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Posts posted by sk

  1. and maybe even what???? Don't leave me hanging like that [Wink]


    ohh food I get it [Wink] can you believe my brain may be faster than the computer today??? well I wouldn't put any money on that [big Grin]


    [ 07-24-2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

  2. there sems to be some hope for you if you can learn to be more flexible in how you think about and deal with things and people


    good luck and peace be with you




    [ 07-24-2002, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

  3. Jeez, I hope I am wrong... says you face ruin and suffering, unexpected disaster followed by small dissapointments. Give me a second and I will cast further into the future and see if I can find you some hope

  4. ????? what are you talking about???? [Confused] My parents liked to drink and party, in the summer the playhouse just ended up with people milling arround it. It was cool and fun and a fort. I was sugesting to greg that he could have a "multi" use mir type hut at his home [Wink] silly [big Grin]

  5. P.S. I don't know who started bolting the area or why. I just know the bolts are there. Weather they should be or not has been a matter of great debate in my house. I don't think that cracks should be bolted.

  6. It's mostly mixed routes... jk and tex could probably answer your questions better. There were places to put gear, and places where you could not. It seemed to be verry challenging for the leaders in our group. I do not have enough experience to answere your question intellegently. All though if you want to head down and check it out I could take you there and would be more than happy to flail arround on anything you lead [big Grin] I'm not being snide either. Verry serious [big Grin]

  7. POPTART, Just a thought... but if you have a serious question... I don't think spray is the place to ask it. I know you said you stated it there to save someone from moving it after the flame war started, do you feel now, that was a good move?


    BTW, for the record if there is one... If NO pro can be placed a think well placed bolt is called for... if it agrees with the ethics of the area. I know of a place where there are many bolts near cracks because the pro possabilities are AWFUL. I have heard of another place that if you place a bolt, even for an anchor, you will probably be shot dead. So just be sure of the area before you start drilling.


    [ 07-24-2002, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: sk ]

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