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Everything posted by Off_White

  1. ummm, dude? Those are Trekkies? Get your cults straight please before you feel compelled to diss them.
  2. One theory says its the new board software, another puts the blame on the server. Frankly, if it's the software, I'd rather have the old version back in place, sometimes the timelag between clicking on the thread and seeing it on the screen is just stunning.
  3. Jeff Lowe's long defunct company Latok I think. That's who I bought 'em from.
  4. I'll chime in with the rest of the pink & red worshippers, they're wonderful tools. It's true they require a little bit of craft to use, but that's part of the charm. I got mine when I lived in Tucson, some of that stuff on Mt Lemmon just demands them, and I knew folks there who carried triples of the two smallest sizes. I imagine my seventeen year old tri-cams need new slings, but they've never shown any cracks around the pin, and are obviously from a much older manufacturing run.
  5. Ed LaChapelle's (author of ABC's of Avalanche Safety) version of that was "All the experts are dead." Fear is my friend, it tells me to pay very close attention. Avalanches scare the shit out of me, and I have no wisdom to offer, but I appreciate much of the input and opinions here.
  6. Whoa, what's with that mad button at the bottom of the "quick reply" window at the bottom? "Check Spelling" I gnu ewe wood halve a challenge four muffy and dave!
  7. So here's a new feature: the top of each post refers to whose post you're responding to. It might help clarify just who the target of an insult is.
  8. For a moment there I had Glacier confused with Glacierdog. Imagine my shock!
  9. Not all roads are created equal. There's a lot of stuff up in BC I'd like to get to that involve long nasty 4wd roads, at least according to the guidebooks. My little all wheel drive station wagon is not up to the task, though having a partner with an SUV is an ideal solution.
  10. So all the news people are going on and on about what a relief it is that Saddam is captured and now everyone in Iraq can get on with life, and I'm thinking, "Captured? Just captured? haven't any of these people seen a James Bond movie?"
  11. I think the issue is that a book contains so much more detail and information, you just can't fit a novel into a three hour movie. A good novella is about as much as you can do. A example is "Stand By Me," the Steven King novella that was pretty much wholly transferred to film (caveat: it's been years since I've seen or read the story, so I may be wrong.) How long does it take to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy? How could you fit all that into just 9 hours? Still and all, it's a pity the scouring of the Shire was left out, I thought it added an important flavor to the story.
  12. What, has Saddam been captured?
  13. Your reading comprehension sucks buddy. Post any damn thing you want on your OWN website, I'd be glad to defend your right to do so, as well as anyone's right to access it from the Library.
  14. No way Scott, the stuff I disagree with ought to be available. Intellectual freedom is just that, and it's not the Library's job to safeguard anyone's sensibilities, or protect your children from ideas for that matter. For instance, I was pleased as punch to find that my library had a copy of The Turner Diaries (millenial racist survivialist screed that helped inspire Tim McVeigh to bomb the Federal Building in Oklahoma City) on the shelf. Without that, how would I know just what was inside a book I'd only heard about in the media? I didn't read it cover to cover, but I'm sure I spent at least a half hour in power skim mode. When you're talking public institutions, censorship of ANYONE sucks. Of course, a private website is a different thing, just as I would not force you to keep a copy of Mein Kampf in your house, different rules apply to editing content around here.
  15. I don't recall for sure, but there may be some old written descriptions in the dark green Sierra Club Publications Yosemite Guide written by Steve Roper. If so, it would be vague, rudimentary, and very old.
  16. I would guess that the place needs folks from up here to go develop routes. I'll wager the cracks are all filled with grass and such, bush is not beaten in submission, and all that stuff that was true of Yosemite routes in days of yore. Of course, all that water complicates access a little too, and I doubt you have more than game trails to work with. Even if they were to drain the lake, I think it would be sorta yucky for a long time, silt all over stuff, no trees. I think Hetch Hetchy needs someone with a poet's vision, and you're just the guy Lance. Post some photos of the work in progress, okay?
  17. Much higher risk. Get caught scarfing, and odds are you'll just be asked to leave, I don't know that there is anything actually illegal about it. Get caught sneaking into a buffet, and they'll call it theft. Do something like it in the Valley, and it's a federal offense.
  18. Yep, its for real: "This uncomfortable undergarment will be a daily reminder to unmarried women to find a husband and a emergency moral reminder to her would-be-suitor. (For use under traditional underwear only.)" from: web page
  19. Aside from the occasional piece of fruit, I was never much on scarfing in the Valley, though we made the most of berry season outside. One time with a small horde in a restaurant in Kanab, UT enroute to Paria Canyon, we eagerly eyed the plentiful leftovers at the next table. The owners noticed, and cooked us up a dozen trout they had caught that day, since they (accurately) figured we were hungry but underfunded. Mormons are funny bunch, but I've been on the receiving end of charitable urges several times, and very much appreciated it.
  20. There was a trucker on I-80 near Truckee, CA that made a similar jersey barrier mistake. Nasty accident on the other side of the road inspired him to stop, and he hopped over the barrier to go help. Unfortunately, there was a gap between the sides and it was about 80' to the ground. I think that sad tale did not include decapitation, but as my buddy says, "sometimes, it just don't pay to help people."
  21. I understand wanting control of your images, but there must be a better way than watermarking "copyright blah blah" in large letters across the center of your pictures. It sucks the enjoyment right out of the viewing: I looked a three or four and gave it up.
  22. No, it was a solo gig at Evergreen, really funny looking when you watched, quite sublime if you closed your eyes. Lots of noises you wouldn't associate with a guitar.
  23. I don't listen to it much, but I saw Fripp perform back around 1980. It was... memorable.
  24. Off_White

    I will

    Hey hey hey, you're talking climbing in Spray. Made me think I was in the Rock Climbing Forum for a minute there.
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