday [big Grin] Be creative... We all want to get to know the real you a little better [Wink][Razz]

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